Montag, 4. Juni 2007

Forests in the front line of climate change

Informant: binstock


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

The Losers? Innocent Victims

Iraq's Mercenaries: With A Licence To Kill

Vet Vows to Continue Speaking Out

European Voters Say No Thanks to US Missile Plan

Laptops are crippling millions with back problems

Phone firm in mast bid

By Gordon Rogers

Mobile phone company T-Mobile has refused to give up on plans to build a new mast on an industrial estate in Abingdon - and objectors are also determined to fight on.

Two years ago, O2 (UK) wanted to put up a 15 metre transmitter at Allens Carparts in Radley Road, but was refused planning permission.

Last year, T-Mobile put forward similar proposals which met the same fate following complaints from local residents and Abingdon Town Council. Planners said the mast would be visually intrusive and too close to homes.

Undeterred, T-Mobile has come back with an alternative plan with a 12 metre-high mast. The company said it needs a new transmitter to cope with growing demand. Richard Nash from AWA, the company which is working to find a site for T-Mobile, said the new proposals were for a 12m high telegraph pole mast. Antennas would be enclosed in a shroud and there would be no external dishes.

He said: "We believe that the mast is an appropriate one for a commercial site in an urban setting. Due to its lesser bulk and height it is less intrusive than that of either the previous proposal or the existing Orange mast close to the site."

But nearby resident Ernie Wright, from Galley Fields, said: "This issue won't lie down even though we have won two previous campaigns.

"The new mast might be three metres shorter, but it will be closer to Radley Road and Thomas Reade School. We already have an ugly mast that towers over us and we don't want another."

Mr Nash said the new mast would be partly screened by a mature tree that would provide a backdrop to the mast. When seen from nearby homes it would be almost directly in line with the trunk of the tree.

He said several other sites on the estate had been discounted either because there was insufficient room or the landowner was not willing to accommodate a site.

He added: "The proposed site is in a scrapyard. The siting of an appropriately designed mast would not have any more impact on adjacent residential properties in terms of disturbance. We looked at sharing space on the existing Orange mast but there's not enough room."

Mr Nash said the company had contacted local councillors and Rush Common and Kingfisher schools and was prepared to widen the consultation process. The Vale of White Horse District Council is looking at T-Mobile's latest proposals and a report will be drawn up for councillors to consider.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

FDP kritisiert Akkreditierungsverfahren für G8-Gipfel

Die FDP kritisiert das Vorgehen der Sicherheitsbehörden und des Bundespresseamtes bei der Akkreditierung von Journalisten zum G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm. Wenn der Verfassungsschutz gegen einige kritische Berichterstatter Bedenken habe, stelle sich unweigerlich die Frage, inwieweit die Pressefreiheit in Deutschland noch bestehe, sagte die innenpolitische Sprecherin der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion, Gisela Piltz, der "Berliner Zeitung". Die Verweigerung der Akkreditierung einiger teils langjährig tätiger, bekannter und vor allem unbescholtener Journalisten zum G8-Gipfel passe sich nahtlos ein in das Bild, dass die Grundrechte gegenüber der Sicherheit ins Hintertreffen geraten. "Es drängt sich der Eindruck auf, dass es nach der Demonstrationsfreiheit nun der Pressefreiheit an den Kragen gehen sollte", sagte Piltz.

Attac kritisiert Afrika-Programm der G8

Der Sprecher der globalisierungskritischen Bewegung Attac, Sven Giegold, kritisiert das Afrika-Programm der G8. Die G8 sei immer schon ein aggressiver Akteur bei der Öffnung von Märkten gewesen und habe eigene Interessen verfolgt, sagte Giegold in der "Berliner Zeitung". Das sei auch jetzt so.

