Freitag, 17. März 2006

Dolphin beaching in Florida followed sub's exercises

KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) — The Navy and marine wildlife experts are investigating whether the beaching of dozens of dolphins in the Florida Keys followed the use of sonar by a submarine on a training exercise off the coast.

About 70 dolphins beached themselves in the Florida Keys after a submarine used sonar off the coast. By Rob O'Neal, Key West Citizen via AP

More than 20 rough-toothed dolphins have died since Wednesday's beaching by about 70 of the marine mammals, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary spokeswoman Cheva Heck said Saturday.

A day before the dolphins swam ashore, the USS Philadelphia had conducted exercises with Navy SEALs off Key West, about 45 miles from Marathon, where the dolphins became stranded.

Navy officials refused to say if the submarine, based at Groton, Conn., used its sonar during the exercise.

Some scientists surmise that loud bursts of sonar, which can be heard for miles in the water, may disorient or scare marine mammals, causing them to surface too quickly and suffer the equivalent of what divers know as the bends — when sudden decompression forms nitrogen bubbles in tissue.

"This is absolutely high priority," said Lt. Cdr. Jensin Sommer, spokeswoman for Norfolk, Va.-based Naval Submarine Forces. "We are looking into this. We want to be good stewards of the environment, and any time there are strandings of marine mammals, we look into the operations and locations of any ships that might have been operating in that area."

Experts are conducting necropsies on the dead dolphins, looking for signs of trauma that could have been inflicted by loud noises.

And this---

NOAA: Infection To Blame For Beached Dolphins Vets Euthanize 13 Sick Dolphins

POSTED: 2:43 pm EST March 4, 2005 UPDATED: 9:06 am EST March 5, 2005

MARATHON, Fla. -- Officials from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Friday a mysterious infection is to blame for the more than 60 sick dolphins that beached themselves in Marathon Wednesday.

Veterinarians have been conducting blood tests and other medical assessments on the dolphins for two days now, while rescue workers and volunteers continue trying to save the animals.

Seven dolphins have died and dozens are being treated for dehydration. Thirteen dolphins were in such bad shape that they were euthanized Friday.

"We do not want to prolong the suffering of these animals any longer. We do have some healthy, viable animals that look like they are going to be very successful in rehab and we're going to be able to get them back out to the wild. We need to focus our effort on those animals," Sarah Gomez, of NOAA Fisheries, said.

Meanwhile, veterinarians said some of the dolphins were healthy enough to be released back to sea Friday.

At 9:30 p.m. Friday, two of the dolphins will be moved from the pen and taken to the Rosenstiel School on Virginia Key near Miami. Saturday morning, 19 of the remaining dolphins will be taken to two locations, one in Key West and one in Key Largo.

More than 60 rough-tooth dolphins were found on flats and sandbars and in a nearby canal Wednesday evening about a quarter-mile off Marathon.

By Thursday, most of the dolphins had been moved from just a few inches of water on the flats to the 15-foot-deep, mangrove-lined canal, said Denise Jackson, a member of the Marine Mammal Rescue Team.

"Some are free swimming and frolicking and having a good time," she said.

Boats brought most of the dolphins to the canal, though one hitched a ride on a stretcher in the back of a pickup truck, Jackson said.

Meanwhile, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office has closed the area of
88th Street in Marathon to everyone except those working with dolphin rescue groups.

Lt. Larry Kelley said no one will be allowed to enter the area except those with identification showing they are rescue workers, and those who live in the area.

"There are just too many people showing up in that area wanting to see the dolphins," he said. "It is extremely disruptive to the neighborhood and makes it very difficult for rescue groups to conduct their business, so we are closing the area to the general public."

Anyone who wants to volunteer in the dolphin rescue effort should call the Marine Mammal Conservancy at (305) 360-2130

Additional resources:

Informant: Scott Munson

Secret Societies: BBC Reports on Bilderberg Group

Informant: Friends

Schools backed in mast opposition

Published on 17/03/2006


PLANS to install a mobile phone mast near four schools in Prudhoe have been rejected by Tynedale councillors.

But communications company 3G is still determined to site a mast somewhere in the town.

Tynedale Council’s development control committee agreed to follow officers’ recommendations and refused to grant planning permission for the 3.7 metre mast on top of the Prudhoe Working Men’s Club, on South Road.

The site is less than a mile away from four local schools.

But members were unable to oppose the plans on health grounds.

Government guidelines dictate that their decision must be based on regular planning policies not health risks.

However, the majority of members agreed with planners that the excessive height of the transmitter would have a dominant and detrimental effect on the street.

Speaking on behalf of the applicant, agent Paul Butler argued that the Government required 3G to provide adequate coverage to mobile phone users and that the site at South Road was the ideal location for a mast.

“We have been looking for a site in Prudhoe for three years,” he said. “We take steps to roll out the service in the most environmentally sensitive way possible.”

