Samstag, 24. März 2007

Landtag rät Schulen von WLAN ab


Umweltinstitut München e.V. – Newsletter vom 27. März 2007

Beharrliche Arbeit hat Erfolge: Die bayerischen Schulen sollen nach einer Empfehlung des Bayerischen Landtags vom 22. März 2007 auf drahtlose Internet-Netzwerke (WLAN) verzichten. Dies folgt der Mobilfunk-Anhörung des Bayerischen Landtags vom 7. Dezember 2006, an der auch das Umweltinstitut München beteiligt war. Der Bildungsausschuss des Landtags appellierte an Schulen, stattdessen auf kabelgebundene Netzwerke zurückzugreifen. Dadurch sollen mögliche, durch Strahlung bedingte Gesundheitsgefahren ausgeschlossen werden.

Die Forderung von Umweltverbänden und seit Juni 2005 auch des Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz, schnurlose DECT-Telefone mit bedarfsgerechter Leistungsregelung und Strahlungsfreiheit im Stand-By-Betrieb zu entwickeln, verhallte zunächst. Die namhaften europäischen Hersteller haben sich lange gegen die Einführung strahlenreduzierter Geräte gewehrt und den Markt über ein Jahr lang dem chinesischen Hersteller Orchid überlassen. Inzwischen sind Geräte weiterer Hersteller erhältlich. Eine Übersicht finden Sie in unseren Fragen&Antworten:
Hier finden Sie auch weitere Infos zu WLAN.


WLAN an Schulen?



Here is this sham newly issued Irish Government Report undertaken by an "expert group" attached to the Irish Department of Communications [= telecommunications], Marine, and Natural Resources into health effects of cellphones cum masts. And now that this committee has safely (that means ensuring the continued financial good health of telecommunications here) decreed that there are absolutely no health risks from cellphones and masts, the Irish Government feels it is perfect timing for it to transfer responsibility on this issue to the Department of the Environment! The Irish Government's deceit is blatantly apparent and it has the gall to acknowledge that yes indeed, to the careful observer it does look like conflict of interest that its Government-appointed group into health effects of cellphones and masts actually was not independent of the Irish Department of Communications but that it--the Government-- is now in the aftermath of this report ensuring this tie is severed.

Indeed, this report appears such a blatant sham, an insult to the Irish electorate's intelligence, and so dangerous in what it medically recommends for EHS sufferers living in Ireland that the Irish Government may have shot itself in the foot when it comes to being re-elected in some weeks time.

How could this committee chaired by Noel O'Flynn (Cork) conclude that mobile phones are not a health hazard and that this is based on its study of "all the evidence accumulated so far" when the same Deputy Noel O'Flynn remarked, a few years ago, at the commencement of the study:

"While I understand there has been no conclusive scientific evidence to prove any long-term negative effect of mobile phone usage, some recent studies have suggested otherwise. I believe this information is strong enough to merit more research." A quick google search of Deputy Noel O'Flynn [ ]will also reveal interesting information on his forays overseas to promote Irish telecommunications interests!

Most dangerous in this report is the committee's recommendation that GPs "be provided with information about the appropriate treatment of symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity and be informed the symptoms are not due to exposure to electromagnetic fields." So, are they going to inform Irish GPs that EHS is a delusional state/psychosis and to shoo us off into the the arms of psychiatrists who in turn might conveniently lock us up and medicate us into compliant zombies? I. for one, am not in the least surprised that the Irish Government would stoop to doing this to its own EHS citizens. In its eyes, wealth is vastly more important than health. But it may very well has misjudged the intelligence of Irish people and they may show their contempt at the next election.

