Walk for Change: January 3rd and 4th in Washington DC

Walk the halls of Congress with Gold Star Families for Peace, led by Cindy Sheehan. Let's tell the members of the 110th congress what is expected of them from Day 1: an immediate exit strategy from Iraq.
We will insist that all funding for the war stop immediately and money in the pipeline be spent to rebuild Iraq. We will insist that hearings begin immediately into Bushco's crimes against humanity and the lies he told to the American people. We will demand IMPEACHMENT.
Learn more, sign up, find a ride, find a room: https://tinyurl.com/y6zh5l
Sean Penn Demands Impeachment
Sean Penn received the 2006 Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award from The Creative Coalition on December 18, 2006, in New York City, and called for impeachment.
As we all know, Penn was absolutely right in opposing the war in Iraq before it began, and came under withering assault from FOX and the FOX-wannabees at NBC, CNN, CBS, and ABC. Will the TV networks make amends to Penn? Will he be interviewed about Iraq and impeachment by Tim Russert, George Stephanopoulos, Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Larry King, Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, and the rest of the talking heads? Let's ask them!
Here's an excerpt from Penn's speech:
"They tell us we lost 3,000 Americans on 9/11. Is that enough? We're about to match it. We're within weeks, if not less, of killing 3,000 Americans in Iraq. I ask Speaker Pelosi, can we put impeachment on the table then?"
More here: https://www.democrats.com/sean-penn-demands-impeachment
DVD of Camp Democracy Now Available
For the holidays this year, give your loved ones some TRUTH.
Camp Democracy lasted for 18 days this past fall; 18 days of workshops, press conferences, education, and actions. Some of the highlights have been captured in a 45-minute documentary. You and your friends and family can listen to the wisdom of Howard Zinn, Jeff Cohen, Elizabeth Holtzman, Col. Ann Wright, Ray McGovern, Iraq War vets, Iraq War resisters, Hurricane Katrina survivors, and many more.
Watch the Bush Crimes Commission verdict being delivered to the White House and hear a panel of experts lay out the case for impeachment. See Helga Aguayo tell the story of her husband's refusal to serve in Iraq. Camp Democracy can continue to educate and engage those newly awakened to the issues before us; those who were there can remember the lessons learned.
Purchase the DVD. They're $17 each. The cost of shipping and handling is included. https://www.campdemocracy.org/dvd
Save by Puchasing DVD Together With a Book
You can save money by ordering the Camp Democracy DVD together with "The Canary in the Coalmine" by Jesselyn Radack, a compelling and shocking new book recounting the struggle of a young Department of Justice lawyer to compel her superiors to obey the U.S. Constitution. Learn more about the book.
Purchase the book alone for $24.95, including shipping: https://www.campdemocracy.org/dvd
Or save $9.00 by purchasing the DVD and the book for $32.95, shipping included: https://www.campdemocracy.org/dvd
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rudkla - 20. Dez, 11:19