Protecting Our Torturers
"A torturing nation uses fear, persuasion, and propaganda to secure the assent to torture from society in general and from members of its legal, academic, journalistic, and medical professions." -- Steven Miles, M.D.
Bad Faith and Distortions From the American Psychological Association
By Stephen Soldz
Those psychologists and citizens of goodwill who don’t believe in torture as public policy should cry out with one voice at such indifference to human barbarity. If we fail to act we cannot claim, as did so many Germans, "We didn’t know!"
Bad Faith and Distortions From the American Psychological Association
By Stephen Soldz
Those psychologists and citizens of goodwill who don’t believe in torture as public policy should cry out with one voice at such indifference to human barbarity. If we fail to act we cannot claim, as did so many Germans, "We didn’t know!"
rudkla - 8. Sep, 09:53