Freitag, 29. Juni 2007

Expose The Obstructionists

It's time to take the gloves off.

Libby Becomes Inmate No. 28301-016

Former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney and assistant to President Bush, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, has now been classified as federal inmate No. 28301-016, reports the Associated Press.

Scharfe Kritik an Abkommen über Fluggast- und Bankdaten

Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte Peter Schaar hat die Vereinbarungen zwischen EU und USA über die Weitergabe der Daten von Fluggästen und zum Zugriff von US-Behörden auf europäische Bank-Überweisungsdaten scharf kritisiert. Gemessen an den Vorgaben des europäischen Datenschutzrechts seien die Abkommen unzureichend. Die Verringerung der Anzahl der Datenfelder bei den Fluggast-Daten komme dadurch zustande, dass die Informationen mehrerer Felder in einem Feld zusammengeführt würden. Dagegen würde die Speicher-Dauer verdoppelt.

It Ain't For Free

The Misunderestimated Mr. Cheney

When Does Drowning Mean Drowning?

Yet Again: Bush Plays al Qaida Card to Bolster Support for Iraq Policy


Bush Still Trying to Link Iraq and 9/11

President Bush continues to call al Qaida "the main enemy" in Iraq, a claim rejected my his own administration's senior intelligence analyst, reports Jonathan S. Landay of the McClatchy Newspapers.

Cheney, Master of Stealth, Readies Himself For The Final Act of 'Imperial' Vice-Presidency

Devastating Washington Post portrait of Cheney should feed drive to impeach

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Council 'hugely embarrassed' over mast blunder

By Kelly Barker

ANGRY residents called for a police investigation into how four phone masts were given planning permission in a massive council blunder.


Help put an end to the seal hunt once and for all!

Die schöne neue Gesundheitswelt à la Bertelsmann

“Gesundheit im Jahr 2020: Die Geschichten, die unser Zukunftsmagazin erzählt, sind Fiktion, basieren aber auf den Informationen, die sich aus der Projektarbeit der Bertelsmann Stiftung ableiten lassen. Sie zeigen, wie die Gesundheitsversorgung im Jahr 2020 aussehen könnte …”

Quelle: Bertelsmann-Stiftung

Anmerkung: In einer Fiktion à la Aufstand der Alten will uns Bertelsmann seine Vorstellungen einer künftigen Gesundheitsreform schmackhaft machen – mit einer Grundversicherung bei einer und Zusatzmodulen bei anderen Versicherungen, mit einer eigenständigen Zahnversicherung, mit der Einbeziehung von Zinsen auf Guthaben und Mieterträgen für die Finanzierung des Gesundheitssystems, ja sogar die Arbeitgeber würden zu einer Mitfinanzierung des Gesundheitssystems herangezogen. Bertelsmann verkauft mal wieder in einer Art Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag seine Vorschläge zur Gesundheitsreform der Zukunft.

Das Schattenkabinett

Die »gemeinnützige« Bertelsmann-Stiftung fungiert hinter den Kulissen als Motor neoliberaler Reformen

Die Bertelsmann-Stiftung agiert als Vorfeldorganisation des Konzerns

Unveröffentlichte und Industrie-finanzierte Studie lässt EU-Behörde Grenzwerte für Chemikalie Bisphenol A lockern

"Gutachten von Unternehmen gesponsort" Lockerung der Grenzwerte für Bisphenol A in Lebensmitteln

Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren kritisiert die Lockerung der Grenzwerte für die Chemikalie Bisphenol A in Lebensmitteln. Nach Angaben der Europäischen Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA) sind Menschen der Chemikalie in Lebensmitteln "dadurch ausgesetzt, dass die Substanz in bestimmten Kunststoffen und anderen Materialien verwendet wird, die für Artikel wie Flaschen und Konservendosen Anwendung finden". Nach Auffassung der Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren können negative Auswirkungen für die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung nicht ausgeschlossen werden. "Die Entscheidung der EU erfolgte auf Druck der Chemie-Industrie, da der bestehende Grenzwert häufig überschritten wurde und Anwendungsbeschränkungen drohten", kritisiert die Organisation.

Blow to Bush as Immigration Bill Crashes Down

"The US Senate dealt a severe blow to President George W. Bush Thursday, blocking a landmark immigration reform seen as one of his last, best hopes for a legacy-boosting second term victory. Senators voted 53 to 46 against keeping the bill alive, a stunning repudiation of the attempt to grant a path to citizenship for 12 million illegal immigrants. The move likely ends Senate action on the issue before 2009," writes Agence France-Presse.

