The New York Times published an editorial over the weekend concluding that when the founders created the remedy of impeachment, "Mr. Gonzales's malfeasance is just the sort they were worried about." At this point we would say it is rather a foot race as to who should be impeached first, with 28 House members already backing the Jay Inslee call for the impeachment of Gonzales versus the 20 backing the Kucinich call for impeachment of Cheney. With the Times now weighing in we think it's time to give Gonzales another push.
Remember, the White House had ordered the Justice Department (read Gonzales) not to prosecute contempt charges against any of its operatives who it had also ordered not to testify in the first place. Another outrage was disclosed just today when Leahy revealed that a Republican senator at a committee meeting to consider subpoenas stated that he had been told by Cheney that Congress was "not allowed" to do that. Since when did Republican senators become the mindless puppets of the White House? No later than the year 2000 we think.
Gonzales who HAS testified has told so many different stories that were he not himself the attorney general he would be facing perjury charges right now. But of course even if he were convicted he would instantly be commuted or pardoned as was Scooter Libby. There is one and only one constitutional recourse left and that is impeachment. The appeal courts have already been stacked with right wing judges and they will not intervene. The solicitor general will not appoint a special counsel. Only through impeachment can Congress demand a return to integrity.
It was Alberto Gonzales who tried to browbeat a semi-conscious John Ashcroft into signing off on a patently illegal spying program, who was the point man in doing a legal end run around the laws against torture, who let the White House dictate which U.S. attorneys were not sufficiently partisan in their prosecutions, and who then lied repeatedly under oath about it all. Did Cheney also dictate to him what he was not allowed to do?
For those focused on impeaching Cheney and Bush we suggest this is not a distraction. Instead it could be an important strategic icebreaker. To just get the word "impeachment" past the lips of some members of Congress has been a major struggle. It would not be the first time a cabinet officer has been impeached, as Secretary of War Belknap was in 1876. The remedy has not been used often, but in the case of the Cheney cabal, certainly not nearly enough.
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