UK: Reid to face legal fight over ID cards
Independent [UK]
John Reid faces the threat of legal action over the introduction of biometric ID cards after disclosing that foreigners living in Britain would have to start registering within two years. Campaigners warned that the proposals could be discriminatory and breach European human rights law. The Home Secretary also provoked anger when he announced that the identity register that will under-pin ID cards would be held on three existing Whitehall databases rather than built from scratch. Mr Reid set out the timetable for identity cards yesterday and insisted they would be an 'essential measure' in the fight against terrorism, organised crime and fraud...
Expensive and illiberal intrusion into our lives
Independent [UK]
by staff
The Government chose the last day before the parliamentary recess to publish its promised 'action plan' for the introduction of identity cards. And it came with one agreeable surprise. Plans for a huge national database have been shelved. The Home Office will make do with three databases they already have. This marks a welcome retreat from the technological gigantism that has marked so much government computerisation. In other respects, however, the 'action plan' confirms most of what we knew and feared. ... We believe ID cards will be an illiberal intrusion into our lives and create more problems than they will solve...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
John Reid faces the threat of legal action over the introduction of biometric ID cards after disclosing that foreigners living in Britain would have to start registering within two years. Campaigners warned that the proposals could be discriminatory and breach European human rights law. The Home Secretary also provoked anger when he announced that the identity register that will under-pin ID cards would be held on three existing Whitehall databases rather than built from scratch. Mr Reid set out the timetable for identity cards yesterday and insisted they would be an 'essential measure' in the fight against terrorism, organised crime and fraud...
Expensive and illiberal intrusion into our lives
Independent [UK]
by staff
The Government chose the last day before the parliamentary recess to publish its promised 'action plan' for the introduction of identity cards. And it came with one agreeable surprise. Plans for a huge national database have been shelved. The Home Office will make do with three databases they already have. This marks a welcome retreat from the technological gigantism that has marked so much government computerisation. In other respects, however, the 'action plan' confirms most of what we knew and feared. ... We believe ID cards will be an illiberal intrusion into our lives and create more problems than they will solve...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 20. Dez, 16:58