Bush, Mideast Wars and End-Time Prophecy

JP Briggs II, Ph.D., and Thomas D. Williams report for Truthout, "President George W. Bush has become dangerously steeped in ideas of Armageddon, the Apocalypse, an imminent war with Satanic forces in the Middle East and an urgency to construct an American theocracy to fulfill God's end-of-days plan, according to close observers."

Was George Scherf Jr the 41st U.S. President?

The American Empire and 9/11

Informant: Dorothee

War without public support doomed

Fox News
by Susan Estrich


Reading the morning news is beginning to remind me of nothing so much as the old light bulb jokes -– you know, the ones like (and this has always been my favorite, because it describes my mom, may she rest in peace): how many Jewish mothers does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, I’ll sit in the dark! What I’m referring to is the steady stream of bad news for the president from his own team on the war in Iraq: How many Republican senators will have to publicly condemn this war before the president gets the message? How many Republican candidates will have to distance themselves from the president before he realizes he’s standing alone? How low will the approval numbers have to go before he’s willing to do something to end this war? How many brave American men and women will have to die before the dying stops?,2933,287034,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Can habeas corpus be restored?

In These Times
by Brian Beutler


Democrats and civil libertarians have been understandably livid over the administration’s demolition of the writ of habeas corpus. But remedying the problem isn’t quite as simple as it should be. For starters, the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (MCA), signed by President Bush last October, didn’t end habeas in a straightforward, easily reversible way. It ended habeas by inference — first, by denying the writ to ‘unlawful enemy combatants,’ and then by defining that term broadly enough that it could, in some cases, include American citizens. Today, an enemy combatant is anybody ‘engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States.’ It was through that legal two-step that the government held, tortured, and denied trial to Jose Padilla, an American citizen arrested in Chicago in 2002 for engaging in terrorist activities...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How dare we condemn human rights abuse by other nations?

by D. W. Garrett


The U.S. government has cried foul many times in the last century when reports of human rights abuses in other nations have become public knowledge. Often, the United States has sought United Nations sanctions against countries that the U.S. felt had treated their citizens improperly and unfairly, while proclaiming this nation as a leader in human rights. But the U.S. has become a hypocrite and laughingstock among other nations, who cite cases of inequality and poor treatment by the U.S. against its own minorities...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

FTC shoots down Net Neutrality

Ars Technica


The Federal Trade Commission [Wednesday] dealt a serious blow to ‘Net Neutrality’ proponents as it issued a report dismissive of claims that the government needs to get involved in preserving the fairness of networks in the United States. The report, entitled Broadband Connectivity Competition Policy, was drafted in response to growing concerns about broadband competitiveness and network neutrality. The FTC intends the report to be consulted as a guideline by policy makers and legislators, but it has no binding force. Nevertheless, the report’s findings are yet another sign that US government agencies are not particularly interested in the network neutrality problem right now. In fact, the FTC is essentially saying that they can find no evidence of a problem to begin with...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Distrust increasing for Bush and US

Arizona Republic


Unease with American foreign policy and President Bush has intensified in countries that are some of the closest U.S. allies and around the globe, while Russia and China also face growing international wariness, a survey released Wednesday said. Support for the U.S.-led war in Iraq, the NATO military action in Afghanistan and worldwide American efforts against terrorism have dropped since 2002, according to an international survey by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center. Views of the U.S. in much of the Muslim world remain particularly negative. In one measure of Bush’s unpopularity, the poll indicated that he is less trusted on foreign policy than Russian President Vladimir Putin by allies Britain, Germany and Canada, even as faith in Putin has plummeted. About half in the U.S. say they have little or no trust in either leader’s conduct of foreign affairs...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Wall Street Journal staff stay away in protest

Guardian [UK]


Wall Street Journal staff across America refused to turn up to work yesterday in protest at rapidly advancing takeover talks between Rupert Murdoch and the paper’s owner, Dow Jones. The protest came as it emerged that Mr Murdoch’s News Corp had agreed with Dow Jones on a special committee that would be responsible for the hiring and firing of key editors at the Journal and the company’s other news businesses. The Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE), representing more than 2,000 Dow Jones staff, said Journal reporters chose not to show in the morning but were planning to be back at their desks in the afternoon to get today’s edition out...,,2114706,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush decides he’s above the law again

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

President Bush, in a constitutional showdown with Congress, claimed executive privilege Thursday and rejected demands for White House documents and testimony about the firing of U.S. attorneys. His decision was denounced as ‘Nixonian stonewalling’ by the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

BMJ Editor Condemns Scare Mongering Over Bird Flu

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Will water slake a thirst for profits?

