Dem Candidate Has GUTS To Run Ad DCCC Pulled
Today OPED NEWS, the premier digest of progressive opinion and news, is featuring the controversial new TV spot of Charles Sanders, running in the Special Democratic Congressional primary in the 3rd district of Ohio on FRIDAY, September 15th.
When a courageous candidate like Charles Sanders stands up to directly confront the Bush administration on their Iraq lies, with no backing down and no apologies, shall we do everything we can to support and stand with him or shall we not?
Most of all Charles needs a hundred more people today to help him make phone calls to his constituents, to get the word out that there is someone in their district who is fighting for them. All you have to do is set a password for yourself (or use your existing Blades of Grass password) and you can be helping out with this valiant campaign right now
You can also make a donation (if you have not done so already) to encourage Charles to run as many of these "call to action" TV spots as possible.
And be sure to check out all these other insightful opinion pieces on Oped News, with some of the most informed and insightful commentators in the country.
Traitors and Heroes/Traitors as Heroes This is the beginning of a series of articles and conversations about traitors-- to the US, the constitution, humanity, freedom, democracy... It will explore who they are, who they treasonously betray for and what they get in return. You're invited to join the conversation.
Sistani Led His Followers to Elect Iraq's New Regime. Today He Walked Away The Independent is reporting that Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has "abandoned attempts to restrain his followers" and no longer believes he can stand in the way of the growing civil war.
Many High Bush Officials Broke Laws Against Torture More than 20 high officials in the Bush Administration bear responsibility for the radical change allowing U.S. military jailers and CIA agents to torture prisoners. Former President Bill Clinton and several of his CIA aides also bear responsibility.
First Time Released Documents Expose Subservient Congress These letters show that oversight of Special Access Programs (SAPs) at the Department of Defense is nonexistent because no one in congress has a high enough security clearance.
Book Review, of Thom Hartmann's SCREWED Hartmann has hit another grand slam homerun with his newest book, Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class -- And What We Can Do About It
Learning from Hezbollah It is ultimately acts of generosity and support that win in people's hearts and minds. The United States and Israel have failed to implement this key truth in Iraq and Lebanon.
US Army Contemplates Redrawing Middle East Map to Stave-off Looming Global Meltdown The US Army is exploring plans to reconfigure national borders across the Middle East, just as a high-level US source warns of imminent convering global crises.
Heil Me! An Open Letter From Donald Rumsfeld Clarifying Rumsfeld Remarks
Fighting Burnout: An Activist's Lament While I'm not exactly equating my activism with the travails of unexpected twins, there is a certain resemblance. Getting so tired that I can't put sentences together, feeling overwhelmed, having so much to do without the confidence that it's even physically possible to do it all. Actually, the more I think about it, it really is very similar.
Who Most Threatens America? If the Bush regime is at war with those they hold responsible for the collapse of the World Trade Towers, then it is truly a stealth war. Bush never mentions bin-Laden's name anymore, even though he began his 'hunt' in 2001 demanding his apprehension, "dead or alive."
14 Characteristics Of Fascism / We Have Them All With the four horseman of hubris (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Bush) in full gallop, shouting their war cry of 'Islamic fascism' and systematically misquoting and demonizing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ~ it's time for America to review the 14 characteristics of fascism and, in the process, face our own growing neocon fascist state.
From The Pen
When a courageous candidate like Charles Sanders stands up to directly confront the Bush administration on their Iraq lies, with no backing down and no apologies, shall we do everything we can to support and stand with him or shall we not?
Most of all Charles needs a hundred more people today to help him make phone calls to his constituents, to get the word out that there is someone in their district who is fighting for them. All you have to do is set a password for yourself (or use your existing Blades of Grass password) and you can be helping out with this valiant campaign right now
You can also make a donation (if you have not done so already) to encourage Charles to run as many of these "call to action" TV spots as possible.
And be sure to check out all these other insightful opinion pieces on Oped News, with some of the most informed and insightful commentators in the country.
Traitors and Heroes/Traitors as Heroes This is the beginning of a series of articles and conversations about traitors-- to the US, the constitution, humanity, freedom, democracy... It will explore who they are, who they treasonously betray for and what they get in return. You're invited to join the conversation.
Sistani Led His Followers to Elect Iraq's New Regime. Today He Walked Away The Independent is reporting that Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has "abandoned attempts to restrain his followers" and no longer believes he can stand in the way of the growing civil war.
Many High Bush Officials Broke Laws Against Torture More than 20 high officials in the Bush Administration bear responsibility for the radical change allowing U.S. military jailers and CIA agents to torture prisoners. Former President Bill Clinton and several of his CIA aides also bear responsibility.
First Time Released Documents Expose Subservient Congress These letters show that oversight of Special Access Programs (SAPs) at the Department of Defense is nonexistent because no one in congress has a high enough security clearance.
Book Review, of Thom Hartmann's SCREWED Hartmann has hit another grand slam homerun with his newest book, Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class -- And What We Can Do About It
Learning from Hezbollah It is ultimately acts of generosity and support that win in people's hearts and minds. The United States and Israel have failed to implement this key truth in Iraq and Lebanon.
US Army Contemplates Redrawing Middle East Map to Stave-off Looming Global Meltdown The US Army is exploring plans to reconfigure national borders across the Middle East, just as a high-level US source warns of imminent convering global crises.
Heil Me! An Open Letter From Donald Rumsfeld Clarifying Rumsfeld Remarks
Fighting Burnout: An Activist's Lament While I'm not exactly equating my activism with the travails of unexpected twins, there is a certain resemblance. Getting so tired that I can't put sentences together, feeling overwhelmed, having so much to do without the confidence that it's even physically possible to do it all. Actually, the more I think about it, it really is very similar.
Who Most Threatens America? If the Bush regime is at war with those they hold responsible for the collapse of the World Trade Towers, then it is truly a stealth war. Bush never mentions bin-Laden's name anymore, even though he began his 'hunt' in 2001 demanding his apprehension, "dead or alive."
14 Characteristics Of Fascism / We Have Them All With the four horseman of hubris (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Bush) in full gallop, shouting their war cry of 'Islamic fascism' and systematically misquoting and demonizing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ~ it's time for America to review the 14 characteristics of fascism and, in the process, face our own growing neocon fascist state.
From The Pen
rudkla - 4. Sep, 11:55