"Give Peace A Vote" Pledge
With an election looming, and always seeking to foster more cooperation among activist groups, the Peace Team at https://www.peaceteam.net brings you this message from CodePink, to join in signing their "Give Peace A Vote" Pledge.
https://www.givepeaceavote.org https://www.codepinkalert.org
A CODEPINK Message from Willie Nelson
I was at a concert this weekend in California to raise money for the National Veterans Foundation. I'm an Air Force veteran, and I have great respect for the military. I like to support the soldiers whenever I can. But I don't support this war in Iraq.
I was against the war before it started. I always thought it was a terrible decision, badly thought out, badly planned, and then horribly executed.
I want to see our troops come home right away, and so do most Americans. Unfortunately, too many politicians in both parties refuse to listen.
So when will the troops come home? When we won't put up with it anymore --- when we change our government. And how will we do that? By voting the b... out! On November 7, you should vote for anyone who's against the war and vote against anyone who's for the war. It's that simple.
When I wrote the song "Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth" at Christmastime in 2003, a lot of people were for the war, a lot of people didn't know the facts or the truth. But people are waking up now. They're learning that they were lied to about the war. They're feeling lied to about this Mark Foley scandal in terms of who knew what and when. They're questioning the leadership in this country.
And that gives us new possibilities for November 7th. If we all go out and vote for peace candidates and get our friends to vote, and if our votes are really counted, it's no contest. There'll be a change in the Congress, and then we'll just have to keep building so we can get a president who won't send our soldiers to fight a war based on lies.
We should have thrown the b... out years ago. Let's do it now! Please Give Peace A Vote and sign CODEPINK's petition by clicking on
https://www.givepeaceavote.org https://www.codepinkalert.org
Willie Nelson
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.
Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved
https://www.givepeaceavote.org https://www.codepinkalert.org
A CODEPINK Message from Willie Nelson
I was at a concert this weekend in California to raise money for the National Veterans Foundation. I'm an Air Force veteran, and I have great respect for the military. I like to support the soldiers whenever I can. But I don't support this war in Iraq.
I was against the war before it started. I always thought it was a terrible decision, badly thought out, badly planned, and then horribly executed.
I want to see our troops come home right away, and so do most Americans. Unfortunately, too many politicians in both parties refuse to listen.
So when will the troops come home? When we won't put up with it anymore --- when we change our government. And how will we do that? By voting the b... out! On November 7, you should vote for anyone who's against the war and vote against anyone who's for the war. It's that simple.
When I wrote the song "Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth" at Christmastime in 2003, a lot of people were for the war, a lot of people didn't know the facts or the truth. But people are waking up now. They're learning that they were lied to about the war. They're feeling lied to about this Mark Foley scandal in terms of who knew what and when. They're questioning the leadership in this country.
And that gives us new possibilities for November 7th. If we all go out and vote for peace candidates and get our friends to vote, and if our votes are really counted, it's no contest. There'll be a change in the Congress, and then we'll just have to keep building so we can get a president who won't send our soldiers to fight a war based on lies.
We should have thrown the b... out years ago. Let's do it now! Please Give Peace A Vote and sign CODEPINK's petition by clicking on
https://www.givepeaceavote.org https://www.codepinkalert.org
Willie Nelson
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.
Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved
rudkla - 31. Okt, 10:32