Please sign (or help revise) this letter to Congress by emailing me your name, address and credentials or affiliations. We have over 200 signees so far.
California has all other states beat by far.
The Letter to Congress was revised tonight to:
1. Stress citizen oversight at the top of the letter, and
2. Respond to the inadequacies of the Holt tiered election audit.
It has a couple more end notes and an altered paragraph or two.
Thanks to Arthur Keller for helping to make some earlier revisions this a.m., which made it easier for me to revise this now.
Please let me know if the letter to Congress still needs any revisions before tomorrow which is the last day I'll be doing any revisions. And Thursday is the last day I'll be adding any new signatures before my trip back East where I'll visit DC and pass the letter out a little to Congress.
A link to Holt's bill, so you can read it yourself, is here:
There are a lot of mischaracterizations of Holt's bill being spread, so read it.
Holt's best provision is that it requires and funds jurisdictions to replace DRE voting systems that do not use voter verified paper ballots as the initial ballot of records, with ballots of archive weight for the official ballots, and which provide voter anonymity.
(thus requiring the replacement of all DRE voting systems which are paperless or use paper rolls and do not meet any of those requirements).
The worst oversight of the Holt bill is the lack of citizen oversight which means that none of its other provisions would be effective.
Kathy Dopp
National Election Data Archive
Dedicated to Accurately Counting Elections
"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1816