Donnerstag, 28. September 2006

Reading the Gas Pump Numbers

"What do falling oil prices tell us about war with Iran, the elections, and peak-oil theory? What the hell is going on here?" asks Michael T. Klare. "Just six weeks ago, gasoline prices at the pump were hovering at the $3 per gallon mark; today, they're inching down toward $2 - and some analysts predict even lower numbers before the November elections.... Is this the result of some hidden conspiracy between the White House and Big Oil to help the Republican cause in the elections, as some are already suggesting?"

Warum nicht gleich so?

Bush 'super-state' agenda to create American Union is now official

Lift Your Head

"It is now the time to stand up and be counted and tell this out-of-control government of ours that we are withdrawing our consent to be governed by them," writes Cindy Sheehan. "Now is the time to rise up. Now is the time to lift our heads and refuse to be bowed by war criminals. Now."

Bush Appointees Browbeat Senior Military Officers on Geneva Conventions

Ann Wright, retired Army colonel and US diplomat, writes, "The Bush administration's violation of international law has severely damaged the reputation of the United States in the international community and has put our military personnel at risk throughout the world."

The New York Times: Rushing off a Cliff

The New York Times says: "Here's what happens when this irresponsible Congress railroads a profoundly important bill to serve the mindless politics of a midterm election: The Bush administration uses Republicans' fear of losing their majority to push through ghastly ideas about anti-terrorism that will make American troops less safe and do lasting damage to our 217-year-old nation of laws - while actually doing nothing to protect the nation from terrorists. Democrats betray their principles to avoid last-minute attack ads. Our democracy is the big loser."

Integrity, Moral Authority, and Some Inconvenient Truths

Stacy Bannerman writes: "We cannot be a beacon of light for the world while shrouded in shadows. America is not who we have said that we are. And the world is becoming wise to what we have tried to hide.... If we really cared about children, if we were truly a nation immersed in family values, we would recognize that when we consent to torture, we create a standard of legalized brutality that flies in the face of everything we've ever told our kids about who we are, and who they should become."

Support Energy Security Resolution

New mast site snubbed

Villagers near Oswestry fighting for a communications mast to be removed from near their homes, have snubbed an alternative site put forward by mobile phone giant Orange.

People in West Felton have called for the mast, in fields near The Avenue, to be taken away from homes and schools as they are frightened of possible risks from radiation.

But campaigners say the new site proposed at Aston Moor could be an even bigger blot on the landscape, as the mast may reach 20 metres instead of its current height of 15 metres.

Read the full story in the Shropshire Star

© 2006 - all rights reserved

Terrorism and the Republican Way

William Rivers Pitt writes: "Iraq is now the training ground for global terrorism, according to the new NIE, and the extremism fueling and funding that training process has an ever-swelling cadre of fighters to call on. Those who conduct attacks against our troops in Iraq have proven themselves to be effective fighters, simply because they know the ground far better than our soldiers do, because they were born there."

Selective Intelligence

The White House's release of a dire National Intelligence Estimate on global terrorism has illustrated once again how easy it is to publicly misrepresent intelligence-community findings - especially when almost all of the key documents remained shrouded in secrecy.

UI Professor of International Law Calls For Bush Impeachment

Francis A. Boyle Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

-----Original Message-----
From: Sherwood Ross
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:42 AM
Subject: UI Professor of International Law Calls For Bush Impeachment