Best, Imelda, Cork

THE IRISH TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2007 [page 3, print edition]


[by] Eithne Donnellan, Health Correspondent

No adverse short or long-term health effects have been shown to occur from exposure to the signals produced by mobile phones or phone masts, according to a report from a Government-appointed expert group. The report, published yesterday, says this conclusion is based on all the evidence accumulated so far. It also says there are no data available to suggest that use of mobile phones by children is a health hazard, but it says more research on this issue has been recommended by the World Health Organisation. "The only established adverse health effect associated with mobile phones is with traffic accidents," it added. The report, HEALTH EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS, says it is unlikely that extremely low-frequency magnetic fields, which would come from power lines and electrical appliances, cause leukaemia in children, but studies to date are insufficient to make a conclusive judgment. It has recommended that where possible, and as a precaution, new power lines should be sited away from heavily populated areas so as to keep exposures to people low. "The evidence for 50 Hz magnetic fields causing childhood leukaemia is too weak to require rerouting of existing lines and so these measures should only apply to new lines," it said. The report acknowledges there has been public concern about the siting of masts or base stations in different areas. it said the planning guidelines for siting base stations are seen as lacking transparency and lacking any input from the public. "Many local authorities have adopted their own planning guidelines for the approval of new base stations, with different requirements on their location. "It is strongly recommended that national guidelines be agreed on the planning and approval process for new antennas on existing masts and future base stations through a public consultative process," it said. The expert group has also recommended the Government should take a more proactive role in providing health advice in relation to electromagnetic fields and that the issue should be managed through a single agency. At present the responsibility is with the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, and given that this department is also responsible for the promotion and development of mobile communications, there appears to be a conflict of interest, it says. The Government said yesterday it will become the responsibility of the Department of the Environment from May 1st. The group, which included Irish and international representatives, also recommended GPs be provided with information about the appropriate treatment for symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity and be informed the symptoms are not due to exposure to electromagnetic fields.


Erratum: Deputy Noel O'Flynn did not chair Irish expert Group report

Con Colbert, IERVN (Irish Electromagnetic Radiation Victims Network), and Secretary of IDEA (Irish Doctors Environmental Association) has alerted me to a major error regards Deputy Noel o'Flynn, in my accompanying remarks to the newly released roport by the Irish Government-appointed expert group. Con notes:

"The Expert Committee was NOT chaired by Noel O Flynn. He chaired the Joint Committee on Communications. His Report stated that "members of the Committee were aware of individuals who were affected by Masts and Phones. . . .

This new Expert report contradicts the findings of Noel O Flynn's Report."

But my comments on the Irish Government's cynical strategy of getting this pro-telecommunications health report on masts and cellphones signed and sealed before transferring it and future responsibilites for health in this matter to the Department of the Environment stand.

Best, Imelda, Cork.

I am also sending you along for posting an update on that ultrasonic MOQUITO device for repelling teenagers that appeared in yesterday's THE SUNDAY TIMES.

From The Sunday Times, March 25, 2007

Buzz on the street puts yobs to flightMaurice Chittenden A SONIC device that gives out a piercing noise audible only to people in their teens and early twenties has been installed as a yob deterrent at nearly 3,000 locations across Britain.

The inventors of the £500 transmitter, called the Mosquito, claim it has helped stop gangs of youths gathering in locations such as cemeteries and parks or outside shops and schools.

Police forces, however, are divided on whether the device should be deployed. Some have turned it down because it may infringe the human rights of young people.

Once activated, the Mosquito sends out a pulse at 18 kilohertz that switches on and off four times a second for up to 20 minutes.

Teenagers can hear this frequency because of minute hairs in their inner ears that detect it. These “inner hairs” die by the time they reach 25. Children and babies cannot hear the device while most people over
25 do not notice sounds above 8 kilohertz.

Supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Spar have all employed the Mosquito to stop youths gathering outside stores. A Spar in Barry, south Wales, which was the first to use it, said crime outside the store had dropped by 83% since the device was installed.

Train companies including Arriva and Chiltern Railways also use it to scatter groups of youths loitering at stations.

Local authorities have positioned the device, which is housed in a 9in-wide black box, in cemeteries and parks to stop youngsters “hanging out” after they have closed for the night.

The Mosquito was invented two years ago “out of necessity” by Howard Stapleton, 40, a former British Aerospace engineer who runs a security business in Merthyr Tydfil, south Wales.

Stapleton had the idea when his daughter Isabel, then 15, went to buy milk but returned empty-handed because she did not want to pass through a gang of boys hanging around outside the store.

He looked at ways of deterring young people from gathering. The shopkeeper told him police would move the youngsters on but they would soon come back. Other stores had tried playing classical music but it had not worked.

