The Big Brother on Capitol Hill
National Review
by Andrew C. McCarthy
Getting elected to Congress is hard work. It is rivaled only by every incumbent's dearest preoccupation: remaining in congress. It takes untold hours of dedicated labor by highly motivated staffs and party organizations. It takes the expertise of outside experts. It takes meticulous research into the predilections of likely voters. And, most of all, it takes money. Lots of money. In modern American politics, that requires a fair amount of data mining -- the very same bane of our existence that currently has the usual suspects in Congress posturing about whether President Bush should merely be impeached or drawn-and-quartered at high noon...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Andrew C. McCarthy
Getting elected to Congress is hard work. It is rivaled only by every incumbent's dearest preoccupation: remaining in congress. It takes untold hours of dedicated labor by highly motivated staffs and party organizations. It takes the expertise of outside experts. It takes meticulous research into the predilections of likely voters. And, most of all, it takes money. Lots of money. In modern American politics, that requires a fair amount of data mining -- the very same bane of our existence that currently has the usual suspects in Congress posturing about whether President Bush should merely be impeached or drawn-and-quartered at high noon...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 15. Mai, 18:40