The much touted "Compromise Bill" on the Geneva Conventions has been finished and the Republicans caved again! While the Bill would supposedly enact "protections", in fact it has multiple sections that give the President the complete authority to do as he pleases, when he pleases.
For example, the President, without any authority that could oppose him, has the sole authority to decide when the Geneva Convention applies and when it doesn't. Very convenient isn't it? Also, no defendant or plaintiff in a US Court is allowed to cite The Geneva Convention. NONE! So does the Geneva Convention apply in the USA in any effective method? No it would not.
Worse yet the "protections" in the provision on "grievous abusive acts" forbid, essentially only killing, maiming and killing organs in the body. Everything else is fair game. Yet this would be USA's statement to the world! One constitutional scholar said it was, in effect, "...moving from the early medieval torture to late medieval torture". No Constitutional Scholar has supported the Bill as proposed.
The Democratic Senate Leadership, Leader Harry Reid, while making it clear our #1 issue is the is the Administrations screwing up of the War on Terror and Iraq, said he is waiting for more explicit definitions of the acts of "interrogations" allowed under the Bill. In the New York Times, one story said the Democrats are disposed to support the Bill so they could not be branded as being obstructive of the War on Terror in the coming Elections. This attitude must not stand and the Bill must be rejected.
Our letters can support not only a rejection of the Bill in the Senate, if necessary, to stop this Bill that would condemn us in the World eye's. These letters will go to Senate Democrats and to Harry Reid's own office. We can make the difference.
The Democrats say they are ready to go on offense. If not on this bill then for what?!
One US Ambassador in a "rendition" country said that techniques there included the boiling of a hand or arm. According to this anonymous US Ambassador, two people had been boiled to death. Under this bill, it appears the boiling may be allowed....but not the death. Bush must be stopped!
Only we, the citizens of the United States, can urge all our Senators, Republican and Democrat, to reject these barbaric notions of "interrogations" and the expansion of Executive Power.
It is a national disgrace that this is even a topic of serious discussion. Our National Morals, the reason for the founding of The United States of America, forbid us from these acts and our Constitution forbids the Executive Branch from becoming the only Branch of Government that has unbridled power. Write your letters with passion....with your heart. Your letters are the best defense we have today.
This alert is brought to you through the activism of Stacey Tallitsch, running for the U.S. House in the 1st Congressional district, and one of the leading progressive voices in the state of Louisiana. Many of you have already submitted his action page calling for the troops in Iraq to start coming home now, a policy that is more surely correct with every passing state of emergency in Baghdad.
Stacey has been running call to action radio spots in this district , calling for an end of the obstinate occupation of Iraq, a military escapade which has brought nothing but death and destruction to both their country and our own. And he is running TV spots in his district right now, asking his constituents if they have "had enough?". Won't you contribute to support this effort?
Nobody can predict how a particular race will turn out. But we know that the spots we ran on impeachment had tremendous secondary impact, as TWO other groups were inspired to run their own call to action ads on this issue as a result of the investment we made in this action. If you are able to do so, please make whatever donation you can to continue the stand we are taking on issue after issue.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
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