Act NOW to Protect Your Health and Health Freedom by Urging the FDA to Protect Your Right to Natural Health Options
Summarized Information About Bio Identical Hormones You Can Use in Your Letter:
The huge National Institutes of Health Womens' Health Initiative was halted more than a year early in 2002 because women who took synthetic hormones (Premarin, made from pregnant mares' urine, a conjugated estrogen and Prempro, a combination of Premarin and a synthetic progesterone also called progestin) were at increased risk of heart attack, stroke, breast and uterine cancer, mental decline and life threatening blood clots. There was no benefit to taking these drugs which are made by Wyeth.
Millions of women switched to Bio Identical Hormones (BIH) because they are natural, inexpensive and safe compounds which are easy on the body and work beautifully. Made for each woman's need by compounding pharmacies, they are also a threat to Wyeth's bottom line.
Using a Citizens Petition to the FDA, Wyeth is seeking to ban all natural hormones and end compounding. Natural health options to dangerous drugs are under significant attack.
Very Important Instructions to Make Your Letter as Effective as Possible:
The huge National Institutes of Health Womens' Health Initiative was halted more than a year early in 2002 because women who took synthetic hormones (Premarin, made from pregnant mares' urine, a conjugated estrogen and Prempro, a combination of Premarin and a synthetic progesterone also called progestin) were at increased risk of heart attack, stroke, breast and uterine cancer, mental decline and life threatening blood clots. There was no benefit to taking these drugs which are made by Wyeth.
Millions of women switched to Bio Identical Hormones (BIH) because they are natural, inexpensive and safe compounds which are easy on the body and work beautifully. Made for each woman's need by compounding pharmacies, they are also a threat to Wyeth's bottom line.
Using a Citizens Petition to the FDA, Wyeth is seeking to ban all natural hormones and end compounding. Natural health options to dangerous drugs are under significant attack.
Very Important Instructions to Make Your Letter as Effective as Possible:
rudkla - 29. Apr, 10:02