Bello fordert Rückbesinnung auf die nationalen Ökonomien

Vor dem G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm hat der Träger des Alternativen Nobelpreises, der philippinische Soziologe Walden Bello, eine Rückbesinnung auf die nationalen Ökonomien gefordert. Bello sagte, die Globalisierung stecke in einer tiefen Krise und befinde sich auf dem Rückzug. "Das Versprechen dieses Projekts lautete: Es werde weniger Ungleichheit, weniger Armut, dafür aber mehr Wohlstand geben. Geschehen ist das Gegenteil. Die Welt befindet sich in einem schlechteren Zustand als zuvor." Die Globalisierung werde heute besonders mit dem Klimawandel und der Erderwärmung in Verbindung gebracht. Ein entschiedenes Umdenken sei nötig. Die Wirtschaft müsse sich wieder stärker auf ihr jeweiliges nationales Umfeld fokussieren.ärmung

CDA bezeichnete Hartz-Reformen als "staatlichen Raub"

Der Arbeitnehmerflügel der CDU macht sich für die Tarifautonomie und ein Einhalten von Tarifverträgen stark. Der Vorsitzende der Christlich-Demokratischen Arbeitnehmerschaft (CDA), Karl-Josef Laumann, forderte am 2. Juni bei der CDA-Bundestagung in Karlsruhe eine "Renaissance der Tarifverträge". Der CDU-Politiker Laumann, der Arbeitsminister in Nordrhein-Westfalen ist, wurde von den Delegierten mit großer Mehrheit als CDA-Bundesvorsitzender bestätigt. Auch das Thema Mindestlohn und die Folgen der Hartz-Gesetze beschäftigten die Delegierten. CDU-Generalsekretär Ronald Pofalla lehnte die SPD-Vorschläge zum Mindestlohn erneut ab. Seine Partei wolle aber "sittenwidrige Löhne" per Gesetz verbieten lassen. Die "Hartz-Reformen" bezeichnete Laumann als "staatlichen Raub".

Existenz-Zerstörung: Bauern-Proteste gegen Agro-Business und Gentechnik der G8

Einen Tag nach der Großdemonstration protestierten Bauern aus mehreren Ländern am Sonntag, den 3. Juni in Rostock gegen die Agrarpolitik der G8-Staat. Bauern aus Nepal, Nicaragua, der Türkei, Kanada, Palästina und vielen anderen Ländern liefen an der Spitze der Demonstration. Paul Nicholson, Landwirt aus dem spanischen Baskenland und Europakoordinator der weltweiten Kleinbauernorganisation "Via Campesina" sagt, "wir sind nach Rostock gekommen, weil die G8 politische und wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen trifft, die das Leben der Bauern weltweit bestimmen". Diese Politik zerstöre die Existenz von Millionen Kleinbauern jährlich.

U.S. Military Base in Okinawa Threatens Rare Dugongs

Bush's "Magic" Formula: The Rich Get Richer

Larry Beinhart writes: "You may have been hearing that the Dow Jones Index is at an all-time high. It's true. However, it is only 16 percent higher than the day George Bush came into office. By comparison, when Clinton left office the Dow was 320 percent higher than when he came into office. It's a very rough measure, of course, and there are many others. But by that measure, during the Clinton years, investment in America's leading business had grown more than three times over. Under Bush, it's only grown 16 percent in six years. Since the consumer price index is up 18 percent over the same period when the new all-time high is adjusted for inflation, growth is effectively below zero."

Bush's "Magic" Economic Formula

"Supposedly we are in a sustained economic recovery and have been since 2002," says Larry Beinhart. "Part of this is Bush hot air and the Republican Noise Machine, which the media quote verbatim. By a certain measure, however, it's real. But the recovery has some really strange features."

Democrats Plan a Capitol Barrage Over Iraq

Democratic Congressional leaders whose efforts to force a withdrawal from Iraq were stymied in May, are planning a summer of repeated Iraq-related votes designed to force Republican lawmakers to abandon the White House before the fall.

An Interview With Joseph Wilson

Jason Leopold reports: "In a recent interview, former US Ambassador Joseph Wilson told me that he and his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, both strongly feel that Vice President Dick Cheney is behind efforts to block her from discussing her work for the Central Intelligence Agency before 2002 in a memoir to be published in October titled 'Fair Game.' Plame Wilson's undercover CIA identity was leaked to a handful of reporters by senior Bush administration officials. She and her husband believe the leak was in retaliation after he spoke out against the White House concerning Iraq."

