Stephen Majors, The Associated Press: "Voter fraud was a buzz phrase for the Ohio GOP when it pushed voter identification requirements through the state legislature in 2005. It's now a driving factor behind a flurry of GOP lawsuits leveled against Democratic Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, seeking either to restrict early voting or mandate how voter information should be checked."
Amy Goodman Interviews Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner
Democracy Now! interview: "Ohio is a key swing state that ended up deciding the outcome of the 2004 election. But the state was riddled with voting problems, ranging from breakdowns in electronic voting machines to accusations of widespread voter disenfranchisement. We speak to Democrat Jennifer Brunner, who was elected secretary of state of Ohio in November 2006."
A Dose of Reality on the ACORN Hysteria
Zachary Roth, Talking Points Memo: "The GOP has accused ACORN of submitting fraudulent voter registration forms numbering in the hundreds or thousands in battleground states including Ohio, Indiana, Nevada and Missouri. But the most important point that's getting lost in the Fox-generated hysteria is that, according to voting experts, even when fraudulent voter registration forms are submitted, they virtually never lead to fraudulent votes being cast."
Acorn Replies to Questions About Role With Voters
Michael Falcone, The New York Times: "A community organizing group that has been attacked by Republicans and the McCain campaign over accusations of fraudulent voter registrations sought to provide assurances on Tuesday that instances of wrongdoing were not widespread."
Groups: ACORN Attacks Meant to Suppress Vote
Chris Good, The Hill: "Left-leaning groups Wednesday came to the defense of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), accusing Republicans of seeking to suppress voter turnout by attacking the group. 'This latest attack on ACORN follows a sorry pattern, played out in election after election,' said Julian Bond, chairman of the NAACP, outlining what he called a history of voter suppression tactics by the Republican Party."
The Acorn Story
The New York Times: "In Wednesday night's debate, John McCain warned that a group called Acorn is 'on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history' and 'may be destroying the fabric of democracy.' Viewers may have been wondering what Mr. McCain was talking about. So were we."
US Supreme Court Rules Against Ohio G.O.P. in Voting Case
Adam Liptak and Ian Urbina, The New York Times: "The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a lower court's order requiring state officials in Ohio to supply information that would have made it easier to challenge prospective voters. The decision was a setback for Ohio Republicans, who had sued to force the Ohio secretary of state, a Democrat, to provide information about database mismatches to county officials."
GOP dirty tricks 2.0
In These Times
by Adam Doster
In June, The Atlantic magazine’s Marc Ambinder reported that some people inside Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) presidential campaign were hoping to soften the GOP’s traditionally aggressive campaign against ‘voter fraud,’ partly because they thought previous efforts had created a backlash in public opinion. But the next day, the campaign’s top lawyer fired back, writing to Ambinder that ‘any impression that we’re not committed to stopping voter fraud is 100 percent false.’ Of course, federal officials have never found evidence of widespread voter fraud. But that hasn’t stopped Republican operatives from exploiting fears of ballot security to build a nationwide campaign of laws, policies and flimsy challenges that ostensibly prevent fraud while actually limiting voting access for the nation’s most marginalized citizens...
McCain calls for “voter fraud” inquiry
Los Angeles Times
Over the last year and a half, paid employees of ACORN, a liberal-leaning community organizing group, have helped 1.3 million mostly young, mostly poor people register to vote, enrolling more new voters overall than any nonpartisan group in the country. Why some applications reportedly were signed by Mickey Mouse and supposed members of the Dallas Cowboys, among others, emerged as the latest campaign controversy Tuesday when John McCain and Barack Obama traded charges on whether the Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now has tried to pad election rolls with thousands of suspect voters. … McCain aides first accused ACORN of misdeeds last week. McCain upped the ante Tuesday when he called for an immediate investigation of what he described as ‘voter fraud going on’ in battleground states. He also sought to tie the alleged irregularities directly to his Democratic opponent...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The Republican voter fraud hoax
Informant: Geraldo Cienmarcos