Help us Save America's Wolves; end the aerial gunning of wolves in Alaska!

How many of our wolves have to die before President Bush will do something about it?

Hundreds of wolves have already been killed in Alaska, shot to death by state-licensed gunmen in low-flying aircraft or chased to exhaustion by the planes then shot at point-blank range.

Help us stop this killing -- demand that the Bush administration put an end to this brutal practice by enforcing the Federal Airborne Hunting Act that is supposed to protect these majestic animals.

Help end the aerial gunning of wolves in Alaska – sign the petition to demand that Bush enforce the law!

Bush’s Inaction = Dead Wolves

Hundreds of Alaska’s wolves have already been killed by gunmen in low-flying planes. Please help us stop the massacre--Urge the Bush administration to put an end to aerial gunning before more wolves are killed.

Click here to sign the petition.

Help us reach 100,000 signatures in the next thirty days.

Easy targets against fallen snow, Alaskan gray wolves are gunned down from airplanes carrying state-licensed marksmen. The gunners can target entire packs -- even pregnant mothers!

Aerial gunners have killed more than 550 wolves over the past three winters and hundreds more wolves could be killed under "management" plans approved by the Alaska Board of Game in May.

That's not wolf management. It's a wolf massacre.

Defenders of Wildlife has launched an all-out campaign to end this brutal practice. We need to collect 100,000 signatures in the next 30 days, and we need your help to do it.

Urge the Bush Administration to enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act, an existing federal law that could put an end to the killing.

Despite the fact that wolves help keep moose and caribou populations healthy and are an important part of Alaska’s billion-dollar tourism industry, the state continues to allow aerial gunning.

In fact, the Board of Game's new proposals would expand the kill zones where aerial gunning is permitted and allow gunners on snow machines to harass and kill wolves.

Please sign our petition to the Bush administration to help protect our wolves from aerial gunning in Alaska.

Once you’ve added your signature, please forward this message to your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers and ask them to join you in protecting these magnificent animals.

Thanks so much for your help,

Rodger Schlickeisen
President, Defenders of Wildlife

From EarthForceUnited


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August 2006


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 12. Jun, 05:44


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