Senator John McCain says the United States has been backing away from a brewing fight with Iran, while that country moves ever closer to having nuclear weapons.
More Hype About Iran?
By Stephen M. Walt
One of the more remarkable features about the endless drumbeat of alarm about Iran is that it pays virtually no attention to Iran's actual capabilities, and rests on all sorts of worst case assumptions about Iranian behavior. Consider the following facts.
The Latest Scare Story About Iran: Missiles Targeting US by 2015
By Steve Hynd
What we have here is a scary story designed to keep the missile defense procurement budget topped up by telling scary stories and hyping possible war. Nothing more.
Why Iran Won't Attack Israel
By Yousef Munayyer
No nuclear attack on Israel could happen without the deaths of countless Palestinians and Israelis, not to mention the likely destruction of Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam.
From Information Clearing House
Secret Iran Memo from Gates to Jones
US military plans against Iran being updated
The Pentagon and U.S. Central Command are updating military plans to strike Iran’s nuclear sites, preparing up-to-date options for the president in the event he decides to take such action, an Obama administration official told CNN Sunday. The effort has been underway for several weeks and comes as there is growing concern across the administration’s national security team that the president needs fresh options ready for his approval if he were to decide on a military strike, according to the official who is familiar with the effort...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Why the US Fears a Nuclear Armed Iran
Michael Gass, Truthout: "A report prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on June 30, 1947, stated: 'A peace enforced through fear is a poor substitute for a peace maintained through international cooperation based upon agreement and understanding. But until such a peace is brought about, this nation can hope only that an effective deterrent to global war will be a universal fear of the atomic bomb as the ultimate horror in war.'"