Theater Bonn: Bühne frei für Tropenholz

Die Stadt Bonn ist Mitglied im Klimabündnis und in vielen Bereichen bemüht, sich für Klima- und Umweltschutz zu engagieren. Trotzdem will Bonn jetzt Gabunsperrholz für das Theater kaufen, das mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit aus Raubbau stammt und noch nicht einmal FSC-zertifiziert ist. Satellitenfotos belegen, dass industrieller Holzeinschlag in Zentralafrika die Hauptursache für großflächige Regenwaldzerstörung ist. Bitte protestieren Sie bei Oberbürgermeisterin Bärbel Dieckmann und anderen Verantwortlichen in Bonn! (Start: 04.06.2007)


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Open Letter to Cindy Sheehan

From ufpj-news


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Let Wal-Mart's board know how you feel

Fewer than half of Wal-Mart employees are covered by the company's health plan. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Let Wal-Mart's board know how you feel: sign the letter.


Skimming The Student Loan Cream

by Luke Swarthout,

Chopping the criminally generous subsidies to school lending institutions could save billions.

Liberty For Libby?

by Elizabeth de la Vega,

With the entitlement and arrogance that suffuses the administration, Scooter Libby is asking to walk free.


The Fate of I. Lewis Libby

Elizabeth de la Vega writes, "If the memorandum filed by defense attorneys in anticipation of former top White House Adviser I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby's June 5 sentencing is any indication, it appears that Libby - one of the highest White House officials ever convicted of a felony - has learned precisely nothing from his trial and conviction on charges of false statements, obstruction of justice and perjury."


Sentencing for Dummies: The Fate of I. Lewis Libby

An Illusion Of Justice

by Jameel Jaffer,

Today some of the few Guantánamo detainees actually charged will face a deeply-flawed military tribunal. But that is not the worst of it.

March of the People June 21, 2007

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

EX-DAIMLER-CHEF SCHREMPP: Aktienoptionen für 50 Millionen Euro,1518,486412,00.html

Urge Congress to say NO to liquid coal!

Click here to urge your members of Congress to oppose liquid coal fuels!

Torture in the service of arms and oil

Chris Floyd Website
by staff


[O]ne of the underlying truths about George W. Bush’s gulag: He does not have people tortured in order to extract information from them; he has them tortured in order to manufacture false information which can be used to advance his agenda of aggressive war and domestic tyranny. … There are of course many aspects to the hydra-headed Terror War, many motives driving its various players, much chaos and contradiction in its seething cross-currents. But you can always find the inextricably linked interests of arms and oil at the center of the blood-choked murk. And you will also always find leaders — fine, upstanding, God-called champions of civilization — willing to countenance anything — torture, deception, aggression, corruption — to advance those interests...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America’s Iraq strategy boosts US combat losses

Christian Science Monitor


May’s spike in the American death toll in Iraq is the result of the administration’s new approach in Iraq — as much as it is the enemy’s own ’surge’ of attacks against US forces. In strategic terms, it’s called taking it to the enemy. But analysts warn that if the number of US casualties continues at their current high level through the summer, that could raise questions about whether the strategy is actually working. May has already been difficult — the third-deadliest month since the Iraq war began. In a candid briefing Thursday, Army Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of Multinational Corps-Iraq, warned that the situation would be difficult in the months ahead. But the rising number of Americans killed comes as a result not only of insurgent activity but also from US operations in places that forces have not been before...

Back to the future

by Justin Raimondo

speech given 06/01/07

These are the dog days of the War Party; their cadre is deserting them in droves, the public hates their guts, and members of their own party — I refer, of course, to the Republican Party — are rising in rebellion, if only out of fear of the public’s wrath. The investigation into their shenanigans has hardly begun with the indictment and conviction of Scooter Libby, and the prospect of jail time for a few more of the War Party’s leading figures cannot fill them with anything other than trepidation. The American people are waking up, and their awakening has been rude in the extreme and is bound to get ruder with each passing day as the ’surge’ yields a higher casualty rate and the Iraqi insurgency plays havoc with our pretensions to being the New Rome. Yet the War Party still has a few cards to play...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gingrich: Bush could hurt GOP in ‘08

Washington Times


Newt Gingrich stood by his criticism of President Bush, saying yesterday that the government is ‘not getting the job done’ and that his unpopularity could be harmful to Republicans running for office next year. ‘The government is not functioning. It’s not getting the job done,’ said Mr. Gingrich, a Georgia Republican who is considering a run for his party’s presidential nomination. ‘Republicans need to confront this reality’... [editor’s note: This is news? Not really. The “news” angle is that there are some Republicans who still haven’t figured this out. File under “dissociative disorders” - TLK]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democrats clash on Iraq, health care

Buffalo News


Democratic presidential candidates clashed on Sunday on Iraq and over the security of the country since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, trailing both New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in national polls, criticized their cautious approach in forcing President Bush to withdraw troops from Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Inspector hangs up on phone mast bid

Jun 4 2007

By Dave Black, The Journal

A bid to erect a 50ft-high mobile phone mast close to Hadrian's Wall has been rejected by a Government planning inspector.