The House of Representatives “must impeach President Bush for war, lying about war, and threatening more wars,” a distinguished international legal authority at the University of Illinois College of Law, Urbana-Champaign, contends. The Bush Administration “demonstrates little if any respect for fundamental considerations of international law, international organizations, and human rights, let alone appreciation of the requirements for maintaining international peace and security,” writes Professor Francis A. Boyle in a just published article. “What the world has watched instead is a comprehensive and malicious assault upon the integrity of the international legal order by a group of men and women who are thoroughly Machiavellian in their perception of international relations and in their conduct of both foreign policy and domestic affairs,” Boyle wrote in “The Long Term View: a Journal of Informed Opinion” published by the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. Claiming President Bush’s policies “represent a gross deviation from those basic rules of international deportment and civilized behavior” the U.S. once stood for, Boyle said America’s foreign policies today “constitute ongoing criminal activity under well-recognized principles of both international law and U.S. domestic law, and in particular the Nuremberg Charter, the Nuremberg Judgment, and the Nuremberg Principles.” Boyle called it a “great irony” in that six decades ago the U.S. participated in the prosecution of Nazi officials “for committing some of the same types of heinous international crimes that members of the Bush Jr. administration currently inflict upon people all around the world.” Boyle also charged the Administration with “grave breaches of the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the 1907 Hague Regulations on land warfare, torture, disappearances, and assassinations.” The legal authority pointed out that Article VI of the U.S. Constitution provides that treaties “shall be the supreme Law of the Land” and that this “Supremacy Clause” applies to international executive agreements by the President such as the 1945 Nuremberg Charter. As an example, Professor Boyle noted that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales when White House Counsel authorized the CIA to transfer detainees out of Iraq for interrogation, “a practice that contravenes the Geneva Conventions---and subsequently led to widespread abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib.” The torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Boyle goes on to write, makes President Bush accountable under U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10 as he is Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces. The alternative to impeachment of President Bush and his accomplices, Boyle writes, “is likely to be an American Empire abroad, a U.S. police state at home, and continuing wars of aggression to sustain both --- along the lines of George Orwell’s classic novel 1984.” Professor Boyle, who received his J.D. degree magna cum laude from Harvard, was a teaching fellow there and Associate at its Center for International Affairs before joining the faculty at Illinois. Professor Boyle drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 that was approved unanimously by both Houses of Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. He has written eight books including “Destroying World Order”(Clarity Press) and “Defending Civil Resistance Under International Law.” He has served as legal counsel for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, the Blackfoot Nation of Canada, and as Legal Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations. #

(Further Information:; or Sherwood Ross, Media Consultant to Massachusetts School of Law at Andover, (305) 205-8281)

Cornyn Condemns Obstruction Of Terrorist Surveillance Bill

Informant: Debi Clark

How a Senate bill will change our world and why it must be stopped now

Terror 2016

What we could have done if we hadn't gone to Iraq

The Opportunity Cost Of War

Frustration mounts over cellphone tower

Informant: Martin Weatherall

Outrage over mast on pavement

Bewildered Kenilworth residents have hit out at a mobile phone company after applying to site a phone mast on the pavement in the town centre.
O2 has applied to Warwick District Council for planning permission for a 12.5metre high "monopole" with shrouded antennas and associated equipment cabinet in Abbey End, between the bus shelters.

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The mobile phone company was told to go back to the drawing board by Kenilworth town councillors last month when commenting on a pre-application consultation by its agents.

But the company ignored their comments and is pressing forward with the application, which was brought to the attention of residents this week.

Carolyn Allinson, who lives in Abbey Court, is starting a petition, which she will be taking around the market on Thursday.

She said it has come as a complete surprise to everybody and with time ticking away she is desperate to make sure the feelings of residents are made known to the Warwick District Council's planning department.

She said: "There is a notice stuck to a tree in Abbey End but it was all rolled up and not very visible. I went into the shops and nobody seemed to know about it.

"It is going to be twice as high as the lamppost and will be an eyesore in an area which has been refurbished. There are also health concerns. We do not know if it is going to be harmful in the long term and it is in one of the most public places in the town."

Jonathan Selby, managing agent for Abbey Court, added: "I was surprised at the application. There are a lot of residential units there and I hope the council will not allow permission for it to be erected."

But an O2 spokesman said: "The more people that use mobile phones the more sites we need. This site is needed quite urgently for coverage and capacity in the area. The masts are not unlike street lights and we try and fit them in with other street furniture. They are very low powered radio transmitters and have to be where people use their phones."

At the council meeting last month town mayor Coun Michael Coker (Cons, Abbey) said: "It is entirely inappropriate in the position mentioned. A great deal of money has been spent on improvement of the area with new flowerbeds and tree planting. To plonk a nearly 40ft aerial right in the centre of it seems entirely wrong accompanied by ugly boxes. I think we should make it very plain that it is completely inappropriate as far as we are concerned."

