Watch this video and see two Republican Congress Members, Ron Paul and
Walter Jones, provide a stunningly honest critique of the war, and
demand an end to it. Rep. Jones stresses the importance of the White
House Memo that AfterDowningStreet promoted.
Read about the White House Memo.
Rep. Ron Paul
THANK Congressman Paul by Email and phone 202-225-2831.
Rep. Walter Jones with Cindy Sheehan
THANK Congressman Jones by Email and phone 202-225-3415.
Thank these men for speaking truth to power. And, just as importantly,
ask them to take the step that matches their words: ask them to
co-sponsor H. Res. 635, which would create a select committee to
investigate the Administration's intent to go to war before
congressional authorization, its manipulation of pre-war intelligence,
encouraging and countenancing torture, and retaliating against critics.
If you are interested in particpating in a delegation to thank Walter
Jones in person and ask him to sign on to H. Res 635, contact David
Dixon at (704) 492-8527 or
Text of Rep. Paul's prepared remarks:
Informant: ranger116