T-Mobile wanted to put up the timber communications tower in a field near Heddon-on-the-Wall, less than 200m from the world heritage site.

The location - near the junction of the A69 and the old Military Road - is also close to the Hadrian's Wall footpath.

Planning permission was refused by local councillors last year because of the mast's likely impact on the scheduled ancient monument and its setting in open countryside.

Now T-Mobile's appeal against the decision has been thrown out by planning inspector Wenda Fabian, who says she is unconvinced that a less sensitive site cannot be found. The proposed location lies within the protected green belt and the Hadrian's Wall official world heritage site, where planning policy places the highest priority on preserving the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside.

T-Mobile designed the mast and associated equipment and fencing to minimise its visual impact on the setting of the Roman Wall.

The company also claimed it had investigated eight alternative sites in a bid to plug a gap in mobile phone coverage in the area, all of which were either unsuitable or unavailable.

In her decision letter, Ms Fabian says the mast would be built on the highest point of a rising field and would be clearly visible from some distance away, including on the Military Road and two public footpaths.

She says it would also impact on the setting of the Roman Wall and has been unable to find the `very special circumstances' required to allow a mast to be built in such a sensitive area.

She feels T-Mobile has not held sufficient discussions on the possibility of sharing a nearby pylon on which fellow operator O2 already has equipment.

Last night Coun Peter Jackson, who represents Heddon-on-the-Wall on both Castle Morpeth Borough and Northumberland County Councils, said: "This is such a sensitive location, next to a world heritage site, that people expected it would be protected by planning policy. We are pleased to see these policies working and doing what they are supposed to do, preserving the open countryside."

Precedent set

Anti-wind farm campaigners last night pointed to the Government inspector's refusal of the 50ft phone mast, arguing the same principles should underpin any decision on bids to build turbines in similarly sensitive areas.

The Journal revealed recently how Frank and Clare Dakin turned down a potential £6m in income from a wind farm development on their land because of the effect it would have on the local community and the surrounding landscape at Duddo near Berwick - including the ancient Duddo Five Stones and the Duddo Tower.

A spokesman for Moorsyde Action Group, which is fighting plans for 10 turbines west of Berwick, said: "This will raise some interesting questions about Plenmeller, where the developer is planning up to 24 turbines in plain sight of Hadrian's Wall. Here in North Northumberland, we have a raft of applications for dozens of turbines. At the same time, we have an historic landscape which must also be protected."

© owned by or licensed to NCJ Media Limited 2007

Larijani calls US missile plan 'joke of the year':

Ali Larijani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran said that "the Iranian missile range cannot even reach Europe, and the Americans probably know that.",7340,L-3408258,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Military to urge that Britain should get out of Iraq in 12 months

British military leaders will urge Britain's next prime minister to approve a 12-month timetable for withdrawing forces from Iraq, according to a report in The Sunday Telegraph.

Commanders say push in Baghdad is short of goal

Three months after the start of the Baghdad security plan that has added thousands of American and Iraqi troops to the capital, they control fewer than one-third of the city's neighborhoods, far short of the initial goal for the operation, according to some commanders and an internal military assessment.

From Information Clearing House

Sicko? The Truth About The US Healthcare System

By Andrew Gumbel

Michael Moore's new film is a damning indictment of the way the world's richest country looks after those who fall ill.

U.S. health care is bad for your health

The study, finds that not only is the U.S. health care system the most expensive in the world (double that of the next most costly comparator country, Canada) but comes in dead last in almost any measure of performance.

