Terrorism? So Many Volunteering For Suicide, For What?
by Dorothy Seese
I have observed that when all eyes are drawn to the concourses of airports, it is well to look down the halls of leadership's house and find out which are the war rooms. What is going on while we're distracted? If, IF the media would focus on some of those things about to come to pass, we might find out more about why we're having our attention riveted on a non-event....
I have observed that when all eyes are drawn to the concourses of airports, it is well to look down the halls of leadership's house and find out which are the war rooms. What is going on while we're distracted? If, IF the media would focus on some of those things about to come to pass, we might find out more about why we're having our attention riveted on a non-event....
rudkla - 11. Aug, 23:24