The proposed ban on incandescent bulbs is a disaster, not only for ES suffers but also for people with light sensitivity arising from a number of other health conditions including lupus, ME, porphyria, XP, types of eczema etc.
Caroline Lucas, the Green MP for the South East Region, is the prime mover pushing for a total ban on incandescent bulbs at EU level. However, we've been lobbying her and we think she might be about to accept there must be exemptions.
This would be a major step forward.
If you live in South East - she is one of your 10 MEPs under the PR system.
Please write to her at:
Caroline Lucas MEP - UK Office Suite 58, The Hop Exchange
24 Southwark Street London SE1 1TY UK
Tel: ++44 (0)20 7407 6281
Fax: ++44 (0)20 7234 0183
Brussels Office Caroline Lucas MEP European Parliament ASP-8G103 Rue Wiertz B-1047 Brussels Belgium
Tel: ++32 (0)2 2845153
Fax: ++32 (0)2 2849153
As one of her constituents you may even have voted for her - if so tell her, and how disappointed you are.
Tell her that a ban will inflict pain, suffering and total social exclusion on sick and disabled people.
I attach SPECTRUM's letter and a briefing to the UK's All Party Parliamentary Group on Skin, which also mentions a new highly efficient incandescent bulb under development by GE and due to be marketed from 2010.
If you don't live in the South East, you can still write to Caroline Lucas to protest at her stance on incandescent bulbs.
You can also easily e-mail all other MEPs through this site:
And, also if you are still feeling feisty, try some EU Commissioners for Employment, Health and Consumer Protection.
Mr Markos Kyprianou
Commissioner for Health
EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Health and Consumer Protection
Mrs Meglena Kuneva
Commissioner for Consumer Protection
EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Health and Consumer Protection
Vladimir SPIDLA
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
European Commission,
Rue de la Loi 200,
1040 Brussels.
Thank you - we can win this one if we make enough fuss.
Please forward this to others who might write.
Ruth Calder
EDM 1316 - Phasing out the sale of incandescent lightbulbs
Great news!
Thanks to Bruce George MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin, and the Group's assistant Katherine Clifford, we now have the following EDM:
EDM no. 1316
Mr Bruce George
That this House notes that the Government's proposals to phase out the sale of incandescent light bulbs by 2011 is likely to have serious consequences for the health and quality of life of people with light sensitivity conditions unless exemptions are made; recognises that people with such conditions can suffer severe and debilitating reactions to non-incandescent lighting; further notes that a ban on incandescent light bulbs would prevent people with light sensitivity conditions from using electrical lighting in their own homes, and would restrict their movements to places where electrical lighting is not in use, thus leading to social exclusion; and calls on the Government to ensure that suitable incandescent bulbs remain available for purchase and use by or for people with light sensitivity conditions.
This EDM remains open until 26th July. We now have to lobby MPs to get as many of them to sign it as possible, if only a few sign it, the Government will not take it seriously and the hard work getting it will be lost.
So please write to your MP explaining about the lightbulb issue and asking them to sign EDM 1316.
Please feature this request on websites and newsletters, alongside the e-petition:
(NB: MPs who are also Government Ministers cannot sign EDMs)
Thankyou very much.
Kind regards