From Information Clearing House


Michael Moore on Oprah Tuesday to talk about "Sicko," opening in the USA June 29

Michael Moore on Oprah Tuesday

Michael Moore will appear on Oprah tomorrow, Tuesday, June 5, and will present, for the first time on television, scenes from his new film, "Sicko." Oprah will interview Michael about the movie and the attention it's receiving before its release (opening day everywhere is June 29). The theme of Oprah's show is the one film you must see this summer -- "Sicko" -- and the one book you must read (Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"). Oprah loved Michael's film and wants to make health care for all one of her main missions this year.

So set your recorders for Oprah tomorrow, Tuesday!

Thanks, Dr. Kohls: I "only wish" Oprah was "really concerned" about healthcare!!!

I wrote to her more than once regarding close, chronic, prolonged EMF/EMR exposures at night due to electric meters, electric appliances and some telephone equipment. Michael Moore received appeals from me on numerous occasions.

Not only did the American Cancer Society send me an article (1993) from "USA Today" with a "radiation file number," but the article clearly recommended moving electrical items away from close proximity to one's bed. Items mentioned included electric clocks, electric blankets and more........

As I often mention, I have the booklet re EMF's that was written by utilities' communications' experts with a publication date of 2001 that suggests one may want to replace electric clocks with battery-operated or wind-up clocks. As far as I know, this booklet was distributed only to Florida Power & Light and Sacramento Power & Light before publication was stopped.

While Oprah does allow some limited coverage re EMF/EMR exposures, it is obvious that she and others, including Michael Moore (unless his movie, "Sicko," surprises me -- I won't view it unless it does contain warnings re electric and telephone items close to beds) "deliberately avoid" simple, straightforward facts that pertain to cost-free methods of significantly reducing electrical pollution/toxicity at night. As you and others know, children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to any toxic exposures.

Considering the large numbers of "uninsured children" in the U.S., as well as considerable challenges faced by the elderly -- we have huge increases in numbers of autistic-related disorders as well as Alzheimers -- not to mention similar large increases in many other health problems, I don't give a whole lot of credit to any movie or talk show personality who won't address the issue of "prudent avoidance re low level EMF/EMR exposures in bedrooms."

I informed Oprah that the homes she helped provide Katrina victims on Angel Street in Houston have electric meters mounted to the outside of childrens' bedroom walls. I never received a response.......

Best wishes and take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: (6-05-07)

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. - Schopenhauer

"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice." -- Mahatma Gandhi


Link to watch the entire Michael Moore movie "Sicko";7822955;/fileinfo.html

After viewing this movie you will understand how it may be the one most important thing in 2007 that can get Dennis Kucinich elected the next President of my county, the United States of America. This movie along with Dennis Kucinich has the power to change lives, and change our country for the better.

The movie does a lot more than just talk about Health Care, and how our system in the US compares with the countries that have Universal FREE health care.

Informant: Jack Topel



This weekend the new Michael Moore blockbuster, Sicko, a compelling call to action to get serious about the train wreck of our national health care system, will debut in dozens and dozens of major theaters around the country. Click on the link below for locations to make your reservations, to show you are part of the health care now constituency.


But before you do, or after, please also submit the action page below to call for passage of H.R. 676, the United States National Health Insurance Act. Are you tired of being a cash cow for greedy pharmaceutical companies and HMOs who deny care as their first response to your illness, while they post record profit margins almost as astronomical as the oil companies? Speak out now to finally regulate these industries for the common good.


By the way, did you know that Dennis Kucinich has been one of the strongest advocates for the passage of this bill since its original introduction in 2003? Today Dennis Kucinich stood shoulder to shoulder in the Capitol with Michael Moore as he expressly called for passage of H.R. 676 as the primary policy agenda behind his new movie. Why don't you make a donation to Dennis to encourage him to keep standing strong for us on this issue.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved


"SiCKO": The Profits of Life and Death

Michael Moore's documentary film, "SiCKO," focuses on the more than 250 million people who have insurance, but highlights those who are betrayed by it in their time of need. The horror of Moore's expose is not that health insurance companies are posting too much of a profit; it's that they are doing so at the expense of American lives. A coalition of nurses and doctors will co-host the film nationwide to promote bills in Congress that would fundamentally change the profit-based health system.

"SiCKO" Goes to Washington

Just one week before the release of Michael Moore's new documentary about the American health care industry, Moore traveled to Washington to push for universal health care. Truthout's Geoffrey Millard followed Moore as he testified before Congress, and provided a screening of the film to health care lobbyists. SiCKO premieres around the country on Friday June 29th.