28 September 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Heralded Iraq Police Academy a "Disaster"

A $75 million project to build the largest police academy in Iraq has been so grossly mismanaged that the campus now poses health risks to recruits and might need to be partially demolished, US investigators have found.

Condoleezza Rice's bad analogy

Free Market News Network
by Tibor R. Machan


In the interview conducted with her on CBS-TV's 60 Minutes program on Sunday, September 24, Condoleezza Rice, who is the Secretary of State of the United States now, made a bad analogy. She compared the condescending attitude of racists toward blacks with the skepticism of those who do not consider it realistic to attempt to implement democratic politics in the Middle East and some other regions of the globe. She said that she believes that the view that blacks cannot handle freedom and responsibility is an irresponsible, prejudiced position and so is the idea that the people in Iraq, Iran, Syria and other countries cannot now handle democracy, for the same reason. This is a bad analogy for several reasons...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraqis back attacks on US troops


Greensboro News-Record


About six in 10 Iraqis say they approve of attacks on U.S.-led forces, and slightly more than that want their government to ask U.S. troops to leave within a year, according to a poll in that country. The Iraqis also have negative views of Osama bin Laden, according to the early September poll of 1,150...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


A CONTROVERSIAL application to site a mobile phone mast near a school and a playgroup was recommended for refusal at a council meeting on Monday.

Nutley villagers expressed concern when a planning application was made by O2 (UK) Ltd to build a 20m mobile phone mast within a field on Tyelands Farm on Chelwood Gate Road.

The nearest home is only 90m away from the proposed site and Nutley Church of England School is 300m away. Further residential properties and a playgroup are also within 400m of the proposed pole.

More than 20 residents attended the planning committee meeting of Maresfield Parish Council on Monday to seek the backing of councillors.

After hearing from the residents and O2 representatives, the planning committee rejected the proposal and sent a recommendation of refusal to Wealden District Council – which is currently considering the application.

More than 200 letters have been sent to Wealden outlining villagers' concerns and a petition to send to the landowner of Tyelands Farm has also been drawn up.

28 September 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Phone mast rejection joy

28 September 2006

CAMPAIGNERS are celebrating after winning their third battle over plans to install a phone mast in a residential area, writes Emma Eversham.

Paul Crudge, leader of the No Transmitter campaign is jubilant after councillors voted against O2's plans to put up a 12.5 metre mast outside shops in Days Lane, Blackfen.

Mr Crudge, of Berwick Crescent, said: "We were really pleased it was thrown out. There were about 50 people who turned up to the meeting to protest, but we'd heard that the councillors had already earmarked it for rejection, so it was a relief when we heard it wouldn't go ahead."

This is the third phone mast application Blackfen residents have fought this year.

In May, T Mobile was hoping to install a telegraph-style phone mast at the junction of Days Lane, Berwick Crescent and Fen Grove. But the mobile phone company withdrew its application after Bexley council received 300 objections from residents who were concerned about the effect a mast could have on their health and house prices.

Then in June, O2 applied for permission to put up a mast in Days Lane, but were forced to withdraw it after the Highways Agency intervened.

After O2's second application was refused last Thursday, Mr Crudge said: "We are just hoping there aren't going to be any more applications, because we're getting a bit tired of this now."

A spokesman for O2 said the company would be appealing over the planning committee's decision.

He said: "We spoke to the planners at Bexley council after the original application and they just suggested that we should place it further up the road, so this decision comes as a bit of a shock."

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.



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In primaries in Ohio, Maryland, California and numerous states across this nation, Electronic Voting Machines have caused serious problems at the polls, resulting in long lines, voters turned way from their polling places, and uncounted or miscounted votes. We must act now to ensure that every eligible voter can cast a ballot that counts on November 7.

Because our representatives in Washington are not addressing this threat to our democracy, netroots activists have drafted the Let America Vote Act: Emergency Paper Ballot Mandate of 2006.

This simple piece of proposed legislation mandates every voting jursidiction make available emergency paper ballots for the November 7, 2006 general election. These paper ballots will not be provisional ballots but regular ballots. They can be used by any voter who requests one - and will be used by every voter in the event of voting machine failure. These emergency paper ballot votes must be counted immediately upon the close of polls.

