From ufpj-news
This Shameful, Bi-partisan Betrayal
Keith Olbermann - Special Comment
A Special Comment about the Democrats' deal with President Bush to continue financing this unspeakable war in Iraq-and to do so on his terms: Video and transcript.
Bush demands real progress from Iraq, warns Iran
President George W. Bush warned Thursday that Iraq must repay the sacrifice of US soldiers with real progress, as Congress got set to pass a new war budget stripped of Democratic withdrawal timetables.
Pentagon Studies Long-Term Commitment in Iraq
The Pentagon is considering maintaining a core group of forces in Iraq, possibly for decades.
Deadly Illusions, Rest in Peace
This week's cave-in on Capitol Hill - supplying a huge new jolt of funds for the horrific war effort in Iraq - is surprising only to those who haven't grasped our current circumstances.
From Information Clearing House
What the Democratic Blank Check on Iraq Means
David Sirota
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Informant: Corey
Iraq funding: Congress bends public over, Bush thrusts
Morris County Daily Record
Bowing to President Bush, the Democratic-controlled Congress grudgingly approved fresh billions for the Iraq war Thursday night, minus the troop withdrawal timeline that drew his earlier veto. ‘The Iraqi government needs to show real progress in return for America’s continued support and sacrifice,’ said the commander in chief, and he warned that August could prove to be a bloody month for U.S. troops in Baghdad’s murderous neighborhoods...
The sacrifice the troops bill
The Nation
by Laura Flanders
I spent some of Wednesday with a worried mom from Idaho Falls, Idaho, whose only son is in the National Guard. Once a month he drives 200 miles to train, then he drives 200 miles back home again. (All for $200 most of which is spent on gas.) He served in Bosnia. Will he be deployed to Iraq? ‘I was counting on the Democrats to stop this war,’ said Marianne, blue eyes blazing. So were thousands of other mothers. It’s time to turn this story around. Rove’s wrong. This so-called ’supplemental’ isn’t about supporting troops; this blank-check bill is about sacrificing them...
Lily-livered Democrats lose game of chicken
Fox News
by Susan Estrich
Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, calls the language ‘extremely weak.’ Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, says she is ‘not likely to vote for [it].’ sent an e-mail Wednesday morning to its 3 million-plus members demanding that Democrats vote no: ‘Every single Democrat must vote against this bill. This is a key test vote on whether your representative is serious about ending the war.’ The bill is the current version of the Iraq spending bill, which many Democrats, let alone those of us who voted for them, believed should include a timetable for withdrawal of the troops. It doesn’t...,2933,275063,00.html
Don’t think of a US soldier unarmed, abandoned in Iraq
by Jeff Cohen
The shared pretense of the White House and Democratic leaders is that funding the Iraq occupation is somehow a program on behalf of the troops. Like a subsidy for family farmers. … What Democrats need to be saying, repeatedly, is that it’s Bush/Cheney who abandoned several thousand US troops to avoidable deaths in a disastrous occupation, and tens of thousands to horrible injuries. And that they’re willing to abandon still more troops to unnecessary death and injury. … As Military Families Speak Out says: ‘Funding the war is not supporting our troops. The way to support our troops is to bring them home now and take care of them when they get here’...
No peace, more spending
Disloyal Opposition
by J.D. Tuccille
Tell me please, what value was there in tossing the Republicans out of the congressional majority and handing the Democrats control ... party leaders are going to use their new position of power to roll over on the war in Iraq? Of course, that’s not all they did; they also managed to trade away any hope for a timetable on ending the war for billions of dollars in spending on their pet programs. Hooray for the new boss; same as the old boss. And so much for the promises of fiscal discipline and anti-war passion the new crop of Democrats offered up during the last election cycle...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Some Democrats Call War Funding Vote "Capitulation"
Congress passed a $120 billion Iraq war funding bill backed by President Bush on Thursday night as Democrats splintered over what some are calling "capitulation."
Who Voted to Continue Funding the Occupation
A state-by-state list of who in the US Senate and House of Representatives voted to continue funding Bush's occupation of Iraq.
Dems Back Down, Approve War Money
We Gave Them Our Hearts, They Gave Him A Blank Check
Attention Democrats: I Told You So! Would You Like to Wake Up Now?
Informant: reggie501
From ufpj-news
Iraq: May the Quagmire Remain!
If you believe Middle East official discourse, everyone deplores the American presence in Iraq and everyone calls for an immediate departure.... And yet, between the words expressed and hidden intentions, there is a chasm. The region's states and political groups, pushed by their public opinion, will scarcely admit it, but they have no desire to see the Americans withdraw any time soon.
How Many More Will Congress Leave to Die?
Write a Letter to Your Editor
Democrats sell out troops, Congress votes to waste $100 billion more in Iraq
Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news