Cheney Warns Iran Faces Consequences in Nuclear Dispute
Iran will not be allowed to have nuclear weapons and faces "meaningful consequences" if it persists in defying the international community, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Tuesday. Cheney, speaking to the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC, also reaffirmed that the United States was keeping all options on the table - including military force - in its determination to prevent Iran from developing nuclear arms.
Veep Doo-Doo
The vice-presidency isn't what it used to be. No one bothered to rate the favorability of Garret Hobart, Charles Dawes, or Alben Barkley. But the clout of that once legendarily insignificant office has been growing for half a century. Cheney is Bush without the charm, the Michael Gerson speech texts, and the presidential sheen. What he personifies, above all, is the raw reality of Bush's signature policies, all of which he has had a strong hand in creating, writes Hendrik Hertzberg.
Veep Doo-Doo
The vice-presidency isn't what it used to be. No one bothered to rate the favorability of Garret Hobart, Charles Dawes, or Alben Barkley. But the clout of that once legendarily insignificant office has been growing for half a century. Cheney is Bush without the charm, the Michael Gerson speech texts, and the presidential sheen. What he personifies, above all, is the raw reality of Bush's signature policies, all of which he has had a strong hand in creating, writes Hendrik Hertzberg.
rudkla - 7. Mär, 22:52