However, councillors argued that the company should keep looking for an alternative site, and consider sharing one of the masts that are already in Prudhoe.

“I don’t like radiation close to people and an alternative solution would suit me better,” said Coun Mitch Mitchell.

And Coun David Watson questioned whether there were any other options.

“Are there any alternative sites that could be used for mast sharing?” he asked.

The proposed site is less than a mile away from Prudhoe West First School, Highfield Middle School, St. Matthews RC First School and Prudhoe Community High School.

The headteachers at all four schools objected to the application because of the unknown health risks associated with radiation from mobile phone transmitters.

After the meeting 3G’s corporate director Mike Alexander told the Courant that the company is considering appealing against the committee’s decision.

And 3G is still determined to install a mast in Prudhoe.

“We will seek out any possible alternative and examine the possibility of appealing against the decision,” he said. “We are committed to providing coverage to our customers in Prudhoe.”

Systemcrash, Irankrieg & Dollarimperialismus in der Debatte

Aktuell flammt eine Debatte auf zu den wirtschaftlichen Hintergründen eines möglichen Irankriegs und zu den Risiken eines Zusammenbruch des Dollarimperialismus. Dass sich die Mainstreammedien in dieser Debatte bedeckt halten und sich bemühen, ihre Relevanz herunterzuspielen, verwundert nicht.

Der Artikel der Telepolis geht auch ein auf den bereits von uns aufgegriffenen Spiegel-Artikel und seine Argumentation. Der Auftrag der Mainstreammedien kann natürlich nur darin bestehen Beruhigungspillen in einer Sache zu verabreichen, die das westliche politische System an seine Grenzen treibt oder möglicherweise zu einem Ende führt. Alles, was Panik auslösen könnte, muss unterdrückt und die einschlägigen Instrumente zu Ablenkung und Desinformation zum Einsatz gebracht werden. Zu schaffen macht dem politischen System des Westens dabei allerdings die Tatsache, dass ihm zunehmend die Lufthoheit über die öffentliche Meinungsbildung abhanden kommt: unabhängige Blogger, Foren und Informationsportale im Internet, die nicht den Weisungen der großen Medienkonzerne oder der politischen Führung folgen, stören den verordneten Kurs der öffentlichen Meinung. Bisher wurde als probates Mittel gegen derlei Störungen der Vorwurf eingesetzt, der publizistische Bereich abseits des Mainstreams sei in erster Linie eine Brutstätte für unverantwortliche Verschwörungstheorien - mit eingeschränktem Erfolg: in Umfragen stellte sich heraus, dass etwa die staatlich verordnete Version zu den Attentaten des 11.9. von vielen nicht mehr akzeptiert wird. Auch die Versuche, mit Holzhammerpropaganda die publizistische Konkurrenz zur Strecke zu bringen, wie unter anderen etwa von seiten des ARD-Magazins Panorama oder des Spiegels praktiziert, hatte nur eine eingeschränkte Tragweite. Damit wird nun auch das Bemühen bedroht, die schwere Krise, die u.a. von LEAP/E2020 prognostiziert wurde, mit den Mitteln des Systems und hinter verschlossenen Türen zu bewältigen. Es bahnt sich damit außerdem für die europäische politische Elite eine Fortsetzung der Krise an, die im vergangenen Jahr mit der Ablehnung der EU-Verfassung virulent wurde. Auf seiten der USA ist gleichzeitig die Bereitschaft zu konfrontieren, das aufgekeimte Problem mit militärischer Gewalt zu ersticken: mit dem bereits geplanten und vorbereiteten Angriff auf den Iran, um auch weiterhin die Deckung des Dollars durch Erdöl zu sichern. Ob ein solches Vorgehen durch die Europäer unerstützt wird, entgegen den eigenen ökonomischen Interessen, die von einer Ablösung des Dollars als Leitwährung durch den Euro profitieren würden, bleibt abzuwarten.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: und

Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Schools in radiation fear alert

Source: News of the World Issue
Date: Sunday February 26, 2006
Page: 37

SAFETY campaigners fear children could be being exposed to dangerous radiation from wireless computer networks in schools-causing health, behaviour and learning problems.

And they want more research into the networks, where computers connect to each other via microwave radio signals instead of cables.

By the end of the year four out of five secondary schools and more than half of all primaries will be using the wireless systems. But campaigners Powerwatch say a Latvian survey shows children subjected to similar radiation to the microwave signals had attention span, memory and tiredness problems.

Powerwatch chief Alasdair Philips said: "We believe wireless computer networks may be messing with children's heads."

And Dr Michael Clark of the Health Protection Agency said: "There should definitely be more research done to confirm wireless networks are safe."


Health risks of Wi-Fi and WLAN on our health

WLAN Sickness: Rubbish or Reasonable?

