US Braced for Scandal: Marines Accused in Haditha Massacre
The US military is bracing for a major scandal over the alleged slaying of Iraqi civilians by Marines in Haditha -- charges so serious they could threaten President Bush's effort to rally support at home for an increasingly unpopular war.
Don't Become Them
Maureen Dowd refers to the massacre at Haditha as "A My Lai acid flashback." She finds irony in "The force that sacked Saddam to stop him from killing innocents is now accused of killing innocents."
Don't Become Them
Maureen Dowd refers to the massacre at Haditha as "A My Lai acid flashback." She finds irony in "The force that sacked Saddam to stop him from killing innocents is now accused of killing innocents."
rudkla - 29. Mai, 13:46