Stop the Corruption, Support Clean Elections
It's time to end the era of influence peddling, "pay-to-play" politics in Washington, D.C.
By enacting a system of full public financing for elections, we can sever the cord between politicians and the big-money interests and their lobbyists who fund campaigns.
Let's support the Clean Money, Clean Elections Act (HR 3099), introduced by Reps. John Tierney (D-MA) and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ).
Bob Fertik
Our political system is broken. The officials we elect to represent us spend their time chasing big campaign checks and using their votes to do political favors for big-money special interests and lobbyists instead.
It's time to do something about it -- and we can.
By enacting a system of public financing for elections we can cut the ties between politicians and the big-money special interests and lobbyists who currently fund their campaigns. It's called Clean Elections, and it's already working in seven states and two cities across the country.
Click here now to tell Congress to enact real campaign reform by passing the Clean Money, Clean Elections Act.
Under Clean Elections, qualified candidates who agree to forgo all private contributions and follow strict spending limits receive public financing for their campaigns, freeing them from having to chase campaign donations from big money special interests and lobbyists.
It's a system that's proven to work. Clean Elections has been in place in Arizona since 2000 and has already reshaped the state's politics. Ten out of 11 statewide officials in Arizona - including Gov. Janet Napolitano - ran and won "clean" by accepting public financing.
Under a Clean Elections program, voters can go to the polls knowing that candidates will answer to them, not big-money, special-interest contributors.
It's time to expand Clean Elections nationwide! Click here to tell Congress to pass Clean Elections today!
Once you've taken action, will you please forward this message to five of your friends and ask them to join you in standing up for Clean Elections?
Thank you for helping empower voters to elect officials who are NOT bought and paid for by big-money special interests.
Nick Nyhart
Executive Director Public Campaign
Paid for by Public Campaign
1320 19th St, NW Suite #M-1 | Washington, DC 20036
By enacting a system of full public financing for elections, we can sever the cord between politicians and the big-money interests and their lobbyists who fund campaigns.
Let's support the Clean Money, Clean Elections Act (HR 3099), introduced by Reps. John Tierney (D-MA) and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ).
Bob Fertik
Our political system is broken. The officials we elect to represent us spend their time chasing big campaign checks and using their votes to do political favors for big-money special interests and lobbyists instead.
It's time to do something about it -- and we can.
By enacting a system of public financing for elections we can cut the ties between politicians and the big-money special interests and lobbyists who currently fund their campaigns. It's called Clean Elections, and it's already working in seven states and two cities across the country.
Click here now to tell Congress to enact real campaign reform by passing the Clean Money, Clean Elections Act.
Under Clean Elections, qualified candidates who agree to forgo all private contributions and follow strict spending limits receive public financing for their campaigns, freeing them from having to chase campaign donations from big money special interests and lobbyists.
It's a system that's proven to work. Clean Elections has been in place in Arizona since 2000 and has already reshaped the state's politics. Ten out of 11 statewide officials in Arizona - including Gov. Janet Napolitano - ran and won "clean" by accepting public financing.
Under a Clean Elections program, voters can go to the polls knowing that candidates will answer to them, not big-money, special-interest contributors.
It's time to expand Clean Elections nationwide! Click here to tell Congress to pass Clean Elections today!
Once you've taken action, will you please forward this message to five of your friends and ask them to join you in standing up for Clean Elections?
Thank you for helping empower voters to elect officials who are NOT bought and paid for by big-money special interests.
Nick Nyhart
Executive Director Public Campaign
Paid for by Public Campaign
1320 19th St, NW Suite #M-1 | Washington, DC 20036
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