Calling on the Department of Justice and the State of Louisiana to protect the constitutional voting rights of displaced victims

Hurricane Katrina, one of the worst natural disasters in our country's history, caused unprecedented loss and destruction in the Gulf Coast region. Over the past several months, the NAACP has worked diligently to provide relief to thousands of Hurricane Katrina survivors across the nation. The Association has distributed over $1.5 million in direct grants, housing and educational assistance impacting thousands of displaced citizens nationwide.

Today, the NAACP's efforts are focused on ensuring that displaced citizens can equitably access the services and protections that our democracy should guarantee them. In March, the Association established a Gulf Coast Advocacy Center in New Orleans to provide legal and policy assistance addressing systemic housing, education, voting, employment, and support service issues.

Click here to learn more about the ongoing efforts of the NAACP and visit the Value Our Vote website today.

Most recently, in an effort to protect the constitutionally guaranteed voting rights of displaced citizens in Orleans Parish, the NAACP requested that the State of Louisiana take steps similar to the actions taken to extend the voting rights of Iraqi Americans, by establishing out-of-state satellite polls across the nation. This would allow displaced citizens to cast their vote in the geographical location in which they were evacuated. To date, this request has been denied. Orleans Parish citizens' right to vote have been further compromised by the inaccuracy of the state's mailing addresses. Thus, while more than 150,000 Orleaneans were evacuated outside of the State of Louisiana, to date only 11,000 have requested absentee ballots. In an effort to protect their voting rights, the NAACP has requested that the Department of Justice and the Governor of Louisiana delay the elections until satellite polls are put in place. In addition, the NAACP has established 20 Voting Assistance Centers across the nation to assist displaced citizens with voter registration and absentee ballot forms.

Click here to add your name to the petition calling on the Department of Justice and the State of Louisiana to protect the constitutional voting rights of displaced victims today.

These efforts and many others, highlight the NAACP's commitment to ensure the equitable reconstruction and recovery of the Gulf Coast region. The Association will remain engaged in this battle for equity, until the last home is rebuilt and the last family is restored.

Join us in our fight to make democracy work.

Julian Bond
Chairman NAACP Board of Directors


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April 2006


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