No more centralized government databases
Free Market News Network
by Jim Babka
[W]e were told that federalizing airline security would make us all safer, but avenues for terrorist attack on airplanes remain wide open, while everyone in America suffers through cumbersome airport security measures that are worse than useless. We would have been much better off if government had gotten out of the business entirely, and left the airlines to compete with a hundred different, DECENTRALIZED, approaches to airline security. But the beat goes on ... We are now told that massive, centralized databases, like REAL ID and NAIS, the National Animal Identification System, will make us all safer. But the truth is that a fool and his identity are soon parted. Whenever you centralize anything, especially in the hands of government, you create conditions for massive failures that harm everyone...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Jim Babka
[W]e were told that federalizing airline security would make us all safer, but avenues for terrorist attack on airplanes remain wide open, while everyone in America suffers through cumbersome airport security measures that are worse than useless. We would have been much better off if government had gotten out of the business entirely, and left the airlines to compete with a hundred different, DECENTRALIZED, approaches to airline security. But the beat goes on ... We are now told that massive, centralized databases, like REAL ID and NAIS, the National Animal Identification System, will make us all safer. But the truth is that a fool and his identity are soon parted. Whenever you centralize anything, especially in the hands of government, you create conditions for massive failures that harm everyone...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 6. Jun, 16:50