A message from Ruth:
DEADLINE APR 21, 2006,
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Tell Animal Planet to Create a series on animal rights issues Target: Animal Planet Television, Animal Planet Television Sponsor: Bonnie Monaghan Dear Animal Planet, Congratulations on the sucess of Animal Precient, Animal Cops, Animal Heros, etc. These shows bring to light the harsh reality of the sufferring of animals in our society. We are asking you to please create a series dealing with other serious animal rights issues. For example, one show could focus on the way in which animals on Factory Farms are killed for food consumption. It could showcase vegitarianism or veganism. Another show could show the cruel slaughter of animals for clothing such as leather, fur, wool, etc, and ask people not to wear these products. Other topics could include animal abuse in circuses as well as animal testing laboratories and Vivesection. The public has a right to know and take action to help the animals that are sufferring. Please consult with leading animal rights activists and advise viewers on how they can help end the sufferring to animals tortured or killed for food, clothing, entertainment, testing, and the like. The world is ready to know the truth.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: BAN VIVISECTION IN THE U.S. Target: animal testing laboratories. Sponsor: Maggie Rizzo, none If you sign this petition, you are demanding that the United States government ban animal testing. There are so many alternatives to vivisection! Testing on animals is just plain wrong, and I need your help to make that fact known.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Victims of Vivisection - End the carnage ! Target: Mike Johanns, Agriculture Secretary, USDA/APHIS/AC Sponsor: Anita Solomon ANIMALS IN LABORATORIES UNSEEN THEY SUFFER UNHEARD THEY CRY IN AGONY THEY LINGER IN LONELINESS THEY DIE Unknown
As many as 115 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the U.S. every year. Much of the experimentation-including pumping chemicals into rats' stomachs, hacking muscle tissue from dogs' thighs, and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mothers-is paid for by you, the American taxpayer and consumer. What have we learned from all of this suffering? That animal research is inherently unethical, inevitably wasteful, and wholly unreliable. The U.S. squanders approximately $18 billion per year on animal experiments, even though alternatives are less expensive and can be used repeatedly.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Stand Up Against Vivisection Target: Companies and Universities which test on animals Sponsor: Lesleigh Harnwell This is an appeal on behalf of the animals,
Animal experimentation (vivisection) is still a cruel and shocking industry, despite proof that an animal is not the same as a man.
In some cases, pharmaceutical drugs tested on animals and proven safe have had disastrous outcomes for the Human consumers.
The horrific conditions, which these animals are kept. Their daily lives in agony until the end. Surely, this is an abomination of science.
Why then is animal vivisection still around? There are alternatives for man to access disease or the effects of drugs, which do not involve animal testing.
Animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits, mice and many Species of monkey need your help.
April 23rd – 30th is World Week for Animals in Laboratories, Promoting humane research without harming animals.
Be a voice for the animals, which suffer daily. Please sign this petition to abolish animal experimentation.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Tell Clorox To Stop Testing On Animals Target: Clorox Sponsor: Meghan Wallace Clorox, along with other companies, test on animals. But the worst truth is that the need for animal testing is eliminated. Science has found other alternatives to animal testing. Please see the full petition for more information
Animal testing is a very cruel, inhumane process to find out the toxic levels of household or other products. Animal testing labs have animals like mice, rabbits, hampsters, and other animals put in cages and stocks while people put make-up on them or force them to ingest things. But not only small animals are tested on. Lost dogs and cats are also tested on. Some people known as bunchers steal pets or lost animals and give them to kennels who abuse them before they give them to animal testing labs like Clorox. Some animal die in the kennels. Others die in the labs. Also animal testing isn't accurate. Animal don't have the same toxin levels as we do. So please say no to Clorox for animal testing.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Ask the Canadian Government to stop testing pesticides on animals Target: Ujjal Dosanjh, Minister of Health Canada, Government of Canada Sponsor: Nancy Trezza, none What Canada needs is to ban chemicals that are already known to be dangerous. Instead Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) keeps demanding more animal testing, even though more than 10,000 animals have already been killed for every pesticide on the market. PMRA is demanding a new test called a "developmental neurotoxicity" test, which supposedly gauges a pesticide's effects on the developing nervous systems of animals who are exposed to a chemical while in the womb. This test consumes upwards of 2,000 animals at a time. What's more, government scientists have admitted that they are not even sure how to interpret the results of this test! Canadians, and the world, believe that stopping these tests makes good sense and good science. These animal tests are outdated. We urge PMRA/Health Canada to regulate pesticides and other chemicals that are already known to be dangerous-not to torture innocent animals. Mr. Dosanjh, your Department should be doing much more to reduce its reliance on animal testing, including funding the development of NON-ANIMAL test methods. We do not want our taxpayers' dollars to be used to inflict suffering on animals. Stop testing chemicals and pesticides on animals now!
A message from Eleanor:
Dear Friends
Please vote in this poll if you haven't already and please forward to friends you think may want to vote. We are losing it suddenly which is really sad! Animal testing is an obscenity! Love and thanks and goodnight!!