Congress will finish all pre-election work on Friday. Write your Representatives today!


This alert is brought to you through the activism of Cynthia Matthews, running for Congress in the CA 26th Congressional district, demonstrating that she is out there fighting for us now, and not just waiting to get elected to do so. She is yet another candidate who has produced her own version of the Lie/Die TV spot, confronting the Bush administration on their Iraq war lies. You can see the spot on this page.


Please consider making a donation to this brave candidate to help her get these TV spots on the air to let her constituents know that there is someone to represent them with the courage to tell the truth.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

US slides down competition league

The United States has lost its top slot in a global ranking of economic competitiveness published yesterday because of mounting concern among businesses over its budget deficit and crumbling faith in its institutions.

From Information Clearing House

Mr. Conservative

Independent Institute
by Alvaro Vargas Llosa


By any measure, the size of government has increased under the conservative Bush administration and a Republican-controlled Congress. Since 2001, federal outlays have gone up by 45 percent. The federal government has also grown in power: The fact that a Republican White House should favor a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage is indicative of the moral authority current conservatives assign to the federal government. For them, the premise of the Constitution -- limiting the power of government -- is less important than the moral imperative. This contradiction, I would suggest, is one of the two great challenges modern-day America poses to a young conservative mind. The other one is the tension between the passion for limiting government and the belief in military intervention abroad -- the warfare state...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Multiplying the enemy

Boston Globe
by Derrick Z. Jackson


President Bush first declared Iraq to be the 'central front' in his war on terror in a nationally televised address in September of 2003, just before the second anniversary of 9/11. 'Two years ago, I told Congress and the country that the war on terror would be a lengthy war, a different kind of war fought on many fronts in many places. Iraq is now the central front,' he said. Even then, top intelligence officials were worried about such rhetoric. The very next month, a National Intelligence Estimate warned -- in a story unknown until Knight Ridder broke it this year -- that the unrelenting violence in Iraq after the US invasion was over local conditions and the presence of US forces. It was not inspired by foreign terrorism, as the White House kept saying. 'Frankly, senior officials simply weren't ready to pay attention to analysis that didn't conform to their own optimistic scenarios,' Robert Hutchings, chairman of the National Intelligence Council from 2003 to 2005, told Knight Ridder...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Detainees compromise: Lose-lose

USA Today
by Nat Hentoff


The rebellion by Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona, John Warner of Virginia and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina against the president's proposed legislation to comply with the Supreme Court's June decision on the treatment of enemy combatants (Hamdan v. Rumsfeld) has ended -- with fanfare -- in a 'compromise.' ... This pact's most radical failure to adhere not only to the Geneva Conventions but also to a core right in our Constitution is in its allowing the three celebrated senators and the president to revoke habeas corpus petitions on conditions of confinement by any alien detainee -- not only those at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -- designated, with or without charges, as an 'enemy combatant.' This view of The Great Writ as an irritating inconvenience in the war on terrorism -- particularly denounced by Graham for 'clogging the courts' with detainee petitions -- is embedded in the renowned Senate Armed Services Committee bill generated by .... the same three senators applauded by some civil libertarians for standing up to the president...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

This is a simple appeal addressed to anyone who has read about United States secret detention and torture

Don't disappear into a black hole

by Andrew Wimmer


This is a simple appeal addressed to anyone who has read about United States secret detention and torture in the past year and thought, 'This has got to stop.' Over the course of the next 48 hours we all need to show up at the offices of our Senators and Representatives so that other human beings don't disappear. Without our intervention, the United States Congress, before it recesses on Friday, is poised to hand George W. Bush dictatorial powers to apprehend and secretly detain anyone, anywhere in the world. In essence, disappearing them into a black hole from which they will have no legal recourse. And the law contains no provision for expiration...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why we fight: a mother's guide to civil disobedience