WLAN, DECT in Schools and Kindergardens

CONPLAN 8022 in Kraft getreten

Ein globaler Angriffsplan der USA, der auch den Einsatz von Nuklearwaffen vorsieht, ist in Kraft getreten -- mit möglichen Auswirkungen auf den Iran.

Krankheitsursache Elektrosmog

Was macht krank?
Kopfweh, Konzentrationsprobleme, Krebs?
Wie stellt der Arzt, die Ärztin die Diagnose?
Kann die Krankheit „Elektrosensitivität" behandelt werden?

Mittwoch, 22.März 20.00Uhr im GAM/eugemed, Tittwiesenstr. 29, Ch-7000 Chur

Referat von:
Dr. med. Yvonne Gilli, Wil
Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin FMH, Klassische Homöopathie SVHA, TCM ASA

Es gibt klare Indizien, ja sogar Beweise, dass Elektrosmog gesundheitsschädigend ist. Welche Symptome zu erwarten sind, wie sie erkannt und behandelt werden können, zeigt Frau Dr. med. Gilli in ihrem Referat. Anhand von Beispielen aus ihrer Praxis möchte sie Betroffene und Ärzte sensibilisieren. Eine Zusammenfassung der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Studien zeigt Möglichkeiten und Grenzen unseres heutigen Wissens.

Eine Veranstaltung der IG Stopp Elektrosmog und der Vereinigung Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Umweltschutz Graubünden


Informant: Markus Durrer

BAYER: Mogelpackung Klimaschutz, CO2-Emissionen auf Zulieferer verlagert, tatsächlicher Ausstoß kaum gesunken

Gemeinsame Presse-Information vom 17. März 2006

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND), Landesverband NRW
Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz (BBU)
Klimaschutz e.V.
Business Crime Control

BAYER: Mogelpackung Klimaschutz CO2-Emissionen auf Zulieferer verlagert / tatsächlicher Ausstoß kaum gesunken

Umweltverbände fordern den BAYER-Konzern auf, irreführende Aussagen zum Thema Klimaschutz zu unterlassen und belastbare Zahlen zum CO2-Ausstoß des Unternehmens vorzulegen. BAYER behauptet in seinen Publikationen, die „Emission von Treibhausgasen seit Beginn der 90er Jahre um mehr als 60 Prozent reduziert“ zu haben. Der Konzern unterschlägt jedoch, dass die vermeintliche Reduktion zum größten Teil auf den Verkauf einer Tochterfirma sowie den gestiegenen Fremd-Bezug von Energie zurückzuführen ist. Betrachtet man die komplette Produktionskette inklusive der Zulieferer, so sind die Kohlendioxid-Emissionen kaum gesunken.

Dirk Jansen, BUND-Geschäftsleiter: „Der BAYER-Nachhaltigkeitsbericht beinhaltet viel heiße Luft und ist eine klimaschutzpolitische Mogelpackung. Aktive Klimaschutzbemühungen sind kaum ersichtlich, stattdessen wird die CO2-Bilanz mit Hilfe von Rechentricks schön gerechnet. Wenn BAYER Glaubwürdigkeit für sich beanspruchen will, gehören die absoluten Kohlendioxid-Emissionen entlang der gesamten Produktionskette auf den Tisch.“ Philipp Mimkes von der Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren: „Mit buchhalterischen Tricks lässt sich die Erderwärmung nicht stoppen. Wir fordern den Konzern auf, die bewusste Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit zu unterlassen und den Ressourcen-Verbrauch drastisch zu senken.“

Die Kritik der Umweltverbände wird von der Unternehmensberatung Arthur D. Little untermauert. In einer Evaluierung des BAYER Nachhaltigkeitsberichts heißt es: „Zusätzlich zum Energieverbrauch werden auch die CO2-Emissionen berichtet. Allerdings ist diese Information von begrenzter Relevanz, weil Emissionen aus der Produktion extern erzeugter Energie nicht berücksichtigt werden und die berichtete Reduzierung zum Teil aus dem zunehmenden „Out-sourcing“ der eigenen Energieerzeugung resultiert.“

BAYER nutzt die frisierte Klimabilanz gezielt für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Der Konzern wurde kürzlich in den Climate Leadership Index aufgenommen, den „ersten weltweiten Klimaschutz-Aktienindex“. Auch in „Nachhaltigkeits-Fonds“ wie dem Sustainability World Index ist das Unternehmen aufgrund seiner Klimabilanz enthalten. Im Dezember wurde BAYER gar mit dem „Low Carbon Leaders Award“ ausgezeichnet. Die Presse berichtete ausführlich - stets mit dem Hinweis auf die angeblich „um 60 Prozent reduzierten Klima-Emissionen“.