'SiCKO': Michael Moore's Prescription for Change

SiCKO, Part I: The Human Tragedy

SiCKO, Part II: Things Can Be Different

Michael Moore's 'Sicko' Leaves Top Democrats Ill at Ease

Watch SiCKO and Call Your Congressman in the Morning

Michael Moore Uncensored

The Impending Global Liquidity Crisis

By Mike Whitney

Economic growth is underwater and yet the stock market is still flying-high? What gives?

Losing the Economy to Mythology

By Paul Craig Roberts

Economists are governed by the illusion that America's post World War II prosperity is based on free trade. It is not. America's post-war prosperity was based on the destruction of the economic capability of the rest of the world by World War II and communism/socialism.

Over Hill, Over Dale: The Militarization of Culture

By Charles Sullivan

The glorification of war is nearly ubiquitous in the culture. You see it in the vehicles we drive, aggressive behavior, excessive national pride, flag waving, military style clothing, movies, video games; and now-television commercials. The American consumer is essentially becoming a piece of computer hardware programmed to download propaganda and to execute its commands without thinking.

Can The Lebanese Army Fight America's War Against Terror?

By Robert Fisk

On the surface, it all makes sense. A group of radical Islamists fighting the Lebanese army shoot on amid the ruins of Nahr el-Bared refugee camp. Nahr el-Bared means "the cold river", but there is no river. They are shelled by the Lebanese army. In fact, Lebanese Gazelle helicopters machine-gunned them yesterday. Another chapter in the war on terror.

Sanchez: US Can Forget About Winning In Iraq

By Sig Christenson

Top retired US general says absolutely convinced America has crisis in leadership at this time.

Kirchenforderungen zum G8-Gipfel

ödp-München unterstützt Kirchenforderungen zum G8-Gipfel

Die Münchner ödp lädt alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger am 6. Juni um 18 Uhr für acht Minuten zum Gebet und Gedenken an die Erfüllung der UN Millenniumsziele ein.

Anläßlich des G8-Gipfels von 6.-8. Juni in Heiligendamm appelliert die ödp zusammen mit Kirchen und NGOs an die Regierungen der G8-Staaten, die Bekämpfung der weltweiten Armut und den behutsamen Umgang mit der Schöpfung zum Mittelpunkt ihrer Politik zu machen.

Bereits im Jahr 2000 haben die Vereinten Nationen (UN) die Millenniumsziele verbindlich beschlossen. Bis zum Jahr 2015 soll nach diesem Zielkatalog folgendes erreicht werden:

1) Halbierung der Zahl von Menschen, die unter extremer Armut und Hunger leiden

2) Grundschulbildung für alle Kinder

3) Gleichstellung der Frauen in politischer, sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht sowie beim Zugang zu Bildung

4) Verminderung der Kindersterblichkeit bis zum 5. Lebensjahr um 2/3

5) Gesundheit der Mütter verbessern

6) HIV und Malaria sowie andere Krankheiten des Südens bekämpfen

7) Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit gewährleisten

8) Eine globale Partnerschaft für Entwicklung ausbilden.

„Wir in der ödp setzen uns ein für die Achtung der Menschenwürde, für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit. Deshalb ist uns seit langem klar, dass Weltfriede ohne soziale Gerechtigkeit, Schonung der natürlichen Ressourcen, ohne fairen Welthandel und ohne Verbesserung der Gesundheitschancen für alle Menschen nicht erhalten werden kann. Wir unterstützen den Globalen Marshall-Plan, der einen guten Weg zeigt, wie die Millenniumsziele erreicht werden können. Deshalb stehen wir auch hinter '8 Minuten für Gerechtigkeit'“, begründet der ödp-Regionalbeauftragte Markus Hollemann den ödp-Aufruf.

Die Aktion „8 Minuten für Gerechtigkeit“ ist überparteilich und wird von Brot für die Welt, Evangelischen Entwicklungsdienst und der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Landeskirche Mecklenburgs getragen.

