Why "surging troops" won't work
Free Market News Network
by Noel Gibeson
The notion of surging troops in the first place seems an act of desperation by both political dynasty parties in the United States; the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. George the II wants to surge troops to appease his conservative political base, while the Democrats want to do it to show that they are tough on national security issues (they are not) and to show the world that they 'tried everything.' Both these legacy parties want to increase the size of the Army and the Marine Corps to prepare for future quests overseas. Who will the United States invade next; Iran, Syria, or both. Having a larger army will lead to further adventurism in other countries. If the American People do not want this to happen, then they need to say so now. They must threaten to vote politicians of both parties out of office if those politicians dare to vote to increase the size of the Army and the Marine Corps...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Noel Gibeson
The notion of surging troops in the first place seems an act of desperation by both political dynasty parties in the United States; the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. George the II wants to surge troops to appease his conservative political base, while the Democrats want to do it to show that they are tough on national security issues (they are not) and to show the world that they 'tried everything.' Both these legacy parties want to increase the size of the Army and the Marine Corps to prepare for future quests overseas. Who will the United States invade next; Iran, Syria, or both. Having a larger army will lead to further adventurism in other countries. If the American People do not want this to happen, then they need to say so now. They must threaten to vote politicians of both parties out of office if those politicians dare to vote to increase the size of the Army and the Marine Corps...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 22. Dez, 15:54