Windpockenausbruch an US-Grundschule unter Geimpften - Chicken pox outbreak
An einer Grundschule in den USA sind seit Januar über 40 Kinder an Windpocken erkrankt. Großes Rätselraten allenthalben, denn sie waren alle geimpft. Des Rätsels "Lösung": Das Varicella-Virus sei mutiert...
BL Fisher Note: Vaccines provide temporary, qualitatively inferior immunity compared to immunity achieved after natural recovery from disease. And just as mass antibiotic use has put pressure on organisms to evolve into antibiotic resistant forms, mass vaccine use can put pressure on organisms to mutate into vaccine resistant forms. The live varicella zoster vaccine for chicken pox had difficulty getting FDA approval for many years because of its high failure rate (often 20 percent). NVIC opposed mandatory use of chicken pox vaccine when it was licensed in 1995 because 99.99 percent of all healthy children recovered from chicken pox without permanent effects and obtained a qualitatively superior immunity that was boosted throughout life by contact with young children with chicken pox. Because chicken pox has been removed from the childhood population through mass vaccination and no boosting is taking place to reinforce naturally acquired immunity, older children and adults are now vulnerable to shingles. There is an epidemic of shingles in America today. Drug companies are now developing a shingles vaccine to deal with the effects of mass use of chicken pox vaccine. Gary Goldman, Ph.D., an expert on chicken pox vaccine and shingles increases, has published several excellent articles on this topic in the medical journal, Vaccine, as well as in the medical journal he edits, Medical Veritas.
Chicken pox outbreak
Troy Elementary School nurse Sarah Black should probably go ahead and get a revolving door for her office. It would help with all the traffic coming in and out these days. TES is the midsts of the worst outbreak of chicken pox the school has faced in eight years - an outbreak made more surprising because most all the affected students have previously received chicken pox vaccinations. Black said she could hardly believe it when the first students started showing up in her office with the characteristic red, itchy spots. "I was in denial at first, I said this can't possibly be chicken pox," Black said. Oh, but was it ever chicken pox, and it has spread like wildfire. Since the first student was diagnosed in late January, over 40 students in every grade have come down with it.
ganzen Artikel lesen: Troy Messenger, AL, February 27, 2006
Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 12/2006
An einer Grundschule in den USA sind seit Januar über 40 Kinder an Windpocken erkrankt. Großes Rätselraten allenthalben, denn sie waren alle geimpft. Des Rätsels "Lösung": Das Varicella-Virus sei mutiert...
BL Fisher Note: Vaccines provide temporary, qualitatively inferior immunity compared to immunity achieved after natural recovery from disease. And just as mass antibiotic use has put pressure on organisms to evolve into antibiotic resistant forms, mass vaccine use can put pressure on organisms to mutate into vaccine resistant forms. The live varicella zoster vaccine for chicken pox had difficulty getting FDA approval for many years because of its high failure rate (often 20 percent). NVIC opposed mandatory use of chicken pox vaccine when it was licensed in 1995 because 99.99 percent of all healthy children recovered from chicken pox without permanent effects and obtained a qualitatively superior immunity that was boosted throughout life by contact with young children with chicken pox. Because chicken pox has been removed from the childhood population through mass vaccination and no boosting is taking place to reinforce naturally acquired immunity, older children and adults are now vulnerable to shingles. There is an epidemic of shingles in America today. Drug companies are now developing a shingles vaccine to deal with the effects of mass use of chicken pox vaccine. Gary Goldman, Ph.D., an expert on chicken pox vaccine and shingles increases, has published several excellent articles on this topic in the medical journal, Vaccine, as well as in the medical journal he edits, Medical Veritas.
Chicken pox outbreak
Troy Elementary School nurse Sarah Black should probably go ahead and get a revolving door for her office. It would help with all the traffic coming in and out these days. TES is the midsts of the worst outbreak of chicken pox the school has faced in eight years - an outbreak made more surprising because most all the affected students have previously received chicken pox vaccinations. Black said she could hardly believe it when the first students started showing up in her office with the characteristic red, itchy spots. "I was in denial at first, I said this can't possibly be chicken pox," Black said. Oh, but was it ever chicken pox, and it has spread like wildfire. Since the first student was diagnosed in late January, over 40 students in every grade have come down with it.
ganzen Artikel lesen: Troy Messenger, AL, February 27, 2006
Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 12/2006
rudkla - 12. Apr, 14:14