US Population Growth No Cause for Celebration
Lester Brown says that US population growth is "the ever expanding denominator that gives each person a shrinking share of the resource pie. It contributes to ... a growing dependence on imported oil, and other conditions that diminish the quality of our daily lives." Brown calls for a US population policy to stabilize our numbers.
The Common Denominator
By Emily Spence
Governmental and other world leaders are surprisingly silent when it comes to citing overpopulation as an ultimate cause of sweeping planetary destruction. In the same vein, they don't strive to find a workable solution.
The Common Denominator
By Emily Spence
Governmental and other world leaders are surprisingly silent when it comes to citing overpopulation as an ultimate cause of sweeping planetary destruction. In the same vein, they don't strive to find a workable solution.
rudkla - 7. Okt, 14:31