Rebirth of Reason
by Tibor R. Machan
The pacifist impulse is not a strong one within the current Russian leadership which is mostly made up of but barely reformed ex-Soviets. Unless Russian leaders become less bent on physically ruling the region and firmly, credibly commit to co-existence with their vulnerable neighbors, the NATO option simply cannot be discounted. Some kind of security measure will have to be available to these countries and arguably any will irk the Russians. And Mr. Friedman, who is an educated individual concerning geo-political matters, ought to know this and provide his commentary on the recent Russian v. Georgian conflict in that light. In short, what advice does he have for leaders of countries like the Republic of Georgia given the evident aggressiveness of Russia?
US role in Georgia crisis cannot be ignored
by Stephen Zunes
The international condemnation of Russian aggression against Georgia — and the concomitant assaults by Abkhazians and South Ossetians against ethnic Georgians within their territories — is in large part appropriate. But the self-righteous posturing coming out of Washington should be tempered by a sober recognition of the ways in which the United States has contributed to the crisis. It has been nearly impossible to even broach this subject of the U.S. role. Much of the mainstream media coverage and statements by American political leaders of both major parties has in many respects resembled the anti-Russian hysterics of the Cold War. It is striking how quickly forgotten is the fact that the U.S.-backed Georgian military started the war when it brutally assaulted the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali in an attempt to regain direct control of the autonomous region...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Georgia Was Tricked, But By Russia Or US?
By Ian Bell
As an economically embattled US flails after former glories, it fashions Nato into a blunt instrument. Whatever the organisation's purpose during the Cold War, it currently stands revealed as an expeditionary force on behalf of Washington's interests. That is not a useful development for Nato, Europe, America or the world.
NATO using aid as 'cover' for Black Sea build-up: Russia
"Under the cover of needing to deliver humanitarian goods, NATO countries continue to boost their naval grouping," Anatoly Nogovitsyn, deputy chief of general staff, told a news conference in Moscow.
Senator back from Georgia wants tough action against Russia
Sen. Lindsey Graham said Friday that his visit to Georgia, Ukraine and Poland, at Sen. John McCain's behest, persuaded him that the United States and its allies must take tough steps to prevent further Russian military aggression against its smaller neighbors.
The proof that Russia is digging in deep in the heart of Georgia
Luke Harding watches Russian soldiers constructing trenches near the port of Poti, suggesting they are going nowhere fast.
Double Standards on Russia-Kosovo
Russia, Georgia, and the Kosovo Connection
By J. Victor Marshall
"By selectively turning principles into propagandist slogans for scoring points, the United States no longer occupies the political high ground. Washington's lectures sound like hectoring, not sincere admonitions that could sway international public opinion and restrain Russian actions."
Russia warns U.S. naval build-up may lead to war and accuses America of shipping arms to Georgia
Tensions between Russia and the West were ratcheted even higher today after Moscow warned that the American naval build-up in the Black Sea could be seen as a 'declaration of war'.
Georgia War Shows 'Weak' Russia, U.S. Official Says
"Russia is going to have to come to terms with the reality it can either integrate with the world or it can be a self-isolated bully. But it can't be both. And that's a choice Russia has to have," Fried said.
From Information Clearing House
Cheney trip to Georgia planned before crisis
Informant: Loring