In der Realität bleibt die Chemische Industrie hierzulande nach Strom- und Metallproduktion der Klimakiller Nummer 3. Allein BAYER emittiert inclusive der Zulieferer rund 10 Millionen Tonnen Kohlendioxid jährlich. Prof. Jürgen Rochlitz, Mitglied der von der Bundesregierung eingesetzten Kommission für Anlagensicherheit: „BAYER will augenscheinlich davon ablenken, dass das Unternehmen nach wie vor zu den großen Klimasündern in Deutschland gehört. Nicht einmal der Konkurrent BASF, wahrlich kein Vorbild in Sachen Umweltschutz, rechnet seine Bilanz derartig schön. Aufgrund der irreführenden Behauptungen zum Klimaschutz muss BAYER aus allen Nachhaltigkeits- und Ethik-Fonds ausgeschlossen werden.“

Lesen Sie hier eine ausführliche Analyse zum Thema

Für Rückfragen: Tel 0211 – 333 911,

Phone mast victory for couple both hit by cancer

This was in the Daily Mail yesterday, VICTORY!

Eileen O'Connor

Shielding for high voltage powerlines

Take a look at what going on in Taiwan and Vietnam.

Eileen O'Connor


Electromagnetic radiation issues mean large costs for mobile-telecom carriers in Taiwan

Yinxuan Wang, Taipei; Adam Hwang, [Thursday 16 March 2006]

The operators of mobile-communication services in Taiwan are faced with a common serious problem - public protests over existing base stations, by neighboring residents, due to fear of the potential hazards of electromagnetic radiation. The protests have meant large costs for operators, and in addition, the problem may hinder development of 3G services and even WiMAX in Taiwan, according to these operators.

The Taiwan Telecommunication Industry Development Association (TTIDA), formed by these operators, held a symposium on safety and the question of electromagnetic radiation from base stations, with attendees including local experts as well as international ones such as representatives of the Mobile Manufacturers Forum (MMF).

Residents in adjoining neighborhoods have objected to some existing base stations, mainly due to ignorance of the impact of electromagnetic radiation or as a result of specific motivations, such as political opinion or wishing to have compensation. Residents' objections are spontaneous in some cases and planned and led by local political figures in the other cases.

In coping with such objections, operators have incurred large costs in litigation, the demolition of base stations and compensation for business partners. According to TTIDA statistics, about 2,700 of
49,000 existing base stations around Taiwan were under protest and nearly 900 were finally demolished in 2005. The operators spent a total of more than NT$1.0 billion (US$30.8 million) in dealing with such issues. This year, the total cost incurred is likely to rise to NT$2.0 billion (US$61.7 million), the operators estimate.

Taiwan adopted electromagnetic safety standards specified by the IEEE and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) in October 2005. Protests around these issues are unique to Taiwan, and the solution may rest with public education about electromagnetic radiation and safety, according to symposium attendee C. K. Chou, who is an MMF science advisor and a member of an IEEE committee.


Protective shielding to go up near high-voltage power lines

Some 2,099 households in central Vietnam are to be protected from dangerous electromagnetic fields emanating from a high-voltage power line with shielding technology, said Power Company No 2. The shields are to be set up to protect homes in line with Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) practice by end of March through central Vietnam, beginning in Gia Lai province and running north to Quang Binh province.

Leukemia, lymphoma and cancer of the nervous system are diseases that can be caused in children exposed to the powerful electromagnetic waves without protection.

The shield system is considered the most effective measure to combat the waves and effectively protect anyone that spends excessive periods of time near high-voltage power lines.

Reported by Quang Thang - Translated by Thanh Tuan

It is good to see an 'advanced' country like Vietnam willing to admit that there is a serious health problem with electro magnetic fields and actually doing something to help its citizens. Lets hope that 'backward' countries like Canada, USA and Britain can learn from this advancement in knowledge!



Dear Eileen: I was just thinking when I wrote the email re the house shielding that I hadn't responded yet to one of your other emails. I wanted to thank you for all that you are doing and say too how sorry I am to hear about your own cancer and personal struggles.

The question of "when will it end" can most likely be answered with one word -- "never."

We, who are still alive and angry enough with the ongoing situation of minimization, greed and deception, are doing everything we can do to help "get the word out." As you know, this is a very difficult job whether appealing to politicians, charities, cancer societies or even celebrities who are, themselves, most likely suffering from the toxic pollution, "EMF/EMR!!!"

I received a response from a representative of Muhammad Ali's Parkinson's Research Center in Phoenix, Arizona, this week wishing me luck in regard to research. She was referring to my mention of Olle Johansson's willingness to replicate findings similar to the rare immune deficiencies of the boys and guinea pigs.

My email appeal, however, was primarily asking for help from Mrs. Ali to combine her efforts with Actor, Michael J. Fox in regard to publicity re the "more than a possibility" that electrical items close to beds (including their own) are promoting Parkinson's and more. They had both been featured, along with Muhammad, on a TV program re stem cell research for Parkinsons. I responded that "Mrs. Ali isn't the only one who doesn't care......" I "wished her well but asked her to be sure Muhammad doesn't have something electrical by the head of his bed......"