by Elaine Brower


I was no longer afraid of the big bad wolves surrounding the UN in their black suits and earpieces, or the hundreds and hundreds of uniformed officers from every single police unit that could possibly incur overtime on our tax dollars. I marched down to the gate on 1st Avenue and 44th Street and walked right between the police gate and a police van. The next thing I knew I was flying through the air, picture of my son in hand. I landed on my back about 10 feet from the gate I was trying to get through. From my viewpoint, I could see a huge melee breaking out. My friends had succeeded in walking through the barricade. I could see camera crews, uniforms, my friends, black suits, visitors, and onlookers just running into the crowd. There I was laying on the street with people jumping over me, thinking 'I can run away and no one will ever know!' But I couldn't. My friends, for whom I have the utmost respect, were being overwhelmed and abused by the law enforcement types that were there...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Theatergoers Want Mobile Phones Jammed

What a good idea - to be extended to Cinemas, Restaurants, Public buildings, public open spaces, markets, shopping malls, trains, buses........... Sylvia

Betrieb von Atomanlagen ein schwerwiegendes Unrecht

Unterzeichnen Sie die .ausgestrahlt-Erklärung!

To preserve the values for which veterans served, fought and died

Watching CSPAN last night and hearing enraged Vets slam the present spineless congress and this administaration, I went to their web site and searched around. I found the listing that has ALL of the vets who are running for congress and their districts. Mine is John Courage at : District 21. By God...I am going to throw myself into campaigning like I have never done before. Scream his merits at HEB, my children's schools, the upcoming concert I am MC'ing, and anywhere I get the opportunity.

PLEASE go to this site :
Find your district and help these men CLEAN up Congress and return our Republic back to an ethical, healthy safe harbor for our children and grandchildren...AND for us as we climb toward our retirement years!

Debi Clark

What’s it take to save the forest?

What’s it take to save the forest?

Neuer Mast für Mobilfunk vom Stadtrat abgelehnt

The deadly price of dirty air: 5,800 fatalities expected this year

$1B for health care, lost workdays

Sep. 25, 2006. 11:35 AM

More than 5,800 Ontario residents are expected to die prematurely this year because they are breathing dirty air, warns a new report from the Ontario Medical Association.

Breathing pollutant-laden air will cost the province almost $1 billion this year in lost productivity and treatment of smog-related illnesses, the OMA says in the report obtained by the Star.

The Greater Toronto Area was under a smog alert yesterday.

"The impact polluted air is having on the health of Ontarians is dramatically worse than we had initially estimated," said Dr. Greg Flynn, president of the OMA. "We are paying the price for poor air quality with our lives and if we don't take action immediately, the cost will continue to rise significantly."

Science is now available to see the long-term effects of pollution, of how the toxins affect tissue, causing adverse health reactions beyond asthma attacks and breathing difficulties - including contributing to heart attacks and lung cancer.

Smog is a mix of pollutants, made up of mostly ground-level ozone, created from burning gasoline and from other volatile organic compounds found in things like solvents and paints.

The OMA says it now has "clear scientific evidence" of premature deaths for a number of other pollutants such as ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.

"The cost of inaction is clearly much higher than any price our province could pay to improve air quality," Flynn said.

The report estimates the cost of lost workdays from illnesses related to air pollution - including caregivers' time - at $374 million this year, rising to almost $467 million by 2026.

Health care for air pollution related illnesses, including hospital stays and medications, will cost about $507 million this year, and nearly $702 million by 2026.

The last OMA study, released five years ago, estimated 1,900 deaths that year due to smog-related illnesses.

The sharp increase is a result of two factors: Improved understanding of how pollutants harm the body over time and the fact many more pollutants are now being tracked.

The additional deaths expected this year are also the result of lifetime exposure to dangerous pollutants and the permanent effects on our body, the OMA report notes.

"A physician cannot cure someone whose tissue has accumulated the effects of smog over time," the report says. "All that we can do then is try to manage the illness."

People with asthma suffer greatly for days, even weeks, after a smog alert, said Dr. Mark Greenwald, vice-president of the Asthma Society of Canada, and co-founder of the Asthma Summit happening at York University today. "The asthmatic takes a much longer time to recover," he said. "The trigger is sudden but the effects are longstanding."

Asthmatics say breathing the bad air feels like a plastic bag is over their heads, said Greenwald. "They are afraid and living with this on a daily basis."

