The greatest challenge we, as a species, face right now is to create a way of life based on the energy flow of sunlight
The Good News Is Local
Kelpie Wilson interviews Jason Bradford, who has initiated a community organizing effort in Willits, California, called Willits Economic LocaLization (WELL). "The greatest challenge we, as a species, face right now is to create a way of life based on the energy flow of sunlight, not fossil or nuclear energy, to do so without destroying our soils, and to enroll others in this transition. We are under no illusion that Willits can tackle this alone, but hope that Willits can be an inspiration to others. If we can do it here, it is possible elsewhere."
Kelpie Wilson interviews Jason Bradford, who has initiated a community organizing effort in Willits, California, called Willits Economic LocaLization (WELL). "The greatest challenge we, as a species, face right now is to create a way of life based on the energy flow of sunlight, not fossil or nuclear energy, to do so without destroying our soils, and to enroll others in this transition. We are under no illusion that Willits can tackle this alone, but hope that Willits can be an inspiration to others. If we can do it here, it is possible elsewhere."
rudkla - 13. Sep, 22:47