"God is watching us....!!!" Just as I finished typing the word Parkinson's above, I received a phone call from my son, Rick. He was reporting an extended family member who suffered from Parkinsons died as result of strokes and complications........

Last week, he phoned to say another extended, adult, family member died only four months after having been diagnosed with Leukaemia!!!

In each instance, I have expressed my concerns to Rick. He does know how very concerned I am about all EMF/EMR exposures such as cellular antennae, powerlines, cell phones, etc. but I make the point that "the numbers are adding up" in particularly in regard to those who are also sleeping next to electrical items and some phone equipment. As you know, I believe "that combination" is responsible for promotion of many of the cancers, M.S., Parkinsons as well as Alzheimers and more.

Your reports come right on top of the two I mention above.

I often write about Bonnie Boyum, mother of a wonderful young man (age 23), Michael. Michael died from Leukaemia. Bonnie responded to information I mailed to her that "....he had a clock and small fan on his headboard!!" Michael died about six years ago now, but his strong desire to help children both as a teacher and also those who suffer, "lives on in spirit" and continues to be "a powerful, driving source of inspiration" for me........

You know too that my two grandsons were sleeping against walls opposite electric meters. We were told they may develop Leukaemia -- their "rare immune deficiencies" signified "ageing." "Ageing" is what happens to cells when one is chronically exposed to low dose ionizing radiation. I have also reported many times both boys were moved away from electric meters in their respective homes and their medical records support "improvement" not only regarding chronic sinus infections and often intractable asthma, but also their IGG (blood tests).

I always add too that both boys live in homes less than 300 ft. from high voltage powerlines.

I think you also know about my guinea pig studies. One out of each set of two died within 30 days of being placed against "powerwall" in our home (wall opposite electric meter). Blood tests before such placement indicated "normal results." Within a week or so after placement, they developed "asthma" and blood testing revealed "drastic blood changes" -- severe neutropenia and lymphocytosis ("markers for irradiation").

The guinea pigs were, of course, in our home, which is only 50 ft. from two high voltage powerlines. The two out of each set of two who lived, "improved" (after cage moved to basement). They no longer had asthma and one guinea pig whose osteomyelitis was confirmed on X-ray, no longer suffered from osteomyelitis. She did, however, die from Reactive Renal Amyloidosis more than two years later. Since then, I had identified RF readings on waterpipe under the cage.

My story about the boy down our street falls right in place with my other facts. He suffered chronic sinus and ear infections for three years. They are about 150 ft. from our same two high voltage lines. BUT, the boy had an electric clock radio on his nightstand too...... His mom moved the clock after I checked milligauss readings of 200.0 mg on the clock itself (one spot over motor/transformer) and a reading around 2.5 mg on his pillow. Six months later, his mom reported only one ear infection after the clock was removed (same day) and he remained well.

I believe "the severity of health problems and perhaps "earlier onset" (which correlates with info I am providing) differ from the annoying, painful and aggravating health problems being reported as "ES" and "EHS" because of differences such as whether or not persons are also subjected to chronic, prolonged nightime exposures such as I describe. We know that night workers may be similarly affected (earlier onset and breast cancers, etc.) apparently from reduction of Melatonin due to light exposures has been confirmed in many studies.

There is "additonal evidence" even if anecedotal -- however, they are "documented facts," -- my husband's improvement on his neuropsych tests (Alzheimers) 5 - 6 months after moving his electric clock radio off of his nightstand.

Since the American Cancer Society was providing copies of "USA Today article" (1994) recommending persons move appliances, etc. away from close proximity to beds AND also the power companies had booklets printed for wide distribution in 2001, with same recommendation (taken out of print), this "vital information" obviously has been supported by more than the cases I report and has been well-known for a very long time!!!

In my opinion, it is "an outright crime" this information is not being covered by public service announcements so that all medical providers, school officials, nursing home and daycare providers, etc., can, in turn, inform patients, students and clients of this simple, cost-free method of perhaps reducing all health problems by a minimum of 51%!!!

The picture showing the house-screening does "paint-a-picture" and, of course, the ambient readings throughout one's home from high voltage powerlines are definitely contributing to ES and EHS, but I think we need to know what close, nighttime exposures are perhaps accelerating illness, cancers and death........

I am very sorry for your losses and wish you well in your personal war on cancer!!! Take care - Joanne

P.S. If anyone knows how to contact Michael J. Fox directly, he needs to be cautioned re possible bedside exposure and he has the ability to make a major contribution toward improving the lives of many!!! I will try and make contact again through his Foundation.

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: [4-26-06]

Be loyal to your country always, and to the government only when it deserves it. -Mark Twain

"If circumstances hold you back, ALWAYS find another way to achieve your goals...." DaVinci Code

Rage against the Machine

Enclosed a fantastic article that featured in the Metro on Monday, the article is about fellow trustee for the Radiation Research Trust, Brian Stein, sadly Brian suffers with EHS. The metro is a free news paper for people travelling by rail, it has an enormous readership.