Greenwald said the problem of premature deaths caused by air pollution is worse for asthmatics because they don't have good, long-term control of their disease.

A news conference today will outline some of the major findings of the Illness Costs of Air Pollution report, including:

Hospital admissions: More than 16,000 this year will be associated with exposure to air pollution, compared to 9,807 admissions to hospital in 2000.

Trips to emergency departments: Almost 60,000 air-pollution related visits are expected this year, mainly due to cardiovascular and respiratory illness such as asthma. By 2026, the number is seen climbing to 88,000 emergency room visits annually.

Premature deaths: The estimated 5,800 deaths this year is expected to rise to 7,436 by 2015 and 10,061 by 2026. The elderly will be the most vulnerable by far, but infants and children with compromised health conditions are also at risk, the report says.

The report was created using a sophisticated software model developed by the OMA in 2000 to estimate the health effects and economic costs of smog in Ontario.

Informant: Teresa Binstock

In Rove's Footsteps

Informant: Bob Banner

Real Big Brother


Over 4 million cameras, being retro-fitted w/speaker systems. Yelling out orders to people like a concentration camp.

From Information Clearing House

Terrorismusbekämpfung und Grundrechte

Hartz-IV-Empfänger gegen Kofferbomber - Neue Wunderwaffen im Anti-Terror-Kampf: Videoüberwachung und Datenspeicherung

„Seitdem am 31. Juli in zwei Regionalzügen in Dortmund und Koblenz Sprengsätze gefunden wurden, hat die Schraube sich verschärfender Sicherheitsgesetze eine weitere Drehung erfahren. Die SicherheitspolitikerInnen von CDU/CSU und SPD hatten schon zuvor eine Verlängerung der zwei nach dem 11. September 2001 in Kraft getretenen umfangreichen "Anti-Terror"-Gesetzespakete geplant, die gleichzeitig erweitert werden sollen. (vgl. ak 508) Unter dem Eindruck der missglückten Kofferbomben-Anschläge geht man jetzt noch einen Schritt weiter…“ Artikel von mb, erschienen in ak - zeitung für linke debatte und praxis – vom 15.9.2006

"Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, hat auch nichts zu befürchten". Eine Analyse der Formel, mit der im "Kampf gegen den Terror" immer wieder der Ausbau der Überwachung gerechtfertigt wird

„Im so genannten "Kampf gegen den Terror" sind die Bürgerrechte zunehmend unter Druck geraten. Kritiker dieser Entwicklung werden allerorten mit der Aussage "Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, hat auch nichts zu befürchten" beschieden. Diese Standardformel " das Killer-Argument schlechthin, dem offenbar viel abzugewinnen ist". Sie gibt sich den Anschein, selbstredend zu sein. Diejenigen, die sie verwenden, erwarten, dass dieser Satz bereits alle Fragen beantworten könne. Seine Evidenz mache weitere Erklärungen und Debatten obsolet. Doch wie schlagkräftig ist dieses "Argument" wirklich und worauf beruht seine vermeintliche Überzeugungskraft?...“ Artikel von Michael Lohmann in telepolis vom 27.09.2006

Grundrechte > Kommunikationsfreiheit und Datenschutz > Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Kampagne: Offene Briefe gegen Totalprotokollierung der Telekommunikation

„Der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung, ein bundesweiter Zusammenschluss von Bürgerrechtlern, Datenschützern und Internetnutzern, hat am heutigen Montag eine Kampagne gegen die von SPD und Union geplante Vorratsspeicherung von Telekommunikationsdaten gestartet. Auf einem speziellen Internetportal können besorgte Bürger Offene Protestbriefe verfassen, die automatisch an alle 448 Bundestagsabgeordnete der Koalition versandt werden…“

Pressemitteilung des Arbeitskreises Vorratsdatenspeicherung vom 25.09.2006

Überzeugen Sie die Bundestagsabgeordneten – Die Kampagnenseite

Aus: LabourNet, 28. September 2006

Siemens fordert Lohnverzicht von Mitarbeitern, aber 30 Prozent mehr für Vorstände