Informant: Scott Munson

Ron Paul: "That portion of AIPAC's influence would end under my administration"

An Interview with Presidential Candidate Congressman Ron Paul

Informant: Supreme Law Firm

IDA Issues Report on Elephant Abuse at Six Flags

This morning, In Defense of Animals (IDA) held a press conference at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom to issue a report on the state of the elephants at the North Bay amusement park.

Citing medical records and eyewitness testimony, we revealed evidence that the elephants are victims of abusive treatment and are suffering from ailments related to the inadequate, stressful, and barren conditions at the park. At the press conference, IDA President Dr. Elliot M. Katz issued an urgent plea to the City of Vallejo to send the elephants at Six Flags to a sanctuary. IDA called for an immediate end to shows that exacerbate the elephants' physical ailments.

IDA's request comes before the pending sale of the City's interest in Six Flags Discovery Kingdom to the park. The sale would include four elephants "owned" by the City of Vallejo.

"The city of Vallejo has made millions of dollars from this park and these elephants," writes Dr. Katz in a letter delivered to the Mayor this morning. "Instead of selling them like furniture, the City must take immediate responsibility for their well-being by sending the elephants to a sanctuary where they can live the rest of their lives in peace."

Conditions at Six Flags are among the worst of any zoo in the country. In addition to outdated facilities and circus-style training methods that rely on force and physical punishment, the park uses elephants in rides and circus-like shows, practices many zoos have abandoned due to humane and public safety concerns.

What You Can Do:

Please contact Six Flags and tell them to focus on rides and send the elephants to a sanctuary! Urge them to start by immediately ceasing to use elephants in the tug-of-war and log stacking performances.

Daniel M. Snyder, Six Flags Chairman Washington Redskins
21300 Redskins Park Dr. Ashburn, VA 20147 Fax: (703) 726-7124

Mark Shapiro, Six Flags President & CEO
1540 Broadway, 15th Floor New York, NY 10036 Tel: (212) 652-9403 Fax: (212) 354-3089 Email:

"Take Action" to let the City of Vallejo (which "owns" most of the elephants) know how you feel:

Mayor Anthony Intintoli
555 Santa Clara Street Vallejo, California 94590 Tel: (707) 648-4377 Fax: (707) 642-4687 Email:

Tell friends and family to take action on this important issue.

For more information, please visit

Unions Vow to Crank Up the Heat on Buyout Firms

Labor unions attended a conference at the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday to protest the growing power of buyout firms. "The service workers union, together with the labor-affiliated Working Families Party, plan to host protests this summer, raise awareness of deals they say hurt workers and issue critical reports about investment firms like Bain Capital," reports Joseph A. Giannone of Reuters.

US House Passes Bill Affirming Global Warming Exists

"The House of Representatives Wednesday, aiming to put an end to the debate over whether global warming is actually occurring, passed legislation recognizing the 'reality' of climate change and providing money to work on the problem," reported Richard Cowen for Reuters. "Meanwhile, a US Senate panel on Wednesday began drawing up a sweeping law that would put mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions," wrote Chris Baltimore of Reuters.

Waxman Challenges White House on Security Claim

Truthout's Matt Renner reports: "Representative Henry Waxman (D-California), chairman of the House of Representatives' main investigative body, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has been compiling evidence regarding the mismanagement of classified documents by the Bush administration. Waxman has taken sworn testimony of whistle-blowers from within the White House security agencies. The statements of these whistle-blowers 'casts doubt on [White House] assertions,' Waxman said in a letter to White House Counsel Fred Fielding on Tuesday."

NAACP Remains Steadfast in Ending Death Penalty & Fighting Injustice in America's Justice System

Six Peacekeeping Essentials for Peace and Protection in Darfur


Darfur Petition

To get to the point, sign the petition here to send Pres. Bush a message that you want him to do something about Darfur and to realize that an effective peacekeeping force there will look like:

For more information, please read below. Thank you!

