Act Now: East Africa in Crisis
Next week, the Senate will be working on a bill to support humanitarian efforts in East Africa where millions are facing what may be the worst drought in memory. Unfortunately, as it stands, the bill would dramatically cut funding for international humanitarian aid for extremely vulnerable populations, including women, children, and the elderly.
This could be devastating for millions of poor people across Africa that need food, water, and protection from conflict. But you can make a difference!
Click here to sign a petition encouraging the Senate Appropriations Committee to provide at least an additional $200 million for emergency humanitarian assistance for extremely vulnerable populations in East Africa.
Help us make sure that humanitarian emergencies in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, and Uganda will receive at least the same amount of funding from the US as in previous years. The Senate Appropriations Committee has the power to increase funding, but they need to hear from you!
Our policy staff in Washington, DC will hand-deliver the petition to Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Senator Thad Cochrane (R-MS).
The people in East Africa need our help now more than ever. Please help us increase emergency humanitarian aid to Africa: sign the petition and then forward this message to your friends and family
Thank you for your speedy response to help people in need in East Africa and for supporting the Oxfam America Advocacy Fund.
Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America Advocacy Fund
This could be devastating for millions of poor people across Africa that need food, water, and protection from conflict. But you can make a difference!
Click here to sign a petition encouraging the Senate Appropriations Committee to provide at least an additional $200 million for emergency humanitarian assistance for extremely vulnerable populations in East Africa.
Help us make sure that humanitarian emergencies in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, and Uganda will receive at least the same amount of funding from the US as in previous years. The Senate Appropriations Committee has the power to increase funding, but they need to hear from you!
Our policy staff in Washington, DC will hand-deliver the petition to Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Senator Thad Cochrane (R-MS).
The people in East Africa need our help now more than ever. Please help us increase emergency humanitarian aid to Africa: sign the petition and then forward this message to your friends and family
Thank you for your speedy response to help people in need in East Africa and for supporting the Oxfam America Advocacy Fund.
Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America Advocacy Fund
rudkla - 31. Mär, 18:53