Impeachment Resolution Introduced In House With Reading by Clerk Today
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Hearings A 'Modest Gesture' Towards Bush Impeachment
A win is a win
Common Dreams
by Dave Lindorff
There are two ways to view the news that the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on impeachable crimes by President George W. Bush. One view would be that this is all a charade and that after all, it will not be a real impeachment hearing, but rather, simply a hearing into the impeachable crimes of the Bush administration. As committee Chair Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) put it, ‘We’re not doing impeachment, but he [Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who introduced 36 articles of impeachment] can talk about it.’ Viewed that way, this is not such a big deal. Rep. Kucinich gets to make his case that the president is committing high crimes and misdemeanors and abuses of power and war crimes, but then Congressional Democrats will continue to ignore all the crimes as it has done since taking control of Congress in November 2006. But a second way to view this is as a significant victory over the quisling Congressional leadership, which has been ducking its responsibility to defend the Constitution and to stand up for the rule of law not just since November 2006, but since the inception of the Bush/Cheney presidency...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Interview With Rep. Dennis Kucinich
Immediately before Congressman Dennis Kucinich brought a new impeachment resolution against President Bush to the floor last Thursday, Truthout's Maya Schenwar sat down with him to discuss the implications of impeachment - as well as his vision for a route to lasting peace and unity.
Hearings A 'Modest Gesture' Towards Bush Impeachment
A win is a win
Common Dreams
by Dave Lindorff
There are two ways to view the news that the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on impeachable crimes by President George W. Bush. One view would be that this is all a charade and that after all, it will not be a real impeachment hearing, but rather, simply a hearing into the impeachable crimes of the Bush administration. As committee Chair Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) put it, ‘We’re not doing impeachment, but he [Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who introduced 36 articles of impeachment] can talk about it.’ Viewed that way, this is not such a big deal. Rep. Kucinich gets to make his case that the president is committing high crimes and misdemeanors and abuses of power and war crimes, but then Congressional Democrats will continue to ignore all the crimes as it has done since taking control of Congress in November 2006. But a second way to view this is as a significant victory over the quisling Congressional leadership, which has been ducking its responsibility to defend the Constitution and to stand up for the rule of law not just since November 2006, but since the inception of the Bush/Cheney presidency...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Interview With Rep. Dennis Kucinich
Immediately before Congressman Dennis Kucinich brought a new impeachment resolution against President Bush to the floor last Thursday, Truthout's Maya Schenwar sat down with him to discuss the implications of impeachment - as well as his vision for a route to lasting peace and unity.
rudkla - 15. Jul, 23:28