Then Stapleton remembered as a boy of 12 visiting a factory run by his father that made Ever Ready batteries. It used ultrasonic welding to make the batteries. The young Stapleton found the noise so appalling he had to run out but none of the adults appeared to notice.

He adapted the idea to make the Mosquito. “The real trick to it is pulsing this noise on and off and it just makes it really annoying after five to six minutes and the teenagers disappear,” said Stapleton.

Many police forces have deployed the device on problem areas. Staffordshire police said it was so successful youths had gone into a shop to ask the owner to turn it off.

In Gloucestershire, police are lending the device to shops with an option to buy if it proves successful. In Lancashire, police received 60 callouts to a row of shops in Lea two months before the device was installed. This fell to three calls in the two months after it was deployed.

Not all forces are so enthusiastic, partly because of concerns about the human rights of teenagers who are behaving innocently, as well as the gangs.

Simon Morris, Stapleton’s fellow director at Compound Security, said: “We are getting problems with chief constables who say they are scared it is going to infringe human rights. We know it doesn’t.

“And what about the human rights of people who suffer daily from gangs?”

West Midlands police are not deploying the device in Birmingham “because it is indiscriminate and we have to consider the effects on young people in the area”. Derbyshire police have bought four but opted not to deploy them until it is certain there are no health problems.

Peter Douglas Osborn, a Tory councillor in Birmingham, said: “It’s ludicrous. They don’t want to do anything to hurt the yobs’ delicate eardrums.”

The Association of Chief Police Officers said it was up to individual forces whether to use the device.



Dear Ms Kennedy,

Eithne Donnellan's article MOBILE PHONES NOT A HEALTH HAZARD, SAYS REPORT THE IRISH TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2007 [page 3, print edition] shows that she has not done her homework. With an article like this the Irish Times has truely reached the standard of Pravda.

Yours sincerely,

Dorothee Krien

P.S. Here is something she could have found if he had wanted to.:

Six Studies Showing Ill-Health Effects From Masts Document produced by Dr Grahame Blackwell 21st Feb 2005, updated 2/5/05

Task Force Formed to Investigate Florida 13th Election

Nearly five months after Florida Republican Vern Buchanan narrowly defeated Democrat Christine Jennings in the state's 13th District, a congressional committee has organized a task force to investigate the controversial election. California Democratic Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald, chairwoman of the House Administration Committee, announced the formation of the task force, which she said was needed to investigate "possible voting rights violations" in Florida's 13th, where Buchanan prevailed by 369 votes. Bandele McQueen, Millender-McDonald's chief of staff, told on Friday that illender-McDonald formed the task force after an August 2006 letter surfaced last week in which Electronic Systems & Software Inc. (ES&S) - the company that manufactured the electronic voting machines that were used in the Florida 13 election - told election officials that the voting screens exhibited slow response times during testing.

Next-up News n°214

The Miltary Regs Forbid Bush Using Our Troops as Political Props

"The DOD regulations make clear that the White House cannot use uniformed military, active duty or veterans, as props in political events. But that's what Bush did today when he used current or former troops in uniform as window dressing for his political press conference attacking the Democrats as un-American," says John Aravosis.

Pelosi's Gamble on Iraq War Bill Pays Off

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi faced an angry group of liberal lawmakers when she stepped into her red-walled Capitol office on the afternoon of March 8. Pelosi listened, parrying each complaint with an argument she would make hundreds of times over the next two weeks: Democrats had to unite behind a bill that challenged Bush's management of the war. Friday, Pelosi carried the day.

E-Mails Show Machinations to Replace Prosecutor

Two months before Bud Cummins was fired as US attorney in Little Rock, a protege of presidential adviser Karl Rove was maneuvering with the Justice Department to take his place.

Al Gore and the Wedges Game

"Whether they realize it or not, policymakers dealing with energy and climate issues are now deeply engaged in the wedges game," says Kelpie Wilson. "What is the wedges game? It is a useful way of thinking about how to replace energy technologies that produce greenhouse emissions with less-harmful alternatives."

