Victory! No-Permanent-Bases Amendment Passes Both Houses!
Your efforts paid off. The Senate, like the House, passed an amendment to the supplemental spending bill banning the use of any of its funding for the construction of permanent bases in Iraq. Will the amendment survive a Republican-run conference committee? We'll be watching. Meanwhile give yourselves a huge pat on the back and get ready for the next fight.
Here it is:
Tell Congress to Tell Bush and Cheney not to Attack Iran
George Bush is considering attacking Iran, including using nuclear bombs to do so. Such an attack would be illegal and disastrous. Congress can prevent it, but only if Congres asserts its Constitutional right to decide whether or not the United States goes to war. Congressman Peter DeFazio's H. Con. Res. 391 expresses "the sense of Congress that the President should not initiate military action against Iran with respect to its nuclear program without first obtaining authorization from Congress." This bill is rapidly picking up cosponsors, but needs more. Ask your Congress Member to sign on today. Ask your Senators to take the same step in the Senate. CONTACT CONGRESS:
Tell the media to cover - and this time CRITICALLY - Bush's planning for an aggressive war:
More information:
Join us from 1 to 3 p.m. ET on Thursday, May 18, as we deliver the petition, with all its signatures and comments to the White House: PRINT FLYER:
Sign the Petition!
Register to Join PDA Grassroots Organizing and Lobbying Day May 20-22, in Washington, D.C. Featuring: 9:30 - 10:00 AM: (PDA) "Be a Part of the Growing Pro-Impeachment Grassroots Movement" by David Swanson, PDA National Board Member/Co-Founder,
Chomsky on Impeachment and the Next War
Noam Chomsky has recorded a public service announcement available for radio play on the topic of investigating grounds for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Chomsky has also written a wonderful new book, which Stephen Lendman reviews below. He includes this update on Chomsky's views as expressed in the book:
"I hope Chomsky's assessment in the book is right that a second Middle East war is not imminent. However, I read the signs less optimistically, and from an April 29 email I received from him responding to this review which I sent him he's now more inclined to believe the US plans hostile actions against Iran and Venezuela. He added he 'wouldn't be surprised to see (US inspired) secessionist movements in the oil producing areas in Iran, Venezuela and Bolivia, all in areas that are accessible to US military force and alienated from the governments, with the US then moving in to "defend" them and blasting the rest of the country if necessary.'"
Listen to Noam Chomsky's PSA
Review of Noam Chomsky's New Book "Failed States" and an Email Exchange with Chomsky By Stephen Lendman
*Delivery of Petition to White House*
Thursday, May 18, 1-3 p.m. ET Lafayette Square Park, Washington D.C. We will be joining with a Pray-In held by the Network of Spiritual Progressives to deliver to the White House all of the signatures and comments posted below the petition at
*Join* Cindy Sheehan and representatives of many of these groups: After Downing Street, Gold Star Families for Peace, CODE PINK, Progressive Democrats of America,, Traprock Peace Center, Global Exchange, Velvet Revolution, Democracy Rising, Truthout, OpEdNews, Backbone Campaign, Consumers for Peace, Campus Antiwar Network, The Young Turks, Citizens for Legitimate Government, Counter Punch, United for Peace and Justice, Stop the War Coalition, This Can't Be Happening, Voters Evolt, Springs Action Alliance, Radio News America, OrbStandard, International Socialist Organization, Voters for Peace, Thom Hartmann Show, Environmentalists Against War, U.S. Peace Council, Grandmothers for Peace, Justice Through Music, Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran, World Can't Wait, The Rational Response Squad, Idriss Stelley Foundation, Bush Free Zone, Voice International, Foundation for the Development of Human Resources, Tbilisi, Georgia, Political Cooperative, City Sites, Agir contre la guerre (France), Americans Against the War (France), Spiritual Activism Conference, Muslims for Peace (Australia),, Peace Movement Aotearoa, Not in Our Name Aotearoa New Zealand, Pixel4Peace.
*/Please spread this flyer around!/*
Informant: Carol Moore in DC
Petition Bush & Congress to stop Iran war
Informant: jensenmk
Don't Attack Iran petition delivered to White House
On May 18th, hundreds rallied against war in Lafayette Park in front of the White House, and a large delegation led by Cindy Sheehan delivered the Don't Attack Iran petition, with over 42,000 signatures, to the White House. Administration officials would not take the petition from the delegation, so the delegation left the petition at the gate.
Watch videos of this historic event, including the dramatic delivery of the petition to the White House, download mp3 audio of the rally and see the 75 photograph album of the rally and petition delivery at
Holly Near (with Pat Humprhies and Sanda Opatow accompanying), Cindy Sheehan, Rev. Lennox Yearwood (Hip Hop Caucus), Ray McGovern (former CIA official), Medea Benjamin with a CODE PINK contingent, and David Swanson (AfterDowingStreet) appear in distinct videos. The rally audio is available for download at the above link.
More multimedia reports, including Traprock's coverage, are available at
The Joint Rally was organized by the Network of Spiritual Progressives ( and the Don't Attack Iran ( campaign, and facilitated by Rabbi Michael Lerner. The rally was followed by delivery of the petition (still accepting signatures) telling President Bush to not attack Iran.
Many organizations supported the Don't Attack Iran petition, including in chronological order: Gold Star Families for Peace, CODE PINK, Progressive Democrats of America,, Traprock Peace Center, Global Exchange, Velvet Revolution, Democracy Rising, Truthout, OpEdNews, Backbone Campaign, Consumers For Peace [ExxonMobil War Boycott], Campus Antiwar Network, The Young Turks, Citizens for Legitimate Government, Counter Punch, United for Peace and Justice, Stop the War Coalition, This Can't Be Happening, Voters Evolt, Springs Action Alliance, Radio News America, OrbStandard, International Socialist Organization, Voters for Peace. See the full list of supporters at
Following the rally and delivery of the petition to the White House, Ray McGovern, U.S. Army veteran and retired 27-year CIA analyst, led a march through downtown Washington, D.C., to the home of Donald Rumsfeld, where protesters gathered to ask Rumsfeld why he lied about the need for a war on Iraq. For more information, contact David Swanson
Charles Jenks
Chair of Advisory Board and Web Manager Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road Deerfield, MA 01342
From ufpj-news