Enough With the Obamathon
Bill Maher, The Los Angeles Times: "In conclusion, Bush was a jerk, but he never cared about being seen having a burger with Dick Cheney. He picked up the phone in the White House and said, 'I'm the president, bring me a burger.' And they'd say, 'Sir, this is NORAD. Would you please stop ordering burgers with the red phone?' I'm glad that Obama is president, but the 'Audacity of Hope' part is over. Right now, I'm hoping for a little more audacity."
Obama Looses the Manhunters: Charisma and the Imperial Presidency
Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com: "Let's face it, even Bo is photogenic, charismatic. He's a camera hound. And as for Barack, Michelle, Sasha, and Malia -- keep in mind that we're now in a first name culture -- they all glow on screen. Before a camera they can do no wrong. And the president himself, well, if you didn't watch his speech in Cairo, you should have. The guy's impressive. Truly. He can speak to multiple audiences -- Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians, as well as a staggering range of Americans -- and somehow just about everyone comes away hearing something they like, feeling he's somehow on their side."