Bischof Kamphaus für soziale Standards auf internationaler Ebene

Documents Show Gonzales Approved Firings

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales approved plans to fire several US attorneys in a November meeting, according to documents released Friday that contradict earlier claims that he was not closely involved in the dismissals.

Outsourcing lohnt sich kaum noch: Kostenvorteile werden irrelevant

Die große Verteilungsfrage: neoliberale Grundsätze infrage gestellt

Elektrosmog-Strahlung im Internet

Offizielles Messprogramm: verwirrende Verharmlosung

Brummton: Ursache ungeklärt?



Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D. 23-03-2007

Liebe Betroffene, Brummtonleidende und Interessenten,

wir möchten Sie über angedachte Aktivitäten kurz informieren.

Ich bitte Sie um Anmerkungen und Rückmeldung.

1. Übergabe der Fragebögen der Betroffenen

Die Fragebögen samt Auswertung (dank Frau Dr. Liedke-Göbel) sollen an die Landeshauptstadt München, das LFU und nach Berlin gesendet werden.

Falls weitere Betroffene in ihrem Umfeld sind:

Einige wurden veröffentlicht

2. Vorschlag zu einer gemeinsamen Kundgebung in München


Die vielen Bürgerinitiativen gegen Mobilfunk könnten in Beträgen ihr Anliegen öffentlich vortragen und sich besser vernetzen.

Auch wir möchten unser Anliegen vortragen, da wir die Ursache des weiträumig entstandenen Brummens in den letzten Jahren im Ausbau des UMTS/Mobilfunknetzes sehen.

Diese Kundgebung könnte diesen Sommer in München stattfinden. Die Organisation könnten wir übernehmen.

3. Fragen an die Mobilfunkbetreiber

Die jetzigen Fragen

sollen nochmal überarbeitet an die Mobilfunkbetreiber
(Telekom, Vodafone, O2, E-Plus) gerichtet werden.

Hier benötigen wir noch die Adressen der technischen Leiter der Mobilfunkbetreiber.

4. Referenzumgebung zur Erfassung/Messung des Brummens

Hier haben wir eine freundliche Rückmeldung vom LFU erhalten. Mehr demnächst auf der Website.

Falls Sie Gutachten haben und diese auf der Website veröffentlichen möchten so senden Sie diese bitte in digitaler Form an uns.

5. Abschlussbemerkung

Wir gestalten unsere Umwelt, die Technik sollte uns dabei behilflich sein, nicht uns aber schaden - das ist unsere Herausforderung.

Es geht nicht darum alles runter zu fahren - sondern auf ein uns und unserer Umwelt verträgliches Mass zu setzen.

Nicht alles ist unbedingt notwendig und hilfreich.

Viele Grüße

Stephan Sainer
Initiative "Brummfreies München"
Hugo-Weiss-Str. 19
D-81827 München

Plans for two more phone masts on hold

Controversial plans for two mobile phone masts in northern Chichester have been temporarily put on hold.

One of them involves proposals for a 25-metre mast disguised as a cypress tree, which critics have said would look like a giant loo brush.

This is proposed for a site near the city’s popular Centurion Way cycle route and walkway, and has provoked a storm of protest about the impact on an attractive country area.

Orange had submitted an application for planning permission to Chichester District Council.

This has now been withdrawn by the company before a decision was made by the council, but the intention is to resubmit it at a later stage.

The withdrawal followed a request from the council’s planning department for more information on the appearance of the tree mast, together with colour photographs of similar masts and a photomontage of the site.

Plans by Vodafone for a 10m timber telegraph pole supporting an antennae unit in Broyle Road, next to the Roussillon Barracks, have also been withdrawn before going in front of the council’s southern area development control committee for a decision.

This is also due to be resubmitted following reconsideration.

The proposal is facing strong criticism from local residents in the area.

Summersdale Residents’ Association claimed there had been a lack of genuine consultation with residents and other community groups.

It said the proposed site was adjacent to the barracks, which was due to be redeveloped for homes. The application seemed premature, as any proposal could restrict redevelopment options.

The association also claimed a mast in this location would further erode the character of the area.

One local campaigner said residents in Broyle Road were furious that health concerns were not being taken seriously.