„Die Mitarbeiter des verlustträchtigen Siemens-Bereichs SBS müssen voraussichtlich auf Teile ihres Gehalts verzichten. Zudem sollen die Beschäftigten zwei Stunden pro Woche länger arbeiten. Die IG Metall will den Vorschlag "in seinen Grundzügen" akzeptieren…“ Artikel in der FTD vom 26.09.2006

30 Prozent mehr für Vorstände: Siemens-Mitarbeiter revoltieren im Intranet

„Unfähigkeit und Maßlosigkeit werfen Siemens-Beschäftigte ihren Chefs vor, deren Bezüge um 30 Prozent steigen sollen. Vorstandsvorsitzender Kleinfeld bekommt das zu spüren - in seinem internen Blog platzieren Mitarbeiter ätzende Kommentare…“ Artikel von Anne Seith in Spiegel-Online vom

Aus: LabourNet, 28. September 2006

Guantanamo Prisoner Brings Suit in European Court of Human Rights

Boumediene has been tortured and abused at the hands of U.S. forces throughout the course of his imprisonment at Guantanamo. He has been severely beaten and short-shackled, placed in solitary confinement, and deprived of sleep for extended periods of time.

From Information Clearing House

Does America torture?

When Bush refuses to call his "alternative" methods torture, when he wants to clarify "cruel" and "degrading" as allowing waterboarding, he reminds me of what Humpty Dumpty told Alice in Wonderland: "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."

Pesticide residues found in nearly a third of Britain's food and drink

By Louise Barnett
Published: 27 September 2006

Nearly a third of food and drink products tested by a government watchdog body last year contained traces of pesticides, and in 1.7 per cent of cases the chemical residues exceeded maximum legal limits.

A further 30.2 per cent of the 3,787 items surveyed had pesticide traces within those limits, the Pesticide Residue Committee said yesterday in its annual report. In 2004, only 1.09 per cent of the samples contained pesticide traces above the statutory limits.

The increase was due to more imported exotic fruit and vegetables being tested, the committee said.

Levels of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables destined for schools as part of the "five-a-day" scheme were broadly similar to those in the general food supply chain, the report said.

Of the 166 samples tested which were destined for schoolchildren, 132 contained chemical traces at or below the maximum permitted levels. Another three of the samples had residues which were above the legal limits.

[Importantly, the maximum permitted level may not be as safe as we are led to believe. -Teresa]

Items tested in the overall survey included fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry, cereal products, tea, olive oil, fruit juice and infant foods. No residues were found in chicken, eggs, infant formula, kidneys, milk or swede.

The samples of imported and home-produced food were collected from UK shops, markets, ports and wholesale suppliers.

Yesterday's report summarises the findings of 39 surveys carried out in
2005 as part of the committee's monitoring programme.

Ian Brown, the committee's chairman, said most of the pesticide residues were not a cause for health concern among consumers. "I cannot overemphasise the importance of continuing to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day," he said.

"The health benefits far outweigh any concern about pesticide residues."

The Pesticide Residues Committee advises ministers, the Food Standards Agency and the Pesticides Safety Directorate.

The committee has an annual budget of around £2.2m and carries out a continuing programme of food and drink monitoring. The committee publishes its findings every three months and summarises them in annual reports.

Nearly a third of food and drink products tested by a government watchdog body last year contained traces of pesticides, and in 1.7 per cent of cases the chemical residues exceeded maximum legal limits.

A further 30.2 per cent of the 3,787 items surveyed had pesticide traces within those limits, the Pesticide Residue Committee said yesterday in its annual report. In 2004, only 1.09 per cent of the samples contained pesticide traces above the statutory limits.

The increase was due to more imported exotic fruit and vegetables being tested, the committee said.

Levels of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables destined for schools as part of the "five-a-day" scheme were broadly similar to those in the general food supply chain, the report said.

Of the 166 samples tested which were destined for schoolchildren, 132 contained chemical traces at or below the maximum permitted levels. Another three of the samples had residues which were above the legal limits.

Items tested in the overall survey included fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry, cereal products, tea, olive oil, fruit juice and infant foods. No residues were found in chicken, eggs, infant formula, kidneys, milk or swede.