Eileen O'Connor
Radiation Research trust


Headline: Rage against the machine Byline: LISA SCOTT Source: METRO Issue Date: Tuesday March 14, 2006 Page: 15 Story Text:

Brian Stein might run a company worth e578,985million but you wouldn't know it. He doesn't own a computer, mobile phone, television or fancy car.

He spends most evenings reading books and rarely goes on holiday.

But his lifestyle isn't one of choice – he is allergic to modern life.

Stein suffers from electrosensitivity (ES), or electrohypersensitivity (EHS), a heightened reaction to electrical frequencies emitted from wireless technology and electrical mains, also known as 'electrosmog'.

'I knew I had a problem about five or six years ago,' Stein says. 'I had been a heavy mobile phone user for 15 years.

In my last year of using a mobile phone, I experienced weird sensations in my ear that soon developed into excruciating pain. It happened every time I held the phone to my head, so I stopped using it altogether.' Mobile phones aren't the only mod cons believed to produce electrosmog. ES awareness groups claim cordless phones, cordless baby alarms, phone masts and bluetooth-enabled devices such as wireless computers also pose a risk. And while Stein's ear pain and headaches are common, fatigue, poor memory, nausea, depression and skin rashes are likewise reported.

Stein, who is also the chairman of Sensory Perception, a campaign group that investigates ES, found that the sensations returned when he sat in front of his computer and television. 'Simple things such as watching football on TV, having a car with the latest gadgets or getting on a plane make me ill.

My life will never be the same again but I have the money to modify my home and office. Other sufferers who aren't in my position have their lives destroyed by ES.' Reluctance to research One of the leading experts in the field of electrical-related illnesses, Dr David Dawson, has been following ES since he diagnosed his first case 15 years ago. 'All ES sufferers are different,' he explains.

'One person will react to mains frequencies and won't go near cookers, microwaves or phone masts. Others will find they aren't as vulnerable.'

Still, research on ES is sparse. Sweden is the only country to recognise it as an illness and Swedish statistics suggest up to five per cent of the Irish population suffer from ES but don't know it.

'There is no way of proving a diagnosis of ES,' Dawson says.

'Last year, the [British] government begrudgingly recognised its existence but didn't specifically state it was caused by anything in particular. They asked for extra research, but pharmaceutical companies won't help because they can't make money from it. There is no magic tablet.' The Irish Government insists EHS is not a medical diagnosis.

Stein and Dawson are frustrated by the reluctance to take the condition seriously.

'People regard you as a nutcase,' Stein says. 'I've spoken to scientists and politicians and they aren't interested in ES. The mobile phone industry is now the biggest in the world. No one wants to stand up and say it causes illness.'


¦ In 2004, the minister for health and children said: 'I am aware of concerns expressed by some persons in regard to hypersensitivity to electromagnetic radiation. The Irish Electromagnetic Radiation Victims Network, IERVN, is an organisation which represents their interests and my department corresponds with IERVN on an ongoing basis. My officials have also met with them. Scientific research to date has not established a causal relationship between electromagnetic radiation and ill health.' ¦ On February 2, members of IERVN, led by spokesman Con Colbert, recounted their daily suffering to the Joint Committee on Health and Children in Leinster House.

¦ On February 9, an expert in mobile phone technology, Dr David Aldridge, warned that the radiation output from Irish phone masts is at least 100 times too high for safety.

He claimed that the international 'safety' limits which Ireland adheres to are out of date and totally flawed.


The electrosmog detector (pictured below) turns energy from wireless technology into a loud sound, as a Geiger counter would.

The greater the noise, the more risk of electrosmog. We asked three people whether the detector found electrosmog in their homes.

The gadget's designer, Alasdair Philips, adds his comments: Home 1: The cordless phone sent the detector nuts. The bedroom was fine but the wall between the oven and the fridge was a hot spot. 'The phone's microwave signal is carried up the wall by mains electricity wiring. The signal can appear throughout the building.' Home 2: The living room, bedrooms, TV and stereos were all fine. But, again, the space between the oven and the fridge-freezer set the detector off. 'Sometimes the clockcontrollers for cookers whine quietly when the detector is held up to them.

A mobile phone might have been on standby in the room.' Home 3: No noise in the bedroom or kitchen but a big reaction in the living room next to the TV, which was on standby, and the computer, which was on. 'It's likely the detector is reacting to a wireless network card in the computer.' ¦ Electrosmog detector, e83.22.

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Keine Handhabe gegen Mast

People power halts 60ft mast

People power has halted plans for a 60-foot high phone mast in Snettisham after landowners pulled out of the deal because of residents' uproar. But mobile phone company Hutchinson 3G UK, which trades as 3, has warned villagers to get used to the idea as a mast WILL be built somewhere in the village as network coverage must be provided.

