Women say No to War
From: "Maggie Erotokritou" GSN
Please circulate this widely, love and light,
WomenSayNOtoWar.Org is your opportunity to unite with international women everywhere and contribute towards the end of the illegal war in Iraq. Go to: https://www.womensaynotowar.org to sign the call now!
Our call will be delivered to the White House on March 8, 2006. Please celebrate International Women's Day on this date by joining us and visiting the following page for action/event ideas: https://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/organizations/codepink/signUp.jsp?key=924&t=WSNTW.dwt.
Men in solidarity with 'WOMEN SAY NO TO WAR' are invited to join too!
Informant: Martin Greenhut
Please circulate this widely, love and light,
WomenSayNOtoWar.Org is your opportunity to unite with international women everywhere and contribute towards the end of the illegal war in Iraq. Go to: https://www.womensaynotowar.org to sign the call now!
Our call will be delivered to the White House on March 8, 2006. Please celebrate International Women's Day on this date by joining us and visiting the following page for action/event ideas: https://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/organizations/codepink/signUp.jsp?key=924&t=WSNTW.dwt.
Men in solidarity with 'WOMEN SAY NO TO WAR' are invited to join too!
Informant: Martin Greenhut
rudkla - 21. Feb, 18:05