Iraq War Vets' Support for Lt. Watada Growing
"Geoffrey Millard is a sergeant in the Army National Guard and has no problem speaking publicly or supporting Lieutenant Watada," writes Sarah Olson. "He says GI resistance is a growing trend. 'American GIs are beginning to respect the Nuremberg principles. They are resisting orders; they are going to jail, going to Canada, and going AWOL. And they're talking about why they're doing it.'"
A message from BMutiny
[From Doris N.]
Imagine peace! Support the troops, bring them home! Protect civilians and all people, all living beings, stop the war!
If you think these are interesting and vital issues you might want to check these articles submitted today here:
or browse the News Network! Lt Watada's is the voice that one expects from the country with the constitution that has been a model for all democracies in the world, as far as I know! Tomorrow, he will be tried for respecting his oath to defend that very constitution...
All the best wishes, peace, love and understanding!
Greetings, Doris
Comment on my blog on Lt. Ehren Watada -- his position clarified
This may need clarification: Lt. Ehren Watada is IN NO SENSE A "CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR". That is a valid position to have; but it is NOT the position of Lt. Watada, and has NOTHING to do with the stance he has taken. Lt. Watada, unlike a Conscientious Objector, has NOT taken a religious or philosophical stance against War in general. At least, not in this instance. HE IS, RATHER, REFUSING AS AN OFFICER AND AS A SOLDIER, TO OBEY ILLEGAL ORDERS -- which is the DUTY of EVERY SINGLE OFFICER AND SOLDIER. HE IS NOT MAKING AN EXCEPTION OF HIMSELF OR ASKING FOR SPECIAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF HIS "PHILOSOPHY". Rather, Lt. Watada is REFUSING TO LEAD MEN IN BATTLE OR INTO HARM'S WAY, AS AN OFFICER IN A COMMAND POSITION, because THE ORDERS ARE ILLEGAL; THE WAR IS ILLEGAL. If the war were a "just war" such as WWII is regarded to be, then Lt. Watada might have no problem with it.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO MAKE THIS DISTINCTION. Lt. Watada's case APPLIES TO EVERY SINGLE SOLDIER, no matter their philosophy, religion, or personal beliefs of any kind. AN ILLEGAL ORDER IS ALWAYS AND FOREVER AN ILLEGAL ORDER, no matter what your beliefs or feelings. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL for EVERYONE. Lt. Watada is HOLDING HIMSELF ACCOUNTABLE -- as should we ALL.
A message from BMutiny
[From Doris N.]
Imagine peace! Support the troops, bring them home! Protect civilians and all people, all living beings, stop the war!
If you think these are interesting and vital issues you might want to check these articles submitted today here:
or browse the News Network! Lt Watada's is the voice that one expects from the country with the constitution that has been a model for all democracies in the world, as far as I know! Tomorrow, he will be tried for respecting his oath to defend that very constitution...
All the best wishes, peace, love and understanding!
Greetings, Doris
Comment on my blog on Lt. Ehren Watada -- his position clarified
This may need clarification: Lt. Ehren Watada is IN NO SENSE A "CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR". That is a valid position to have; but it is NOT the position of Lt. Watada, and has NOTHING to do with the stance he has taken. Lt. Watada, unlike a Conscientious Objector, has NOT taken a religious or philosophical stance against War in general. At least, not in this instance. HE IS, RATHER, REFUSING AS AN OFFICER AND AS A SOLDIER, TO OBEY ILLEGAL ORDERS -- which is the DUTY of EVERY SINGLE OFFICER AND SOLDIER. HE IS NOT MAKING AN EXCEPTION OF HIMSELF OR ASKING FOR SPECIAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF HIS "PHILOSOPHY". Rather, Lt. Watada is REFUSING TO LEAD MEN IN BATTLE OR INTO HARM'S WAY, AS AN OFFICER IN A COMMAND POSITION, because THE ORDERS ARE ILLEGAL; THE WAR IS ILLEGAL. If the war were a "just war" such as WWII is regarded to be, then Lt. Watada might have no problem with it.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO MAKE THIS DISTINCTION. Lt. Watada's case APPLIES TO EVERY SINGLE SOLDIER, no matter their philosophy, religion, or personal beliefs of any kind. AN ILLEGAL ORDER IS ALWAYS AND FOREVER AN ILLEGAL ORDER, no matter what your beliefs or feelings. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL for EVERYONE. Lt. Watada is HOLDING HIMSELF ACCOUNTABLE -- as should we ALL.
rudkla - 16. Aug, 22:54