Barack Obama is more of the same: on just another warmonger
Informant: Lew Rockwell
Obama's Doubletalk
by Cliff Kincaid
Having said that he opposed the war in the first place, he now favors "a phased redeployment of American troops from Iraqi soil." But he doesn't provide any details. In fact, he voted against the Kerry amendment to require a redeployment of troops from Iraq. So he wants to have it both ways......
Informant: Lew Rockwell
Obama's Doubletalk
by Cliff Kincaid
Having said that he opposed the war in the first place, he now favors "a phased redeployment of American troops from Iraqi soil." But he doesn't provide any details. In fact, he voted against the Kerry amendment to require a redeployment of troops from Iraq. So he wants to have it both ways......
rudkla - 20. Dez, 16:42