Haditha: inquiry points to atrocity by marines
By Thom Shanker, Eric Schmitt and Richard A. Oppel Jr.
A military investigation into the deaths of two dozen Iraqis last November is expected to find that a small number of marines in western Iraq carried out extensive, unprovoked killing of civilians, according to congressional, military and Pentagon officials.
How US Marines Massacred 24
Sarah Baxter, Washington
Hala Jaber and Ali Rifat, Baghdad
The killings are emerging as the worst known American atrocity of the Iraq war. At least seven women and three children were among those killed. Witness accounts obtained by The Sunday Times suggest the toll of children may be as high as six. “This one is ugly,” a US military official said.
The Few, The Proud, The Murderers
By Pierre Tristam
Of course the first line of defense, for those craven enough to defend atrocities just because Americans commit them, is to say that Iraqis do worse.
Haditha: the worst US atrocity since Vietnam …
Iraqi women and children massacred by American marines. How did it happen?
CIVILIANS who spent time at the Haditha Dam base of the Third Battalion of the First Marines describe the place as something out of Apocalypse Now or Lord Of The Flies. It was “feral” one said. Soldiers didn’t wash. They had abandoned regulation billets and had built make-shift, primitive huts bearing skull-and-crossbone signs.
A military investigation into the deaths of two dozen Iraqis last November is expected to find that a small number of marines in western Iraq carried out extensive, unprovoked killing of civilians, according to congressional, military and Pentagon officials.
How US Marines Massacred 24
Sarah Baxter, Washington
Hala Jaber and Ali Rifat, Baghdad
The killings are emerging as the worst known American atrocity of the Iraq war. At least seven women and three children were among those killed. Witness accounts obtained by The Sunday Times suggest the toll of children may be as high as six. “This one is ugly,” a US military official said.
The Few, The Proud, The Murderers
By Pierre Tristam
Of course the first line of defense, for those craven enough to defend atrocities just because Americans commit them, is to say that Iraqis do worse.
Haditha: the worst US atrocity since Vietnam …
Iraqi women and children massacred by American marines. How did it happen?
CIVILIANS who spent time at the Haditha Dam base of the Third Battalion of the First Marines describe the place as something out of Apocalypse Now or Lord Of The Flies. It was “feral” one said. Soldiers didn’t wash. They had abandoned regulation billets and had built make-shift, primitive huts bearing skull-and-crossbone signs.
rudkla - 27. Mai, 13:45