The last time Congress held any hearings on gas prices they didn't even put the oil company executives under oath. Those executives didn't even have perjury hanging over their heads. You can insist on a simple thing like this and bring real truth to light on a topic that is hurting every American.
Join in our quest to insist that your elected Representatives in Congress, both House and Senate, call for bi-partisan hearings immediately, place the executives of these companies under oath and find out how they can be reporting record profits and we can be expected to accept $3.00+ gallon gasoline. We can let the politicians know they are going to hold the Oil Industry accountable, or we’re going to hold the politicians accountable.
Imagine, in even some parts of Alabama, gasoline is now running $3.00 a gallon or more. In California, it can be found nearly $3.75 a gallon. Enough is enough.
Why is it that the petroleum companies peg the price of gasoline based on the worldwide spot market, when they are producing it via their own offshore platforms. Hmm -- no OPEC price controls there?
Why don't the petroleum companies put some of their moth-balled refineries into production? Hmm -- can't say there is a shortage of production facilities.
Where are the tangible benefits of tax-break incentives offered to investors in homeland related oil production that could be offered to the American taxpayer? Hmm -- is anyone awake at the helm?
This alert is brought to you by the activism of Stacey Tallitsch, candidate for U.S House from the 1st Congressional District of Louisiana. Fighting for the rights of all Americans is why Stacey is running for Congress, and he's not waiting until the election to start fighting for Louisiana and the rest of America.
When we talk about taking back Congress, that is what we will have to do, TAKE IT. Nobody is going give us anything we won't give to ourselves. And when we donate to a candidate like Stacey Tallitsch who is showing just the kind of leadership we need, we can make an example of him, and show other candidates that if they show real backbone they will get the support of the people too.
We NEED candidates like Stacey Tallitsch to champion the issues that are important to us. Stacey needs your help to get his message out, to get YOUR message out, by putting on radio spots calling yet more people to action Please make a contribution today to send Stacey to Congress and fight for you on the issues you care about.
How many times have you felt helpless and wished you could influence the votes of representatives in other districts to prevail on a critical vote in Congress, but thought you could not do so effectively because you were not one of their own constituents? How much more would you support Stacey if you do live in his district?
Here we have a courageous candidate who will fight for all the issues you care about, if only he is given the chance to make the run. Please donate whatever you can to help Stacey get on the radio to recruit and mobilize even more people to speak out so we can have a real impact on these policy decisions now and for the future. What would you give to have a whole legislature of people like Stacey Tallitsch? Won't you give him your support now to make that a reality?
We have been valiantly speaking out with action alerts based on one fundamental premise --- either our representatives in Congress would listen to and heed the voices of their people --- or else we would work to replace them in the next election.
The time for the replacement action is NOW.
If each of us will just contribute what we can, to the most worthy candidates we can find, it will make a real difference in the kind of Congress we will all have to deal with in 2007. Most importantly, strong showings NOW by candidates who DO have a backbone, and WILL stand up and fight, can send a powerful message to the rest that they better start shaping up or we will ship them out too. Make your donation today and it will have cascading positive effects in many other races for months to come.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved
The last time Congress held any hearings on gas prices they didn't even put the oil company executives under oath. Those executives didn't even have perjury hanging over their heads. You can insist on a simple thing like this and bring real truth to light on a topic that is hurting every American.
Join in our quest to insist that your elected Representatives in Congress, both House and Senate, call for bi-partisan hearings immediately, place the executives of these companies under oath and find out how they can be reporting record profits and we can be expected to accept $3.00+ gallon gasoline. We can let the politicians know they are going to hold the Oil Industry accountable, or we’re going to hold the politicians accountable.
Imagine, in even some parts of Alabama, gasoline is now running $3.00 a gallon or more. In California, it can be found nearly $3.75 a gallon. Enough is enough.
Why is it that the petroleum companies peg the price of gasoline based on the worldwide spot market, when they are producing it via their own offshore platforms. Hmm -- no OPEC price controls there?
Why don't the petroleum companies put some of their moth-balled refineries into production? Hmm -- can't say there is a shortage of production facilities.
Where are the tangible benefits of tax-break incentives offered to investors in homeland related oil production that could be offered to the American taxpayer? Hmm -- is anyone awake at the helm?
This alert is brought to you by the activism of Stacey Tallitsch, candidate for U.S House from the 1st Congressional District of Louisiana. Fighting for the rights of all Americans is why Stacey is running for Congress, and he's not waiting until the election to start fighting for Louisiana and the rest of America.
When we talk about taking back Congress, that is what we will have to do, TAKE IT. Nobody is going give us anything we won't give to ourselves. And when we donate to a candidate like Stacey Tallitsch who is showing just the kind of leadership we need, we can make an example of him, and show other candidates that if they show real backbone they will get the support of the people too.
We NEED candidates like Stacey Tallitsch to champion the issues that are important to us. Stacey needs your help to get his message out, to get YOUR message out, by putting on radio spots calling yet more people to action Please make a contribution today to send Stacey to Congress and fight for you on the issues you care about.
How many times have you felt helpless and wished you could influence the votes of representatives in other districts to prevail on a critical vote in Congress, but thought you could not do so effectively because you were not one of their own constituents? How much more would you support Stacey if you do live in his district?
Here we have a courageous candidate who will fight for all the issues you care about, if only he is given the chance to make the run. Please donate whatever you can to help Stacey get on the radio to recruit and mobilize even more people to speak out so we can have a real impact on these policy decisions now and for the future. What would you give to have a whole legislature of people like Stacey Tallitsch? Won't you give him your support now to make that a reality?
We have been valiantly speaking out with action alerts based on one fundamental premise --- either our representatives in Congress would listen to and heed the voices of their people --- or else we would work to replace them in the next election.
The time for the replacement action is NOW.
If each of us will just contribute what we can, to the most worthy candidates we can find, it will make a real difference in the kind of Congress we will all have to deal with in 2007. Most importantly, strong showings NOW by candidates who DO have a backbone, and WILL stand up and fight, can send a powerful message to the rest that they better start shaping up or we will ship them out too. Make your donation today and it will have cascading positive effects in many other races for months to come.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved
rudkla - 6. Mai, 09:57