Urgent: Pass the Emergency Paper Ballot Mandate of 2006!
In primaries in Ohio, Maryland, California and numerous states across this nation, Electronic Voting Machines have caused serious problems at the polls, resulting in long lines, voters turned way from their polling places, and uncounted or miscounted votes. We must act now to ensure that every eligible voter can cast a ballot that counts on November 7.
Because our representatives in Washington are not addressing this threat to our democracy, netroots activists have drafted the Let America Vote Act: Emergency Paper Ballot Mandate of 2006.
This simple piece of proposed legislation mandates every voting jursidiction make available emergency paper ballots for the November 7, 2006 general election. These paper ballots will not be provisional ballots but regular ballots. They can be used by any voter who requests one - and will be used by every voter in the event of voting machine failure. These emergency paper ballot votes must be counted immediately upon the close of polls.
Congress will finish all pre-election work on Friday. Write your Representatives today!
Bob Fertik
Because our representatives in Washington are not addressing this threat to our democracy, netroots activists have drafted the Let America Vote Act: Emergency Paper Ballot Mandate of 2006.
This simple piece of proposed legislation mandates every voting jursidiction make available emergency paper ballots for the November 7, 2006 general election. These paper ballots will not be provisional ballots but regular ballots. They can be used by any voter who requests one - and will be used by every voter in the event of voting machine failure. These emergency paper ballot votes must be counted immediately upon the close of polls.
Congress will finish all pre-election work on Friday. Write your Representatives today!
Bob Fertik
rudkla - 26. Sep, 12:59