Sign petition to keep wilderness free from war on wildlife
I just received this to my email. If you haven't signed it, I urge you to sign it today. Thanks for supporting the cause. If you have already signed, please disregard it.
Sign petition to keep wilderness free from war on wildlife(DUE 8/7/06)
In June 2006, the U.S. Forest Service proposed a rule with sweeping changes that dramatically increase the conditions under which predators may be killed in federally designated wilderness areas and on Forest Service research natural areas.
It would allow previously banned cyanide guns, predator control by interested individuals rather than a federal agency and increased motorized access for hunting in wilderness areas.
The deadline for public comments is August 7, please sign the petition today!
Sign petition to keep wilderness free from war on wildlife(DUE 8/7/06)
In June 2006, the U.S. Forest Service proposed a rule with sweeping changes that dramatically increase the conditions under which predators may be killed in federally designated wilderness areas and on Forest Service research natural areas.
It would allow previously banned cyanide guns, predator control by interested individuals rather than a federal agency and increased motorized access for hunting in wilderness areas.
The deadline for public comments is August 7, please sign the petition today!
rudkla - 4. Aug, 08:26