Debbie Metke
Citizens for Global Solutions

As you know, a robust international peacekeeping force is one of the most crucial steps to saving Darfur.

But just what should a "robust" force look like?

Darfur policy experts from ENOUGH have just published the six criteria necessary for an effective peacekeeping mission. They include:

1. A strong mandate to protect civilians.
2. Management of the mission by the United Nations.
3. A sufficient level of troops and police drawn from around the
4. Mobile resources and equipment needed for quick response
across Darfur's challenging terrain.
5. A strong emphasis on civilian and humanitarian needs.
6. Sufficient funding from the international community.

Please join me in sending a message to the White House urging the administration to ensure that all six elements are present in the final peacekeeping force deployed to Darfur. Click the URL below to sign the petition.

Two weeks ago, headlines reported that Sudan officials had "agreed" yet again to the deployment of a United Nations-African Union hybrid peacekeeping force. As time passes, this "agreement" - just like the others - seems to be crumbling. Sudanese President Bashir, himself, has publicly denied accepting the agreement.

Still, with this news, peacekeeping in Darfur is once again at the forefront of the minds of world leaders. It is crucial that the international community raise the pressure on Sudan until it allows the deployment of an effective force.

Please click the URL below to tell President Bush what an effective peacekeeping force must include.

Then please forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to join you.

From ufpj-news

Supreme Court Swerves Hard Right


Resegregation Now

The editors of The New York Times write: "Since 1954, the Supreme Court has been the nation's driving force for integration. Yesterday, the court's radical new majority turned its back on that proud tradition in a 5-4 ruling, written by Chief Justice John Roberts. There should be no mistaking just how radical this decision is."

In Steps Big and Small, Supreme Court Moved Right

"It was the Supreme Court that conservatives had long yearned for and that liberals feared. In the first full term of the Roberts court, a third of the decisions were decided by 5-to-4 margins, with Justice Anthony M. Kennedy as the linchpin," Linda Greenhouse of The New York Times reports.

The Human Cost of Cheap Food

How to Destroy an African-American City in Thirty Three Steps: Lessons from Katrina


Black High School Students in Louisiana Threatened With Lynching

"In September 2006, a group of African-American high school students in Jena, Louisiana asked the school for permission to sit beneath a 'whites only' shade tree. There was an unwritten rule that blacks couldn't sit beneath the tree. The school said they didn't care where students sat. The next day, students arrived at school to see three nooses (in school colors) hanging from the tree ....," writes Rick Perlstein of TomPaine.

Around the Globe, Farmers Losing Ground

WHO: 77,000 Die Annually in Asia-Pacific from Climate Change

McDermott joins call for Cheney's removal

Informant: John Stroebel

Lohnverhältnisse wie in den USA

„Die Lohnschere klafft in Deutschland stärker auseinander als bisher von vielen angenommen. Seit den 80er-Jahren steigen die Reallöhne der Gutverdiener deutlich schneller als die der Geringverdiener. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine aktuelle Studie des Instituts zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA). Die Situation habe sich seit Anfang der 90er-Jahre sogar noch zugespitzt: Denn die 25 Prozent mit den geringsten Löhnen büßten von 1991 bis 2001 bis zu zwölf Prozent ihres Verdienstes real ein. Im gleichen Zeitraum stiegen die Löhne der einkommensstärksten 15 Prozent der westdeutschen Bevölkerung um mehr als zehn Prozent…“ Dossier von Monika Dunkel in FTD vom 29.06.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 29. Juni 2007

Koalition plant weiter Ausverkauf der Deutschen Bahn

„…Auch der Kompromiss mit dem Wirtschaftsministerium führt die Bahn aufs Abstellgleis, hat das Bündnis "Bahn für Alle" das Verhandlungsergebnis einer Runde von Staatssekretären zur Bahnprivatisierung kommentiert. Der Bund verliere auch so Einfluss auf das in mehr als 150 Jahren aufgebaute Vermögen. Seine Rechte würden auch mit diesem Kompromiss geschwächt, wenn auch weniger als bisher geplant…“ Pressemitteilung des Bündnis "Bahn für Alle" vom 28.06.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 29. Juni 2007


Ausverkauf, neue Etappe

Vor einem Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung zur Bahnprivatisierung

„Nachdem am Donnerstag Ministerien, die bisher den Entwurf für ein Bahnprivatisierungsgesetz heftig kritisiert hatten, ihre Kritik bis zur Unkenntlichkeit relativierten, zeichnet sich eine neue Etappe bei diesem Ausverkaufsprozeß ab: Der Entwurf für ein Bahnprivatisierungsgesetz aus dem Bundesverkehrsministerium vom März 2007 wird im Kern zum Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung. Eine entsprechende Kabinettsentscheidung wird noch im Juli erwartet…“ Artikel von Winfried Wolf in der jungen Welt vom 30.06.2007

Verkauf der Bahnhöfe: Alles halb so schlimm?

