Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "The WikiLeaks video footage from Iraq taken from an Apache helicopter in July 2007 showing soldiers killing 12 people and wounding two children has caused an explosion of media coverage. But many Iraq vets feel it is too little and too late.
Iraq Vet Denounces War Crimes: "We Fired on Buses Full of Civilians"
Leo Paz, Truthout: "Seven years on after the second US invasion of Iraq, the Americans continue slaughtering civilians, now in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Recently, the video of the massacre of 12-15 Iraqis by an US helicopter gunship in 2007 began making the rounds thanks to WikiLeaks.org. Episodes like what is shown in that video have been denounced by Iraq Veterans Against the War for years now."
Seven Years of (Unconvincing) Lies in 39 Minutes: A Primer
Dr. Matthew Feldman, Truthout: "No wonder the US military said the tape was lost. Those murderous images leave you gasping for air like a punch in the gut at boot camp. Then you hear a bit of cackling, some banter and more shooting. Dahr Jamail reported in Truthout that a dozen people were killed in the massacre, including two Reuters news staff, with another two children wounded but (amazingly) alive. The US troops sounded as if they were having fun, like aiming for high-score on an arcade game."
Boeing: Bringing Death From the Skies
Informant: Kev Hall
Collateral damage denialism
The American Prospect
by Matthew Yglesias
Early this week, downtown Washington, D.C., played host to a nuclear-security summit that occasioned a lot of frustrating road closures for those of us who live here. On the stretch of New York Avenue right by my office, National Guard vehicles would sporadically move in to block traffic from entering the street, the better to facilitate the passage of motorcades. And Monday evening, one such multi-ton truck hit and killed Constance Holden, a 68-year-old Science magazine correspondent, as she was riding her bicycle. In a bizarre response, the National Guard assured a local TV station reporter that ‘we will look at the video to make sure the pedestrian didn’t run into the truck as it was moving.’ Separately on Monday came the news that American soldiers in Afghanistan shot at a civilian bus in an incident ‘which killed as many as five civilians and wounded 18.’ Disparate events, to be sure, but the former casts the latter in a different light, and both challenge the notion that the counterinsurgency-era American military is really engaged in a kinder, gentler form of warfare or, indeed, that such an approach is even plausible...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Two U.S. Soldiers >From Wikileaks 'Collateral Murder' Video Apologize
"Letter Of Reconciliation"
We are both soldiers who occupied your neighborhood for 14 months. Ethan McCord pulled your daughter and son from the van, and when doing so, saw the faces of his own children back home.
'Dehumanizing, part of US training'
A former US Army specialist, who was part of the same unit that killed Iraqi civilians from a helicopter in 2007, says dehumanizing is part of basic US army training.
Wikileaks Video Revisited: What Needs To Happen Now
By Dan Froomkin
Where's the outrage? Where's the responsibility? Where's the oversight? H..., where's the basic curiosity? Has anyone on the Hill even asked any questions of the Pentagon or the White House? Hey, President Obama, are you OK with this? Does your member of Congress give a s...?
From Information Clearing House