Residents were outraged when the company lodged an appeal against West Norfolk Council's refusal of its plan to built a telecommunications tower on land east of the auction centre off the A149.

But when angry villagers made their feelings known to owners of the site, Cruso and Wilkin, the chartered surveyors pulled out because of the uproar.

A spokesman for the company told the Lynn News the tower could no longer be built on their land if planning permission was eventually gained, because villagers were against it.

However, a spokesman for 3 said a phone mast will be built somewhere. It could be built on the side of a road – because the company would not have to pay rent in that case – AND may be even higher than 20 metres if it has to be built on low ground.

"It's a case of where we go, not if we are going to go there," said Verity Stanford, regional corporate affairs manager for 3. "People are using our phones in the area, and we need masts. We have an obligation to bring coverage to the area.

"The original site was really good because it was away from residential property, and had the screening of the trees.

"On-street works would be far worse than what we were originally proposing. It's not an option we tend to take up because of the proximity that it often has to housing."

The mast needs to be as high as possible, so signals can travel over rooftops and treetops, so if the company built it on low ground then it may need to be even higher than 20 metres.

But if it was built on higher ground or on top of an existing building, then it would not need to be as high.

The council's development control board rejected the original plan last November, saying the tower's height and location would make it a prominent, intrusive feature.

Miss Stanford said an appeal against this decision was lodged with the Planning Inspectorate a couple of weeks ago.

But in the last few days, Cruso and Wilkin pulled out, so 3 withdrew the appeal, and is now investigating other potential sites in Snettisham – and Miss Stanford added the phone mast needed to go up as soon as possible.

Mrs Sybil Melton, chairman of Snettisham Parish Council, said: "If the company still want to build the mast in a residential area, they will get the same response.

If it's still somewhere in the middle of the village, I can't see anyone agreeing to it. We have had such a response against it, even from people not in the vicinity of the original site."

17 March 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Jeder kann sich schützen

17. März 2006

Geht es um die Wirkungen, die Handys oder Stromleitungen auf die Gesundheit haben, dann ist seine Stimme nicht zu überhören: Gerd Oberfeld.


Mit seinem Gutachten, das besagt, dass eine 380 kV-Leitung eine Gefahr für die Gesundheit der Anrainer darstelle, hat der Umweltmediziner des Landes, Gerd Oberfeld, für Aufregung gesorgt. Im SN-Gespräch erzählt er, warum beim Umgang mit Handys und Stromleitung seiner Ansicht nach Vorsicht geboten ist.

Herr Dr. Oberfeld, muss ich beim Interview mein Handy ausschalten? Oberfeld: (lacht): Sicher nicht. Es geht immer darum, wie es eingesetzt wird. Tatsache ist, dass es die höchste Strahlenbelastung gibt, wenn telefoniert wird. Studien haben gezeigt, dass dies Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit haben kann. Also sollte man sein Verhalten darauf einstellen, etwa indem man das Handy nicht wahllos benutzt. Sinnvoll wäre es auch, das Handy nicht direkt am Körper zu tragen.

Wie fühlen Sie sich eigentlich in der Rolle des Gottseibeiuns der Mobilfunk- und Stromfirmen? Oberfeld: Das gehört zu meiner Arbeit. Als Umweltmediziner muss man halt oft auch Sachen sagen, die wirtschaftlichen Interessen widersprechen. Dass die Firmen damit keine Freude haben, ist klar. Aber bereits in der Mittelschule waren es die Fächer wie Physik, Chemie und Biologie, die mich am meisten interessiert haben. So hab' ich lange überlegt, ob ich Medizin oder Meeresbiologie studieren sollte. Jetzt kann ich mich mit aber mit all diesen Themen beschäftigen, weil ich die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Umweltbelastung und Gesundheit untersuchen kann.

Wie stark ist der Druck, der auf Sie ausgeübt wird, wenn Sie großen Unternehmen in die Quere kommen? Oberfeld : Eigentlich hab' ich keine Probleme. Auch weil alle Interventionen, die von Unternehmen kommen, bisher von der Politik nicht an mich weitergegeben wurden.

Und, macht uns die Umweltbelastung eigentlich krank? Oberfeld: Ja, sie kann uns krank machen. Es sind die neuen Belastungen durch Feinstaub, nieder- und hochfrequente Felder, die erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit haben. Wir müssen erst lernen, mit dieser neuen Situation umzugehen, uns darauf einzustellen

Was sagen Sie Leuten, die meinen, die Menschen werden ja eh immer älter, also kann alles nicht so schlimm sein? Oberfeld: Zum einen, dass die Auswirkungen dieser Umweltbelastungen erst mit der Zeit bemerkbar sind. Ich bin überzeugt, dass die Generation, die heute etwa mit der verstärkten Strahlenbelastung aufwächst, nicht mehr das Alter ihre Eltern, die davon noch verschont blieben, erreichen wird. Zum anderen dass die Medizin ja enorme Fortschritte gemacht hat. Viele Krankheiten, die früher tödlich waren, können jetzt geheilt werden. Die Frage ist ja, wie gesund wird man alt.

