Mobiltelefonstrålning ofarlig?
For those of you that can read and understand Swedish, or get automatic
translations, please note the following very well written interview:
"Mobiltelefonstrålning ofarlig?"
from "Äventyrliga Föräldrar" 5/2005
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
translations, please note the following very well written interview:
"Mobiltelefonstrålning ofarlig?"
from "Äventyrliga Föräldrar" 5/2005
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
rudkla - 26. Jan, 12:30