"Thank and Spank" Action for Schiff-Inslee Amendment on NSA Spying
Please take the time to Thank or, if necessary, Spank your Representative for their June 20 vote on the Schiff-Inslee amendment to force NSA compliance with FISA (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act). With your help, we nearly denied funds to the NSA for any domestic surveillance that is not in compliance with FISA. The vote total was 207 in favor, 219 opposed.
Here's how your Representative voted: https://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/12649
Here's a faxable Spine letter to THANK: https://www.backbonecampaign.org/media/Spine_Inslee_NSA.pdf
Here's a faxable Spineless Citation to SPANK: https://www.backbonecampaign.org/media/Citation_Inslee_NSA.pdf
Here are fax numbers and addresses:
Informant: ranger116
Here's how your Representative voted: https://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/12649
Here's a faxable Spine letter to THANK: https://www.backbonecampaign.org/media/Spine_Inslee_NSA.pdf
Here's a faxable Spineless Citation to SPANK: https://www.backbonecampaign.org/media/Citation_Inslee_NSA.pdf
Here are fax numbers and addresses:
Informant: ranger116
rudkla - 3. Jul, 11:14