Original Message:
DEADLINE APR 21, 2006,
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Tell Animal Planet to Create a series on animal rights issues Target: Animal Planet Television, Animal Planet Television Sponsor: Bonnie Monaghan Dear Animal Planet, Congratulations on the sucess of Animal Precient, Animal Cops, Animal Heros, etc. These shows bring to light the harsh reality of the sufferring of animals in our society. We are asking you to please create a series dealing with other serious animal rights issues. For example, one show could focus on the way in which animals on Factory Farms are killed for food consumption. It could showcase vegitarianism or veganism. Another show could show the cruel slaughter of animals for clothing such as leather, fur, wool, etc, and ask people not to wear these products. Other topics could include animal abuse in circuses as well as animal testing laboratories and Vivesection. The public has a right to know and take action to help the animals that are sufferring. Please consult with leading animal rights activists and advise viewers on how they can help end the sufferring to animals tortured or killed for food, clothing, entertainment, testing, and the like. The world is ready to know the truth.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: BAN VIVISECTION IN THE U.S. Target: animal testing laboratories. Sponsor: Maggie Rizzo, none If you sign this petition, you are demanding that the United States government ban animal testing. There are so many alternatives to vivisection! Testing on animals is just plain wrong, and I need your help to make that fact known.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Victims of Vivisection - End the carnage ! Target: Mike Johanns, Agriculture Secretary, USDA/APHIS/AC Sponsor: Anita Solomon ANIMALS IN LABORATORIES UNSEEN THEY SUFFER UNHEARD THEY CRY IN AGONY THEY LINGER IN LONELINESS THEY DIE Unknown
As many as 115 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the U.S. every year. Much of the experimentation-including pumping chemicals into rats' stomachs, hacking muscle tissue from dogs' thighs, and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mothers-is paid for by you, the American taxpayer and consumer. What have we learned from all of this suffering? That animal research is inherently unethical, inevitably wasteful, and wholly unreliable. The U.S. squanders approximately $18 billion per year on animal experiments, even though alternatives are less expensive and can be used repeatedly.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Stand Up Against Vivisection Target: Companies and Universities which test on animals Sponsor: Lesleigh Harnwell This is an appeal on behalf of the animals,
Animal experimentation (vivisection) is still a cruel and shocking industry, despite proof that an animal is not the same as a man.
In some cases, pharmaceutical drugs tested on animals and proven safe have had disastrous outcomes for the Human consumers.
The horrific conditions, which these animals are kept. Their daily lives in agony until the end. Surely, this is an abomination of science.
Why then is animal vivisection still around? There are alternatives for man to access disease or the effects of drugs, which do not involve animal testing.
Animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits, mice and many Species of monkey need your help.
April 23rd – 30th is World Week for Animals in Laboratories, Promoting humane research without harming animals.
Be a voice for the animals, which suffer daily. Please sign this petition to abolish animal experimentation.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Tell Clorox To Stop Testing On Animals Target: Clorox Sponsor: Meghan Wallace Clorox, along with other companies, test on animals. But the worst truth is that the need for animal testing is eliminated. Science has found other alternatives to animal testing. Please see the full petition for more information
Animal testing is a very cruel, inhumane process to find out the toxic levels of household or other products. Animal testing labs have animals like mice, rabbits, hampsters, and other animals put in cages and stocks while people put make-up on them or force them to ingest things. But not only small animals are tested on. Lost dogs and cats are also tested on. Some people known as bunchers steal pets or lost animals and give them to kennels who abuse them before they give them to animal testing labs like Clorox. Some animal die in the kennels. Others die in the labs. Also animal testing isn't accurate. Animal don't have the same toxin levels as we do. So please say no to Clorox for animal testing.
We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition: Ask the Canadian Government to stop testing pesticides on animals Target: Ujjal Dosanjh, Minister of Health Canada, Government of Canada Sponsor: Nancy Trezza, none What Canada needs is to ban chemicals that are already known to be dangerous. Instead Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) keeps demanding more animal testing, even though more than 10,000 animals have already been killed for every pesticide on the market. PMRA is demanding a new test called a "developmental neurotoxicity" test, which supposedly gauges a pesticide's effects on the developing nervous systems of animals who are exposed to a chemical while in the womb. This test consumes upwards of 2,000 animals at a time. What's more, government scientists have admitted that they are not even sure how to interpret the results of this test! Canadians, and the world, believe that stopping these tests makes good sense and good science. These animal tests are outdated. We urge PMRA/Health Canada to regulate pesticides and other chemicals that are already known to be dangerous-not to torture innocent animals. Mr. Dosanjh, your Department should be doing much more to reduce its reliance on animal testing, including funding the development of NON-ANIMAL test methods. We do not want our taxpayers' dollars to be used to inflict suffering on animals. Stop testing chemicals and pesticides on animals now!
A message from Eleanor:
Dear Friends
Please vote in this poll if you haven't already and please forward to friends you think may want to vote. We are losing it suddenly which is really sad! Animal testing is an obscenity! Love and thanks and goodnight!!
Original Message:
rudkla - 21. Apr, 22:28