Hyping mobile phones for children
Have just sent the following to The Argus
The recent Argus article (October 4th) hyping mobile phones for children reported outdated advice by Sir William Stewart of the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) on the subject.
The NRPB has been superceded by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in regulating the health effects of mobile phones and the vast range of other microwave devices on the market.
The article failed to disclose recent announcements - as published in the London Evening Standard on September 19th - by Dr Jill Meara of the HPA, who said: "If there are risks - and we think that there could be - then the people who are going to be most affected are children," and "We will not know for several years what the real risks of mobile phones are."
Pakistan, Poland and Austria long ago banned children under 16 from using mobiles due to health concerns and the UK Government officially recommends they only use them in emergencies.
From 1993, in America for six years, the Communications Industry employed 200 research doctors – at a cost of $28.5 million – to study the safety of their microwave systems. In all, 15 epidemiological studies were carried out.They showed increased tumours, genetic damage, a greater risk to children, and damage to the blood-brain barrier; The research scientist leading these studies has predicted 30,000-50,000 cancers worldwide this year alone - of just one type of cancer.
This is the industry's own research.
The safety level set by our Government for masts, which emit identical microwave radiation to phones, is for short-term heating effects only, and is incorrectly relied upon by decision-makers for planning applications for masts. Both the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety and the US Environmental Protection Agency agree on this. It is invalid for communities living near masts.
Cell phones? Hell phones!
The recent Argus article (October 4th) hyping mobile phones for children reported outdated advice by Sir William Stewart of the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) on the subject.
The NRPB has been superceded by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in regulating the health effects of mobile phones and the vast range of other microwave devices on the market.
The article failed to disclose recent announcements - as published in the London Evening Standard on September 19th - by Dr Jill Meara of the HPA, who said: "If there are risks - and we think that there could be - then the people who are going to be most affected are children," and "We will not know for several years what the real risks of mobile phones are."
Pakistan, Poland and Austria long ago banned children under 16 from using mobiles due to health concerns and the UK Government officially recommends they only use them in emergencies.
From 1993, in America for six years, the Communications Industry employed 200 research doctors – at a cost of $28.5 million – to study the safety of their microwave systems. In all, 15 epidemiological studies were carried out.They showed increased tumours, genetic damage, a greater risk to children, and damage to the blood-brain barrier; The research scientist leading these studies has predicted 30,000-50,000 cancers worldwide this year alone - of just one type of cancer.
This is the industry's own research.
The safety level set by our Government for masts, which emit identical microwave radiation to phones, is for short-term heating effects only, and is incorrectly relied upon by decision-makers for planning applications for masts. Both the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety and the US Environmental Protection Agency agree on this. It is invalid for communities living near masts.
Cell phones? Hell phones!
rudkla - 6. Okt, 16:27