The samples of imported and home-produced food were collected from UK shops, markets, ports and wholesale suppliers.

Yesterday's report summarises the findings of 39 surveys carried out in
2005 as part of the committee's monitoring programme.

Ian Brown, the committee's chairman, said most of the pesticide residues were not a cause for health concern among consumers. "I cannot overemphasise the importance of continuing to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day," he said.

"The health benefits far outweigh any concern about pesticide residues."

The Pesticide Residues Committee advises ministers, the Food Standards Agency and the Pesticides Safety Directorate.

The committee has an annual budget of around £2.2m and carries out a continuing programme of food and drink monitoring. The committee publishes its findings every three months and summarises them in annual reports.

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights

Tracking the CIA torture flights

In These Times
by Aaron Sarver


Book review: On September 6, President George W. Bush admitted that the United States detains suspected terrorists in secret CIA-run prisons in foreign countries. He announced that 14 individuals previously held in these secret jails had been transferred to the 'detention facility' on Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. The president claimed that no other individuals were currently being held at these CIA 'black sites,' but refused to disclose the location of said jails. 'Doing so would provide our enemies with information they could use to take retribution against our allies and harm our country.' In their new book Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights, A.C. Thompson and Trevor Paglen detail how the CIA transports these 'detainees' around the globe...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Intact Northern Forests Worth US$250 Billion/Year

Forests in northern nations such as Russia and Canada are worth $250 billion a year because of services they provide by purifying water or soaking up greenhouse gases, a researcher said on Tuesday. Mark Anielski, an ecological economist, urged governments to follow suit and place value on natural services rather than go on treating them as free.

House Passes Bush's Interrogation Bill

The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a bill backed by President George W. Bush setting rules for interrogating and trying foreign terrorism suspects, dismissing warnings from Democrats that courts will reject the plan.

Iraqis Overwhelmingly Favor US Withdrawal

A strong majority of Iraqis want US-led military forces to immediately withdraw from the country, saying their swift departure would make Iraq more secure and decrease sectarian violence, according to new polls by the State Department and independent researchers.

White House Refuses to Release Full NIE Report

The White House refused Wednesday to release in full a previously secret intelligence assessment that depicts a growing terrorist threat and has fueled the election-season fight over the Iraq war. "The American people deserve the full story, not those parts of it that the Bush administration selects," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.

US PIRG Calls on Candidates to Support a New Energy Future

Living on the Reservation

Our Republican Dictator

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Warriors against the Leviathan

When Mommy Is a War Hero: on the death of an American girl-soldier in Iraq

Decimating the Constitution with Military Tribunals

Where Are the Mass Protests?

Informant: John Johnson

The 'War on Terror': a useful tool for managing the American public

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Congress Wants to Stripsearch Kids?

by Devvy Kidd

Last week the tyrants in the House of Representatives passed yet more unconstitutional legislation: an anti-drug and anti-weapon law which would mandate school districts formulate policies for searches - including strip searches, but would immunize teachers and staff against prosecution. Should the schools refuse to perform under this unconstitutional bill they would be denied unconstitutional federal funding.....

Next-up News n°104

A War on Intelligence

The Innocent Man at Guantanamo

Rove's Theater of Fear

Anthrax, Iran & bin Laden: Waiting for the October Surprise

Hartz-IV-Wahnsinn: Abteilungsleiter soll seinen Job aufgeben,1518,439588,00.html

Giving Terrorism a Reason to Exist

Bush's Declassified Papers Reveal Iraq Conflict Fueling Jihad

71 War Protesters Seized; Baltimore's Tradition of Civil Disobedience Continues in Capital

Die unerhörten Bekenntnisse des Generals

Westeuropäische Mobilfunk-Anbieter kämpfen gegen sinkende Margen

World Can't Wait: Drive Out The Bush Regime!

On October 5, people everywhere will walk out of school, take off work, and come to the downtowns & townsquares and set out from there, going through the streets and calling on many more to join us - making a powerful statement: "NO! THIS REGIME DOES NOT REPRESENT US! AND WE WILL DRIVE IT OUT!"

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