Hollemann: „Wir fordern die Bundeskanzlerin und Pfarrerstochter Angela Merkel auf, ihren Teil beizutragen, dass die G8-Staaten vernünftige und zukunftsfähige Entscheidungen treffen. Sie hat es als Gastgeberin maßgeblich in der Hand, die Millenniumsziele vorwärts zu treiben. Die Weichenstellungen der G8 beeinflussen die Lebensbedingungen in allen Teilen der Erde. Den Lippenbekenntnissen müssen endlich Taten folgen.“

Näheres zu „8 Minuten für Gerechtigkeit“:
Näheres zu den UN Milleniumszielen:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Herbert Brunner
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/55 06 99 86
E-Mail m.hollemann

When The Prince of Darkness Visits

Stopping the Torture Flights

The Price of Free Airwaves

Democrats Likely To Harden Anti-War Stance As 'Surge' Fails and Election Year Approaches

The World Must Isolate Bush Over Climate Change

What If Our Mercenaries Turn On Us?

Corporatism Funding the Death of our Republic

by Devvy Kidd

The American people find themselves in a quandary over the issue of corporatism, the support of free enterprise and refusing to fund their own destruction by supporting these multi national corporations who have and are selling out America......

Seehofer will die Haftungsregelung aufweichen

Seehofer will unbedingt noch vor der Sommerpause des Parlaments, die Aufweichung der Haftungsregelung auf den Weg bringen. Um es kurz zu sagen: dem Einzug der Agrogentechnik sollen Tür und Tor geöffnet werden !!! Dagegen müssen wir uns wehren und alles unternehmen was uns möglich ist. Dieses Ziel muss in den nächsten Monaten Priorität haben !!

Der Erfolg wird wohl ganz wesentlich von den Aktiven vor Ort abhängen ! Die Unterstützerliste schaut ja ganz vielversprechend aus ! Wir dürfen uns aber nicht auf irgendwelche Unterstützerlisten verlassen und auf eine E-Mail-Aktion vertrauen. Hier muss jeder aktiv werden - das hier ist mehr als eine Wahlveranstaltung oder ein Bürgerbegehren - ES IST VIELLEICHT UNSERE LETZTE CHANCE DIESE RISIKOTECHNOLOGIE ZU STOPPEN !!!

Bitte beachtet diese Internetseiten:

Verteilt diese E-Mail bitte weiter !

Viele Grüße
Helmut Riedl

Nearly 100 million trees get used for junk mail every year in the U.S.

Let's keep the trees in the forest, and get the junk mail out of your life.

Informant: Sasha Karlik


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Greenland Ice Melt Speeds Up; Warming Trend is Confirmed via Satellite

White House Revises Post-Disaster Protocol

Thousand Hurt in Anti-G8 Protest, Police Arrest 128 People

Gorbachev Criticizes US 'Empire'

Why Are We Avoiding the Word “Treason?”

Informant: Useful I.


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The Republican War on...
https://info.commondreams. org/acton/ct/33231/s-0fbd- 2106/Bct/q-003a/l-sf-lead- 0014:208ed/ct13_0/1/lu?sid =TV2%3ALcjACotbo
rudkla - 12. Jun, 05:44
With FBI Reportedly Investigating...
https://info.commondreams. org/acton/ct/33231/s-0fa0- 2106/Bct/q-003a/l-sf-lead- 0014:208ed/ct10_0/1/lu?sid =TV2%3AsishW7bVI
rudkla - 9. Jun, 05:27
Die Kampagnen gegen die...
Allmählich wird das ganze Ausmaß der politischen Attacken...
rudkla - 29. Feb, 16:27
How USDA Climate Change... les/how-usda-climate-chang e-denial-threatens-the-sou th/
rudkla - 7. Jul, 05:51
Trump Wants to Create... les/its-not-just-about-dep ortations-trump-wants-to-c reate-a-permanent-undercla ss/
rudkla - 7. Jul, 05:48


Juni 2007


Online seit 7229 Tagen
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 12. Jun, 05:44


Animal Protection - Tierschutz
AUFBRUCH für Bürgerrechte, Freiheit und Gesundheit
Big Brother - NWO
Care2 Connect
Civil Rights - Buergerrechte - Politik
Cuts in Social Welfare - Sozialabbau
Death Penalty - Todesstrafe
Depleted Uranium Poisoning (D.U.)
Disclaimer - Haftungsausschluss
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