He added: “It is a classic case of not in my backyard – everyone says these things are safe until someone threatens to put one next to their house.

“When you start reading all the international research, you soon realise it is totally irresponsible to put a mast in so close, especially when Chichester has alternative sites like Graylingwell, away from where children live.”

Meanwhile, an application for a third mobile phone mast in northern Chichester has been submitted, by T-Mobile (UK) Ltd.

This wants to install an 11.7m monopole, plus associated equipment cabinets, at the corner of Lavant Road and The Broadway.

15 March 2007

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Why should Americans 'support' what is 'irrefutably illegal'?

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Why the Facts of 9/11 Must Be Suppressed

Understanding the Ruling Group Mind Behind the War Without End"

From Information Clearing House

After six weeks in a Texas immigration jail 9-Year-Old Canadian Citizen Arrives in Toronto

A nine year-old Canadian citizen and his Iranian parents were released and allowed back into Canada last night. Canadian immigration authorities have granted the boy's parents temporary residency. We speak with their attorney.

From Information Clearing House

The Plan according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)


In an interview with Amy Goodman on March 2, 2007, U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explains that the Bush Administration planned to take out 5 countries in 7 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.

From Information Clearing House

'Fight Iran before it goes nuclear'

fmr US amb. to UN

This latest warning to the world was voiced Tuesday by former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.

From Information Clearing House

Sen. Clinton Urges U.N. Sanctions Against Iran

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) accused the Bush administration of playing down the threat of a nuclear Iran and called for swift action at the United Nations to impose sanctions on the Iranian government.

From Information Clearing House

Embassies in Teheran prepare escape plans

According to foreign sources, foreign diplomats believe a possible attack would take place before the end of 2007.

From Information Clearing House

The rape of Iraq's oil

The Baghdad government has caved in to a damaging plan that will enrich western companies.

From Information Clearing House

Dems Challenge Bush With Iraq Timetable

A sharply divided House voted Friday to order President Bush to bring combat troops home from Iraq next year, a victory for Democrats in an epic war-powers struggle and Congress' boldest challenge yet to the administration's policy.,,-6503611,00.html

Bush vows to veto Iraq pullout bill

The US House of Representatives has voted to impose a September 2008 deadline for withdrawing all American combat troops from Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

Punishing A People For Enduring A Dictator

An interview with Fmr. UN Iraq Mission Chief Hans Von Sponeck

Hans Von Sponeck has been a fierce critic of the war. In the late 1990s, he was the coordinator of the United Nations Humanitarian Mission in Iraq. He resigned in protest over the UN sanctions regime. He is also a former Assistant Secretary General of the UN.

Audio and transcript

U.S. Soldiers Shooting Iraqi Civilians


Click to view

ExxonMobil Risks Valdez-like Oil Spill in Alaska

New Developments in the U.S. Attorney Controversy

Explosive New Vote Fraud Developments Continue To Rock Ohio and Florida

Don't Expect The Truth From Rove


"The White House Is Adamant That Their Advisors...Retain The Right To Lie"

Daily Show On Subpoenas

Daily Show correspondent John Oliver and anchor Jon Stewart discuss the last time Karl Rove testified.

Class War in Conrad's Court

MoveOn moves in with Pelosi


MoveOn moves in with Pelosi

By Farhad Manjoo

I think the peace movement is being hijacked and rerouted to serve a Democratic leadership and the 2008 political agenda.

Howard Zinn Replies to MoveOn's support for the supplemental

By Howard Zinn

Timetables for withdrawal are not only morally reprehensible in the case of a brutal occupation (would you give a thug who invaded your house, smashed things up, and terrorized your children a timetable for withdrawal?) but logically nonsensical.

Congressman Trades Iraq Vote for Spinach


War bill also has funding for spinach, peanuts

Republicans were quick to accuse the Democrats of buying some of the 218 votes that the bill received, enough to pass by just six votes.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Nukes Plan Viewed as Provocative

Reid: Gonzales leaving 'one way or the other'

Informant: Quechick Barnyard

Krieg gegen den Iran wäre Desaster für die USA

Iran-Krieg: Prominente schreiben an Frau Merkel


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