Wake up, "progressive" Democrats: the elections will be rigged
Even if a significant number of "good guys" come out "winners", don't make the political mistake of assuming the elections weren't rigged for that outcome. With the repeating nightmare scenario fully in-place as outlined in the NY Times piece below, add the lack of qualitative sustained effort by mainstream (local, state & federal) Democrats to address the illegal elections procedures practiced unchallenged in thousands of US counties, we must assume the outcomes of hotly contested Congressional districts will be rigged. The questions that will need to be answered are what are the specific policy interests of those who have allowed election rigging systems and procedures to remain in place? To put it simply, with the glaring acquiescence of the Democrats to election rigging and to virtually all of the foreign and domestic policy goals during the last three Presidential administrations, is it wise to assume the mainstream Democrats would 'allow' a victory by a REAL opponent of these goals? Maybe the prerequisite question that needs to be asked is, do "progressive" Democrats really understand what these goals are?
Jon Markowitz -Los Angeles
New Fears of Security Risks in Electronic Voting Systems
Jon Markowitz -Los Angeles
New Fears of Security Risks in Electronic Voting Systems
rudkla - 13. Mai, 10:34