By Robin Hahnel
In the case of Hugo Chavez and the Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution, the mainstream media and politicians in the United States have elevated their game of demonizing all who oppose US foreign policy and business interests to a higher level of absurdity than usual.
Chavez's Speech: "Go ahead, make my day."
By Joaquin Bustelo
Chavez has ordered the military to protect the oilfields and other installations and warned that if there is any sabotage, any US-inspired disturbances Sunday night, oil shipments to the U.S. will be cut off immediately. - He warned international broadcasters --and CNN by name, and repeatedly-- that this or any other sort of shenanigans will be met with the expulsion of their staff from the country.
Chavez Threatens To Stop Oil Exports To The U.S.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez while addressing a mass rally of supporters on Friday has threatened to cut oil exports to the United States, shut down television channels and expel journalists if the December 2 referendum victory he expects is disclaimed and violence starts in this country.
No oil for US if it meddles: Chavez
"If 'yes' wins on Sunday and the Venezuelan oligarchy, the violent Venezuelans, the ones who play the (US) empire's game, unleash violence with the tale that there was fraud ... minister, that very Monday you order a halt to the shipments of oil to the United States," Mr Chavez said.
From Information Clearing House