Kommentar von Winfried Wolf in der jungen Welt vom 30.06.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 2. Juli 2007

Schäuble will europaweit Fluggastdaten sammeln,1518,491405,00.htmläubleützer

Redaktion streikt aus Angst vor Übernahme,1518,491391,00.html

G4 The Loop: One-On-One With Ron Paul

I am looking for someone who might, on a regular basis, put together current, Ron Paul, video clips, on a DVD, for our one dollar dvd project site. For instance, the current "g4" clip above, along with the others from the home page of, would make a wonderful DVD montage for waking the masses and getting this statesman in the White House.

Recently, we added two more Ron Paul video clips DVDs to our site: Please, distribute these DVDs to friends and neighbors who do not have access to the net. And let us know which ones are working at waking your neighbors.

Please, look over the one dollar dvd project site and share feedback with us. What other DVDs should we add and what improvements can we make?

We Will Get The Word Out.

Ron Neil
817 219 2798

CIA altered mind of a girl aged 4

Of all the heinous acts committed by the CIA in the name of national security, these experiments, done on the agency's behalf by prominent psychiatrists on innocent victims - including children as young as four - may be the darkest.,5942,21980496,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Obama would consider missile strikes on Iran

U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama suggested Friday that the United States one day might have to launch surgical missile strikes into Iran and Pakistan to keep extremists from getting control of nuclear bombs.

More on Barack Obama

From Information Clearing House

Turkish army chief insists on attack on Northern Iraq

The head of the Turkish armed forces insisted Wednesday on the need for a military incursion into northern Iraq to hunt down Turkish Kurd rebels based there, but said he needed the government's green light to do so.

From Information Clearing House

Say goodbye to war Americans don't care about

If I were an American soldier in Iraq, I'd be tempted mightily to say, "Good luck and goodbye," and then start for home.

From Information Clearing House

Government said to have lost control of Basra

As U.S. troops battle to retake Baghdad and surrounding areas, the government is reported to have lost its control of Basra where almost all of the country's oil exports originate.\\2007-06-27\\kurd.htm

From Information Clearing House

Wealth, Empire And The Future Of America

The Ignorance Of The Highly Educated


Prof. Peter Dale Scott presents a condensed version of the two chapters from his forthcoming book, "The Road to 9/11", that deal with the actions of Dick Cheney on the morning of 9/11, and a host of troubling contradictions on that day, in lecture form.

Secret Trials For Terrorists, Says US Judge

David Nason, Chicago

A TOP-RANKING US judge has stunned a conference of Australian judges and barristers in Chicago by advocating secret trials for terrorists, more surveillance of Muslim populations across North America and an end to counter-terrorism efforts being "hog-tied" by the US constitution.

Mast battle is resumed

By Peter Law

A HATCH END mother of two fears that a mobile phone mast near her home could be the reason two local residents have been struck down by cancer.


Companies 'infuriated' by SEC's 'anti-terror tool'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Anger over mast payout

By Lucy Clapham

A MAN who was preparing to take a mobile phone giant to court to get a mast pulled down says he is still annoyed by the fiasco after he was awarded £550 compensation.

Barry Evans is one of four residents who campaigned against the 45ft pole in Arnison Avenue, High Wycombe, and was recommended for compensation in an independent report.



Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

D.C. Madam reveals name of Cheney in interview

Informant: ranger116

English teachers see mobile phones as weapon
Translation with SYSTRAN

Englische Lehrer sehen Handys als Waffe

Englische Lehrer sehen Handys als gefährliche Waffen. Lehrer wollen Mobiltelefone von Schulen verbannen. Für die Generalsekretärin der britischen Lehrergewerkschaft...

Quelle: Nachrichtenübersicht diagnose-funk vom 29.06.2007


Handy Verbot an Schulen

Cyber-Bullying (Cyber-Mobbing)


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