Wie schützen Sie sich eigentlich selbst vor diesen Belastungen, was tun Sie für ihre Gesundheit? Oberfeld: Ich rauche nicht, trinkeselten und wenig Alkohol, versuche mich gesund zu ernähren, also mit viel Obst und wenig Fett. Außerdem trainiere ich im Fitness-Center und fahre, wenn es geht, mit dem Rad in die Arbeit. Und ich schütze mich vor elektromagnetischen Feldern, ob in der Arbeit oder zu Hause.

Wie geht das und wie kommen Nichtexperten zu diesem Wissen? Oberfeld: Wir alle müssen lernenmit dieser Bedrohung umzugehen. Die neuen Techniken können ja nicht mehr abgeschafft werden. Wer etwa eine Nachttischlampe in der Nähe seines Betts hat, setzt sich einem elektrischen Feld aus, auch wenn sie abgeschaltet ist. Hier gibt es geschirmte Lampen oder Netzabkoppler. Man braucht kein kabelloses Internet und muss zu Hause nicht unbedingt schnurlos telefonieren. Konkrete Tipps haben wir in einer Broschüre zusammengefasst, die beim Referat für Umweltmedizin des Landes angefordert werden kann, die Information gibt es auch im Internet ( )

Selbst wenn ich mich persönlich schütze, gegen einen Handymast, der direkt in meine Wohnung strahlt, oder eine 380 kv-Leitung kann ich mich nicht wehren. Oberfeld: Hier ist die Politik gefordert. Handymasten müssen so aufgestellt und betrieben werden, dass die Belastung für die Bürger minimal ist. Für die 380 kV-Leitungen, die derzeit diskutiert werden, gilt das natürlich ebenfalls. Da kommen wir um eine Verkabelung nicht herum, wenn wir den Schutz der Gesundheit ernst nehmen.

© SN.

Rachel's News #846

DECT-Telefone als Strahlenquelle?

Some good news for a change

The Israeli army is going to map with GIS map - 22 risk factors including power lines, cellular antennas, radars, areas with pesticides, disposal sites, polluted ground sites. Every commander will sit in front of the computer before he takes the soldiers to train, and check if there is any risk factor for his soldiers in the area he's going to take them to train/practise. There are clear instructions about each risk factor of how to behave and the commander has to take that in considerations, for example, it is forbidden to be closer than 7 meters from a power line for more than 24 hours. a short summary from Haaretz 17.3.2006 (Only the hebrew version, I didn't find it in english)

The IDF learnt the lesson from the Kishon disaster, although it still directs soldiers to dive in the carcinogenic water of the Kishon river these days, and doesn't admit in the problem, and ignores the study,

But the IDF understands the risk very well, and for the first time in the history, recognizes the antennas, radars, power lines, as serious risks that shouldn't be ignored. If the the israeli army recognizes this- then it can happen anywhere else in the world.

And another thing: A party took place in a kindergarden in Haifa 6 meters of which, was a huge cellular antenna. The kindergarden owner together with a journalist, with the vice mayor, a nice person from the Env. Ministry, with my help with data and measurement devices, and mainly with the activity of the kindergarden owner himself -fighting the cellular companies' dirty tricks, (for example, they came at night with shirts of the power company and lied they were from the power company in order to re-operate the antennas again and again although they were illigal !! and there were more tricks). Anyway. in the party, with 200 people and no-more-worried parents, they celebrated their victory of the antennas removal, the Environment ministry person and the vice mayor received special certificates of acknowledgements for their blessed work which finally won the agressive companies. (pictures of the party were published in the locals newspapers).

Informant: Iris Atzmon

Fury as council gaffe lets phone company build mast outside homes

By Paul Leat

FUMING residents have threatened to sue the council after a blunder by planning officers opened the door for a 45ft phone mast to be put up on their doorstep.

The mast, belonging to mobile phone company 0, was put up in Arnison Avenue, High Wycombe, last month despite Wycombe District Council (WDC) refusing planning permission for it back in 2003. The mobile company used a legal loophole to put up the pole when it realised the council had missed the deadline to respond to its application by one day, giving the company automatic permission. The council has 56 days to respond to applications.

The gaffe was admitted by the council's legal team in a letter sent to O in July last year, which asked it to negotiate on an alternative site.

WDC claims O has "not acted in good faith" by sticking up the column and said the mobile phone company's application was not complete when it received it, which delayed its decision. O says it has acted responsibly and within the law.

But people living opposite the mast are now thinking of taking action against the council.

Stephen Chaffin, 32, from Amersham Road, said: "I find it quite incredible that we have got to this situation."

9:19am today

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